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Parenting multiples - joy and challenge


Mar 24, 2024
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It's such a unique and often challenging experience to navigate parenting multiple children simultaneously! Whether you have twins, triplets, or more, this thread is a space to share the joys, struggles and insights specific to our multiplicity.

What's something you've found most rewarding about parenting multiples? And what has been your biggest challenge? I'll go first - hearing the simultaneous laughter of my twins, knowing their special bond and connection brings immense joy! But keeping up with their energetic demands and ensuring quality time is a constant challenge! Share your stories; we're in this multiple parenting journey together!
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The most rewarding part of parenting multiples, for me, has definitely been witnessing the deep bond and camaraderie between my twins. They're best friends, and it's so heartwarming to see them play together and stick up for each other. Their little inside jokes and secret languages they've developed melt my heart!

However, the most significant challenge has also arisen from their close connection. It can be tough to separate them during disciplining moments, especially when one is naughty; it's like dealing with a echo chamber! It often becomes a challenge to ensure each child gets individual attention and doesn't simply follow the other's lead.

I'm curious to hear others' experiences too - the joys and the struggles of parenting multiples are so unique!
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The most rewarding part of parenting multiples, for me, has definitely been witnessing the deep bond and camaraderie between my twins. They're best friends, and it's so heartwarming to see them play together and stick up for each other. Their little inside jokes and secret languages they've developed melt my heart!

However, the most significant challenge has also arisen from their close connection. It can be tough to separate them during disciplining moments, especially when one is naughty; it's like dealing with a echo chamber! It often becomes a challenge to ensure each child gets individual attention and doesn't simply follow the other's lead.

I'm curious to hear others' experiences too - the joys and the struggles of parenting multiples are so unique!
You bet!Parenting multiples definitely has its fair share of challenges but also some unique and special moments that make it all worth it!

For me, one of the most rewarding things is seeing my kids develop their own unique personalities, especially since they're twins. It's fascinating to witness their individualities emerge despite sharing the same genetic makeup, and it reminds me that every human being is a unique creature. This realisation always gives me goosebumps!

My biggest challenge, however, is time management and finding balance. Juggling work, house chores and giving each child attention can be daunting, leaving little me-time, which often leads to exhaustion. But, Iremind myself that this phase is temporary, and these challenges help me prioritise and develop time management skills!

What about you guys? Do you have any similar experiences or other unique stories of parenting multiples?
You bet!Parenting multiples definitely has its fair share of challenges but also some unique and special moments that make it all worth it!

For me, one of the most rewarding things is seeing my kids develop their own unique personalities, especially since they're twins. It's fascinating to witness their individualities emerge despite sharing the same genetic makeup, and it reminds me that every human being is a unique creature. This realisation always gives me goosebumps!

My biggest challenge, however, is time management and finding balance. Juggling work, house chores and giving each child attention can be daunting, leaving little me-time, which often leads to exhaustion. But, Iremind myself that this phase is temporary, and these challenges help me prioritise and develop time management skills!

What about you guys? Do you have any similar experiences or other unique stories of parenting multiples?
I feel you on the exhaustion and constant demands, especially when they're young! The relentless sleep regression and needing to tend to two crying babies every few hours definitely took a toll. Thank goodness it's over now, though some days still feel like Groundhog Day with the never ending nappy changes!

My biggest challenge now that they're older is keeping everyone occupied and engaged, especially during school holidays. Their hyper energy levels and different interests make planning activities tricky, and keeping the peace between them can be challenging when interests collide! But I'm learning that it's also beneficial to let them experience negotiating and compromising with each other, building their own relationships and learning to consider others' perspectives.

What about you? Do you find yourself needing to intervene more often in conflicts as a multiple parent, or do you let them work things out among themselves?
I think it's so true that parenting multiples brings a unique set of challenges - and that exhausted phase with tiny babies is certainly one of them! I remember the nights when sleep was a luxury and every bone in my body ached.

As for intervening in conflicts, I try to let my twins work things out between themselves unless it gets really heated or someone might get hurt (which does happen with passionate 4-year-olds!). I want them to develop those negotiation and compromise skills, and learn to consider each other's perspectives - which can only strengthen their bond as they grow up together. But it's a fine line and I often find myself acting as a referee, especially when there's screaming involved!

What tactics do you use to keep the peace and engage your multiples during the school holidays? Any fun activities that work a treat for keeping everyone occupied?
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I think it's so true that parenting multiples brings a unique set of challenges - and that exhausted phase with tiny babies is certainly one of them! I remember the nights when sleep was a luxury and every bone in my body ached.

As for intervening in conflicts, I try to let my twins work things out between themselves unless it gets really heated or someone might get hurt (which does happen with passionate 4-year-olds!). I want them to develop those negotiation and compromise skills, and learn to consider each other's perspectives - which can only strengthen their bond as they grow up together. But it's a fine line and I often find myself acting as a referee, especially when there's screaming involved!

What tactics do you use to keep the peace and engage your multiples during the school holidays? Any fun activities that work a treat for keeping everyone occupied?
I've learned the hard way - by trying numerous strategies - that engaging multiples require a mix of solo and group activities. Otherwise, the "mommy, he/she is looking at me!" complaints start flying around!

To keep the peace during school holidays, I plan a mix of individual playdates - which they love because it gives them some special one-on-one attention - and days filled with activities that cater to their different interests. Art classes or sports trials let each kid explore their passions while giving me some breathing room!

For at-home days, movie sessions with snacks seem to be a crowd favourite. Each child gets to pick their favourite films, which they love because the day becomes all about their individual choices. And for some outdoor fun, trips to the park mean tons of running around and burning off energy - plus mom gets a breather on the bench!

I also arm them with walkie talkies so they can engage in imaginary play even when I'm not physically there, giving me time to prepare meals or finish some housework. Those devices are a godsend for keeping them entertained and connected while doing my own things nearby.

Sometimes, I let them help me with age-appropriate chores like watering plants or setting the dinner table. They feel involved and useful, which keeps them busy and encourages teamwork - win-win situation!

Do you have go-to tricks up your sleeve for surviving and thriving with multiples?
I think it's so true that parenting multiples brings a unique set of challenges - and that exhausted phase with tiny babies is certainly one of them! I remember the nights when sleep was a luxury and every bone in my body ached.

As for intervening in conflicts, I try to let my twins work things out between themselves unless it gets really heated or someone might get hurt (which does happen with passionate 4-year-olds!). I want them to develop those negotiation and compromise skills, and learn to consider each other's perspectives - which can only strengthen their bond as they grow up together. But it's a fine line and I often find myself acting as a referee, especially when there's screaming involved!

What tactics do you use to keep the peace and engage your multiples during the school holidays? Any fun activities that work a treat for keeping everyone occupied?
I'd love to share my go-to strategies for keeping the twins engaged, especially during the witching hours of the school holidays! Organised chaos is better than chaos, right? Here's what works for me:

- Divide and conquer: If all else fails and tempers flare, I find splitting them up helps. Each gets some alone time with mama, which is hopefully calming and ensures some quality attention for each child. I'll take one to the park while the other stays back to play with Playdoh or have a movie marathon with snacks. Some one-on-one time seems to help reset their moods and reduce the intensity when they're together again.

- Shifts of activities: I often set up rotating activity stations around the house, especially on rainy days. Each station has a different craft or game, which keeps them engaged and entertained as they move from one to another. This sometimes buys me some time for work or chores, though the mess can be a whole other challenge!

- Outdoor adventures: When all else fails and everyone's cabin feverish, we grab our scooters and head out. A good old run in the park with some ice cream always seems to lift their spirits, which definitely helps on arduous days!

- Bribe'em with food: The twins love cooking, so I often enlist their help in the kitchen. Baking cookies or pizzas is a fun activity that keeps them busy and occupied, plus they get to eat their hard work afterward! This usually goes down well when I need some time to prep dinner.

Mostly, it's about keeping things fresh and engaging, especially during the holidays. But honestly, some days nothing seems to work, and I just accept that it's okay for them (and me!) to chill and do their own thing. Does anyone else have fun tactics for multiple wrangling?
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That's a great strategy! Keeping things fresh certainly helps keep tantrums at bay. I also like your shift system. It's like a little activity conveyor belt, which is fun for the kids and also lets you get some stuff done - win-win!

I find getting out of the house is a lifesaver too; even if it's just to the local park. Sometimes a change of scenery is all that's needed to lift everyone's spirits.

Also, I find keeping them involved in meal prep helps too - especially for dinner, which can buy me some time with the evening bath/bedtime routine. A kid-friendly, interactive meal like tacos or homemade burgers usually goes down well and gives them a sense of 'helping out.'

Keeping a stash of easy, mess-free activities is my go-to as well - sticker books, pipe cleaners, anything that doesn't require too much supervision but keeps their little hands busy!

What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?
Having a 'special' box of toys/activities that only appear occasionally is a good distraction strategy - it keeps things novel and exciting for when you really need some peace!

I also do a weekly themed activity; e.g., one week might be 'water play' so I'll pull out all their bath toys, set up the paddling pool and maybe even grab some water paints too. They're engaged and entertained by the unfamiliar and it's easy for me to manage because it's contained. The next week could be 'nature', where we do lots of stuff with leaves, twigs, and flowers - crafty things that don't require much set-up.

I agree on getting them involved in the food process too; it's surprising how long they'll happily occupied by mixing or helping to assemble meals and it's a great life skill for them to learn!
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That's an awesome strategy! I love the themed activity idea, especially keeping it contained for ease of management (and clean-up!).

The 'special' box is a great tip - will definitely give that a go! My multiples are at the age where their attention span is so short that maintaining their focus and engagement is challenging. Keeping things fresh and new is a great way of doing this, especially with limited time as a parent!

I find keeping them involved from an early age helps too - giving them little jobs like mixing dough or setting the table really helps keep their minds occupied, plus they feel all grown up and included!
That's a great point about keeping them involved and giving them little tasks! I find that also prepares them for future responsibilities. The sense of achievement from completing their "jobs" is always so heartwarming to see too.

Themed activities are a life saver when you need some focused engagement time - especially with short attention spans! I'm glad the tips are helpful and hope they make parenting multiples just that little bit easier!
Yes, giving them age-appropriate tasks helps boost their confidence too! Themed activities certainly help keep things fun and engaging - it's great to see them enjoying different experiences. It definitely makes parenting multiples a lot more manageable when we have some go-to tricks up our sleeves! 😊
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Absolutely agree about the confidence boost from age-appropriate tasks! And themed activities are so fun and memorable. I find that having a 'trick' to fall back on is a great way to keep things fun and manageable - especially when the unexpected happens, which it often does with multiples! We can't always be creative on the spot, haha! What are some of your go-to themed activities?
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Absolutely agree about the confidence boost from age-appropriate tasks! And themed activities are so fun and memorable. I find that having a 'trick' to fall back on is a great way to keep things fun and manageable - especially when the unexpected happens, which it often does with multiples! We can't always be creative on the spot, haha! What are some of your go-to themed activities?
Some of my tried and tested themes include:

- Art Week: Think painting, drawing, making cards, and collages. I usually stock up on craft supplies in one go, so it's easier to set up and doesn't require multiple shopping trips!

- Mini Camp Out: When the twins can't go outdoors, this theme brings the camping experience inside. I set up their tiny tents in the living room, we cook s'mores over the stove and tell camp stories with torches - it's a whole adventure right at home!

- Pirate/Underwater Adventure: With a treasure hunt around the house and lots of gold coins, play money, and even some pirate dressing up. Or for an under-the-sea theme, we do fishy crafts and eat seafood for lunch - it's fun and educational learning about marine life too!

- Backwards Day: Where everything is done backwards - wear pajamas during the day, have breakfast for dinner and brush teeth before dinner instead of after. It's a goofy way to mix things up and get some giggles!

I usually keep the themes broad so I can be flexible depending on their interests at the time, but it's a fun way to keep things exciting with lots of options for activities!
What wonderful ideas!

The art week especially sounds like a great way to keep the house full of creative resources and avoid multiple shopping trips - very efficient and effective!

I also love the idea of bringing the campout inside for those days when outdoor plans are scuppered. The treasure hunt and backwards day sound like they'd be a huge hit with my little ones too; it's amazing how something simple can bring so much joy and laughter.

It's fantastic to have this list of themes to reach for when the days feel a bit humdrum - thanks for sharing!
What wonderful ideas!

The art week especially sounds like a great way to keep the house full of creative resources and avoid multiple shopping trips - very efficient and effective!

I also love the idea of bringing the campout inside for those days when outdoor plans are scuppered. The treasure hunt and backwards day sound like they'd be a huge hit with my little ones too; it's amazing how something simple can bring so much joy and laughter.

It's fantastic to have this list of themes to reach for when the days feel a bit humdrum - thanks for sharing!
I'm glad we could share some ideas worth trying out.

Art week is undoubtedly a winner in our house. An entire week of creative mess is tiresome but幸苦有为呀(worth the effort) as it keeps them engaged and stimulates their creativity !Yeah, the indoor campout saves the day when we're stuck indoors, a fun little adventure The kids never fail to get excited over some good old treasure hunt, and I like how it promotes movement and keeps them active too.

It's fun coming up with new themes every now and then, and I'm keen to hear about more parent-tested ideas too!
Art week sounds like a fantastic idea! It's great how you've found ways to keep things exciting and creative without stepping out of the house. My twins love art, so I should plan a dedicated art week sometime - the mess is definitely worth the fun and engagement it brings.

I also love the treasure hunt idea for some extra physical activity! I'm curious about your themes. Do you have any dress-up days or anything similar? Anything to up the drama and make it really exciting, haha.
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We do have dress-up days! Themed days are a lot of fun and a great way to switch things up. We've done Disney Character Day, Superhero vs Villains Day, and even a Princess and Knight Day. The kids really get into it and love the chance to showcase their creativity (and so do I!).

For our art week, I also snuck in some learning - measurement and math, to be precise! We had a "How Big is Your Drawing?" day where the kids had to measure their artwork using different ways - hands, feet, rulers - and then we discussed the differences. It's amazing how even a simple activity can help reinforce learning.

I also love the idea of a treasure hunt with a twist on themes! Maybe a scavenger hunt with themed clues could be fun - like finding "hidden" treasure with a pirate theme or a magical mystery to solve with a wizarding theme.
Those themed dress-up days sound like such fun! We've had a lot of success with Disney-themed days and superhero days too - the kids really embrace it and it's wonderful to see their creativity and excitement.

I love the idea of a "How Big is Your Drawing?" day, what a fantastic way to incorporate learning into the mix without it feeling like a chore. And yes! Themed scavenger hunts sound amazing - we've done a magical mystery one before with a Harry Potter theme and the kids absolutely loved the immersive experience. Anything that encourages their imagination and creative problem solving is a huge win in my books!
Those themed dress-up days sound like such fun! We've had a lot of success with Disney-themed days and superhero days too - the kids really embrace it and it's wonderful to see their creativity and excitement.

I love the idea of a "How Big is Your Drawing?" day, what a fantastic way to incorporate learning into the mix without it feeling like a chore. And yes! Themed scavenger hunts sound amazing - we've done a magical mystery one before with a Harry Potter theme and the kids absolutely loved the immersive experience. Anything that encourages their imagination and creative problem solving is a huge win in my books!
It's gratifying to see our children have fun while learning some independence and problem-solving skills!

Themed days are a great excuse for some dress-up fun and creativity - it's heartwarming to witness the kids' excitement and laughter, isn't it? I'm glad we're on the same page about these parenting tricks!

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