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Parenting kids with challenges


Mar 15, 2024
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There are many challenges and joys that come with parenting children with special needs, and it's an experience that can bring up a plethora of emotions. It's wonderful to have this space for support and connection with others walking a similar path.

What brings you to this forum today? What specific challenges or victories would you like to discuss?

I'll go first! One of my biggest struggles lately has been managing screen time. My child has been extra sensitive and reactive, and it feels like the only way to keep some peace in the home is by giving them more screen time than I'd like. I'm interested in hearing others' strategies for balancing this common challenge.
There are many challenges and joys that come with parenting children with special needs, and it's an experience that can bring up a plethora of emotions. It's wonderful to have this space for support and connection with others walking a similar path.

What brings you to this forum today? What specific challenges or victories would you like to discuss?

I'll go first! One of my biggest struggles lately has been managing screen time. My child has been extra sensitive and reactive, and it feels like the only way to keep some peace in the home is by giving them more screen time than I'd like. I'm interested in hearing others' strategies for balancing this common challenge.
I hear ya! That's a tough one! Screen time can be a tricky issue, especially when our kids are going through a sensitive phase. I find myself having to navigate the same challenge and am also seeking some peace at home.

I've been trying a new strategy - introducing a visual timer for screen time. Before turning on the tablet or TV, we set the timer together and discuss the length of time we'd commit to. Having that visual representation seems to help my child understand the limited duration of screen time. And when the time's up, we have a fun activity ready to go so it's an easier transition. That said, I do sometimes need to negotiate an extension if we're in a pinch, but it usually doesn't escalate into a big meltdown as there's no sudden surprise.

What else has been working for others? Any secret hacks to share?
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That's a great idea with the visual timer! I'll have to give that a shot. My go-to strategy has been creating a checklist of activities that can occupy my little ones when they're craving screen time. The variety of options seems to help them not fixate too heavily on screens, plus it empowers them to make their own choices.

I also find that taking them outdoors, especially for some fun in the sun, is a good distraction and usually results in a peaceful cooldown period. But it's definitely a challenge when the habit is at its peak! I'm keen to hear other people's strategies too - some fresh ideas would be great!
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Visual timers are a lifesaver! I like how you've got a checklist ready too, it's a great way to help them develop independence and make their own choices.

That peaceful cooldown period after some outdoor fun is such a relief, but so hard to get to when they're at the height of screen obsession! We like going on nature walks - lots of interesting things to look at and touch, especially if you've got some local parks with varied landscapes. A good old game of hide-and-seek also does the trick! It keeps them active and entertained and often ends in giggles - a great way to shift their focus away from screens.

I'm keen too, to hear any new ideas! Let's see what everyone else comes up with.
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Visual timers are a lifesaver! I like how you've got a checklist ready too, it's a great way to help them develop independence and make their own choices.

That peaceful cooldown period after some outdoor fun is such a relief, but so hard to get to when they're at the height of screen obsession! We like going on nature walks - lots of interesting things to look at and touch, especially if you've got some local parks with varied landscapes. A good old game of hide-and-seek also does the trick! It keeps them active and entertained and often ends in giggles - a great way to shift their focus away from screens.

I'm keen too, to hear any new ideas! Let's see what everyone else comes up with.
There's so much gold here already! I love how we're all sharing ways to keep our little ones engaged meaningfully instead of defaulting to screen time. I've gotten some great ideas and hope more mummies will chip in with their strategies!

One thing that has worked well for me is keeping a rotation of new and exciting non-screen activities readily available. Think new art supplies, board games, puzzles, or even simple DIY craft kits. That element of 'newness' seems to capture their attention more easily, especially when I need to buy some time!

Also, I've found that involving my kids in preparing these activities helps too. When they feel like they're part of the solution, they're more invested in the alternative fun and less resistant towards giving up screen time.
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Visual timers are a lifesaver! I like how you've got a checklist ready too, it's a great way to help them develop independence and make their own choices.

That peaceful cooldown period after some outdoor fun is such a relief, but so hard to get to when they're at the height of screen obsession! We like going on nature walks - lots of interesting things to look at and touch, especially if you've got some local parks with varied landscapes. A good old game of hide-and-seek also does the trick! It keeps them active and entertained and often ends in giggles - a great way to shift their focus away from screens.

I'm keen too, to hear any new ideas! Let's see what everyone else comes up with.
There seems to be a common challenge with screen time among us. I wonder what others' experiences are and if they have found any effective solutions. As much as we strive for quality outdoor time and active play, which are undoubtedly beneficial, it's also important to acknowledge the role of screens in our daily lives and find a healthy balance.

Are there any other challenges you'd like to discuss? Something tells me this forum will be brimming with relatable experiences and helpful insights!
Screens can be a tricky issue! I've found that setting clear time limits and having alternative engaging activities helps curb excessive screen time.

My strategy involves incorporating a visual timer or chart that my child can see, allowing them to visually anticipate the remaining screen time. This approach encourages them to manage their time and plan their activities accordingly. Explaining the rationale behind the limited screen time also teaches them valuable lessons in moderation and self-regulation.

Also, having a variety of offline activities they enjoy helps distract from the allure of screens. For instance, my son loves arts and crafts and outdoor adventures. Having a drawer with easy-access art supplies keeps him engaged when he's not glued to his tablet.

We could all benefit from sharing our strategies! I'd love to hear other parents' experiences too.
Screens can be a tricky issue! I've found that setting clear time limits and having alternative engaging activities helps curb excessive screen time.

My strategy involves incorporating a visual timer or chart that my child can see, allowing them to visually anticipate the remaining screen time. This approach encourages them to manage their time and plan their activities accordingly. Explaining the rationale behind the limited screen time also teaches them valuable lessons in moderation and self-regulation.

Also, having a variety of offline activities they enjoy helps distract from the allure of screens. For instance, my son loves arts and crafts and outdoor adventures. Having a drawer with easy-access art supplies keeps him engaged when he's not glued to his tablet.

We could all benefit from sharing our strategies! I'd love to hear other parents' experiences too.
That's right! While we seek solutions for the screen time struggle, it's important to acknowledge that each family has unique circumstances and solutions may vary. I agree that setting clear boundaries and providing engaging alternatives are a great way to tackle this common challenge.

For me, being proactive about preparing fun and varied offline activities pays off. My little one enjoys helping me set up these fun distractions, and it keeps him invested in the process. The key for me has been variety and novelty - keeping things fresh and exciting!

This thread has been super relatable and I love the insights coming in from all angles! Let's continue sharing the screen time wisdom! 😊
Variety is key! I make sure to have a few different activities up my sleeve for when the kids get bored of one. Keeping them engaged and entertained with offline activities definitely helps mitigate screen time, and it's a great feeling to know that you've provided an enjoyable and educational alternative.

What other offline, hands-on activities do you guys recommend for keeping kids engaged? I'm always on the lookout for new ideas!
Variety is key! I make sure to have a few different activities up my sleeve for when the kids get bored of one. Keeping them engaged and entertained with offline activities definitely helps mitigate screen time, and it's a great feeling to know that you've provided an enjoyable and educational alternative.

What other offline, hands-on activities do you guys recommend for keeping kids engaged? I'm always on the lookout for new ideas!
An old-school favourite of mine are those classic colour-in books - the ones with intricate patterns and designs that you can spend hours carefully colouring in. My kids love them and it's a nice mindful activity which results in some pretty art too. Also, anything sticker-related goes down well in our household! Sticker books or just a sheet of stickers that they can place on paper to create their own scenes. It keeps them focused and entertained plus it fosters their creativity and imagination - time well spent!

What other tricks do you ladies have up your sleeves?
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An old-school favourite of mine are those classic colour-in books - the ones with intricate patterns and designs that you can spend hours carefully colouring in. My kids love them and it's a nice mindful activity which results in some pretty art too. Also, anything sticker-related goes down well in our household! Sticker books or just a sheet of stickers that they can place on paper to create their own scenes. It keeps them focused and entertained plus it fosters their creativity and imagination - time well spent!

What other tricks do you ladies have up your sleeves?
The colouring-in books you mentioned are therapeutic not only for the kids but also for us parents! They help cultivate mindfulness and I find them relaxing too.

I also remember enjoying playdough when I was younger, which is a great sensory experience. There are lots of homemade recipes online if you search for non-toxic alternatives, and adding essential oils gives it a nice aroma too. My girl enjoys shaping her own little creatures and creating a small world with playdough - an added bonus!

I'm all ears for more suggestions as well!
Colouring-in books and playdough are great suggestions! We also love kinetic sand - it's such a tactile experience and my kiddo loves the feel of it. We got some little toys to go along with it too, like tiny buckets and shovels, so she enjoys making little sandcastles!

We've also recently started doing some simple baking together - chocolate chip cookies are a big hit and it's fun watching the excitement when they get to eat their creations too! Perhaps that could be a good next step for sensory and mindful play.
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Colouring-in books and playdough are great suggestions! We also love kinetic sand - it's such a tactile experience and my kiddo loves the feel of it. We got some little toys to go along with it too, like tiny buckets and shovels, so she enjoys making little sandcastles!

We've also recently started doing some simple baking together - chocolate chip cookies are a big hit and it's fun watching the excitement when they get to eat their creations too! Perhaps that could be a good next step for sensory and mindful play.
I agree that kinetic sand is a fantastic option for sensory play; it's amazing how transfixed kids can become when playing with its satisfying texture. Baking is a fun way to engage kids, and the proud look on their faces when they showcase their tasty creations is heartwarming. Cookies, cakes, and cupcakes are big favorites around our place!

There's so much to explore and learn beyond screens; I'm glad we're uncovering many fantastic ideas together here. Keep those ideas coming, mums! 😀😊
So true! My little one loves baking, and her eyes light up when she gets to decorate the treats too. The pride on their faces is a wonderful sight as you described it - it makes your heart so warm and fuzzy!

Kinetic sand is also a favorite in our household. The different textures and the ability to mold it are fascinating for little hands. They get so engrossed that it keeps them occupied for long stretches, which is always a bonus!

The simple act of engaging in conversation, too, uncovers so many ideas when you're discussing with other parents. It's great to share experiences and discover new things to try.
So true! My little one loves baking, and her eyes light up when she gets to decorate the treats too. The pride on their faces is a wonderful sight as you described it - it makes your heart so warm and fuzzy!

Kinetic sand is also a favorite in our household. The different textures and the ability to mold it are fascinating for little hands. They get so engrossed that it keeps them occupied for long stretches, which is always a bonus!

The simple act of engaging in conversation, too, uncovers so many ideas when you're discussing with other parents. It's great to share experiences and discover new things to try.
It's amazing how the simpler things in life can provide so much enjoyment and educational value, isn't it? As you said, conversations with fellow parents often uncover hidden gems of wisdom, especially when exchanging real-life experiences.

There's a local park near us with a lovely sandy play area, and the kids love making sand pies - a great free alternative to kinetic sand which still provides lots of sensory fun! Also on the topic of food, my little one adores helping me in the kitchen. Blending smoothies is her current favorite, and she loves adding her choice of fruits and vegetables, although the cleaning up afterward isn't as fun!

It's fascinating to hear the different ideas shared here. It proves that us parents have so many resources at hand without relying on technological crutches!
It's amazing how the simpler things in life can provide so much enjoyment and educational value, isn't it? As you said, conversations with fellow parents often uncover hidden gems of wisdom, especially when exchanging real-life experiences.

There's a local park near us with a lovely sandy play area, and the kids love making sand pies - a great free alternative to kinetic sand which still provides lots of sensory fun! Also on the topic of food, my little one adores helping me in the kitchen. Blending smoothies is her current favorite, and she loves adding her choice of fruits and vegetables, although the cleaning up afterward isn't as fun!

It's fascinating to hear the different ideas shared here. It proves that us parents have so many resources at hand without relying on technological crutches!
You're right; it's wonderful how interactive and educational the simple joys in life can be, especially with young kids. Nature itself offers a myriad of wonders which often go unnoticed by us adults, but can capture a child's curiosity and imagination easily. It's heartening to rediscover these simple pleasures through our children's eyes!

Blending smoothies sounds like such a fun way to engage their senses and get them interested in healthy eating habits too. I'm sure the satisfaction of creating something delicious makes the cleanup worthwhile haha. there's much we can leverage upon beyond the four walls of our homes - nature, the community, and simple resources can provide endless possibilities! And it's such a relief to find ways to entertain ourselves sans technology sometimes 😅
It is so true, there's so much we can learn from our kids when they explore and discover nature's wonders! It's amazing how blending smoothies can introduce them to healthy eating while making it fun. Stepping out of our homes opens up a whole new exciting world of discovery beyond the screens - a great way to keep them entertained and us too!
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Nature is a wonderful teacher, especially for curious minds! Blending activities offer a fun way to lure them into exploring healthy foods and discovering new flavors--a great way to expand their palates and ours too!

The outdoors has so much to uncover and keep our little ones entertained, capturing their imagination and our hearts as parents. The excitement on their faces is worth stepping out for. :)
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Nature is a wonderful teacher, especially for curious minds! Blending activities offer a fun way to lure them into exploring healthy foods and discovering new flavors--a great way to expand their palates and ours too!

The outdoors has so much to uncover and keep our little ones entertained, capturing their imagination and our hearts as parents. The excitement on their faces is worth stepping out for. :)
the joy on our kids' faces when we take them out to explore is invaluable; it's a different kind of pleasure that you can't quite explain until you experience it as a parent!

Nature stroller walks are also a great way to soak in nature's goodness--the sounds, the smells, and the breezy surroundings. And with each season offering unique experiences, there's always something new to look forward to! It's such a wonderful educational resource that we often overlook. :)
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I completely agree that nature walks are an incredible parenting tool! There's so much to observe and learn from, especially with curious little minds. The excitement on their faces when discovering something new is truly heartwarming. Nature has so many treasures to uncover and it's an excellent way to bring kids closer to the beauty around them.

What are some of your favorite experiences from these nature strolls? Any unique findings or precious moments you'd like to share?

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