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Parenting Frugality


Jan 28, 2024
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Frugal parenting! An often overlooked way to save money, which can make a huge difference especially while raising kids.

What are some of your top tips for being budget-conscious parents? Do you have any clever ways you manage to keep costs down without compromising on what your family needs or wants?

Some ideas to get the ball rolling:

Clothing - Hand me downs! Encourage friends and family to save you their outgrown clothes, or organize a regular clothing swap.
Meals - Breastfeed if you can, and for older kids, involve them in planning and cooking inexpensive meals. Grow your own herbs at home too!
Entertainment - Free community events are great fun and educational too. Parks, libraries, museums.. there's so much to explore! And when you do need a rainy-day activity, have a craft stash ready with affordable, reusable supplies like paper, glue, paint etc. Home made play dough is so easy and cheap to make!
Baby Gear - Buy second hand prams, cots, high chairs etc., which have lots of life left in them. Or borrow/hire items you'll only need briefly.
Hygiene - Opt for the cheaper unbranded nappies, wipes, soaps and shampoos. You can also make your own natural alternatives to many baby cleaning products!

Looking forward to hearing everyone's ideas on keeping costs down as parents!
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Some great tips here already!

I'd also recommend taking advantage of sales and discounts for parenting essentials, especially around back-to-school and holiday seasons. Stocking up on essentials during these periods can really help save money.

Creating a monthly budget plan and sticking to it has also helped me a lot. I allocate specific amounts for different parenting needs, like baby food, diapers, clothing, etc. It helps to keep track of spending and prevents overspending.

For entertainment, signing up for local community newsletters or following their social media accounts can be a good idea. Many libraries, museums, and communities organize free events, but you need to stay in the know. Following parent blogs or forums can also give you ideas for cheap at-home activities.

For older kids, teaching them about money and encouraging a thrifty mindset can be beneficial. Give them an allowance and involve them in budgeting decisions - it keeps them engaged and makes them more mindful of costs. You could even have them help set up and tend to a small home vegetable garden!

Also, not a direct cost saver, but something that has helped me was creating a meal plan for the week. Meal planning and batch cooking save time and reduce the urge to buy take-outs, which can quickly rack up costs.

Great discussion! Looking forward to hearing more ideas too!

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These are some awesome tips!

I especially agree about taking advantage of sales and discounts - there are some great deals to be had around holiday seasons, and it's a good way to stock up for the year ahead.

Creating a budget plan is so important too, and something I've found helpful in keeping our finances in check. It's amazing how quickly costs can add up when you're not keeping track.

And yes! Meal planning is a great way to save money, especially with busy schedules. It's so tempting to just grab takeaway, but having a plan reduces the temptation.

I'm keen to hear other people's tips on frugal parenting - there are some great ideas here I haven't thought of!

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Great to hear you're finding the thread useful already!

I also find keeping a food inventory helps with meal planning, especially for items with longer shelf life like pasta, tinned tomatoes etc - I can see at a glance what we have and need to restock, and it ensures we don't buy duplicates.

Also a big fan of buying second hand where possible - kids grow out of clothes/toys so quickly it's crazy, so preloved items are often in great condition and a fraction of the price. It's gratifying to pass on our outgrown clothes and toys onwards too, to give them a second life.

What else... maybe not the most popular tip but I try to embrace the cold/heat naturally instead of turning up the heating or AC! Usually means some grumbling from the kids, but it saves a fortune - especially living in a cold climate!

Keeping a food inventory is a great idea - I often buy things and then forget about them, so this would help with meal planning and cutting down on waste.

I agree about buying second hand too - especially with things like toys, which children quickly grow out of. I find Facebook Marketplace good for that; people locally are often giving things away for free which still have loads of life left in them!

I'm with you on the heating/AC too - I'd rather put an extra blanket on than turn the heating up, or open a window before reaching for the thermostat. My kids moan about being cold all the time but toughing it out seems to work .

Keeping on top of food waste is such a good way to save money - and the planet! Facebook Marketplace is a goldmine for free toys and equipment, I've found some great stuff on there.

I'm all about the layers when it comes to keeping warm too, put another jumper on rather than turn the heating up! My kids grumble but they soon get used to it and I think it's good prep for when they move out!

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I agree about Facebook Marketplace, I've picked up some great hardly used toys and books for the kids - such a money saver! And I'm all for the jumper approach too, it's amazing how quickly you get used to a colder house, put those thermals to good use!

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Marketplace is fantastic - I've found it especially useful for the kids as they grow so fast and their interests change so quickly too! Hand me downs and second hand are a godsend, and often you can barely tell they've been used.

I agree about acclimatising to the cold too - we're all snuggled up in jumpers and the house feels cozy - plus keeping the heating low certainly helps the bank balance!

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Marketplace finds and op shops are a life-saver for us too! It's amazing what you can find that barely looks used - especially shoes, which is such a bonus for growing kids!

I'm all about embracing the cosiness of winter and layering up - plus keeping those heating bills down. Little ones seem to love having an extra jumper or two anyway - it's like a fashion statement these days!

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Marketplace gems make parenting so much more financially manageable, especially with how quickly kids outgrow things! Agreed on the cosiness of winter layers - my little one loves her 'snuggly' jumpers and it's adorable how they can be a fashion statement for them at this age. I think we often underestimate what they notice and take inspiration from, so embracing the cute winter styles works well for us too.

Absolutely! I find myself constantly amazed by how expensive children's clothes can get, especially given how transient their appeal is as kids grow so quickly. Marketplace finds and secondhand gems are often such high quality - someone else has done the hard work of selecting stylish, durable pieces, and it's a real bonus that they're budget-friendly too.

My little one also loves her cozy jumpers and I'm all for embracing the cute factor of winter wear. It's heartening to see them appreciate the comfort and style - certainly makes those early years' dressing struggles a little more enjoyable!

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I agree, there's no need to buy expensive new clothes when secondhand ones are so readily available and often of such high quality. I love jumper season - it's adorable to dress up the little ones in cute and cozy knits! The key is definitely finding good deals and embracing the seasonal discounts. I've had great luck finding gems at the end of seasons or during clearance sales, and it's a fantastic way to save money without compromising style.

It's also a great opportunity to develop an eye for versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down - a useful skill when dealing with fickle kids' tastes! And if something doesn't fit quite right or needs alteration, it's a chance to hone those sewing skills too; a bit of personalisation never hurt. Plus, teaching your little ones the joy of a good bargain is always a plus!

I couldn't agree more - my little one loves a good rummage through her dresser and picking out her own "treasures". It's such a great way to teach them about money, too - understanding the value of a good deal is such an important life skill! I'm all about that hand-me-down life; it's so heartwarming to see how many families it brings together too - we often get little notes from friends passing on their old clothes, and it feels like such a thoughtful gesture.

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It's wonderful to hear that your little one enjoys picking out "treasures" and learning about money through dress-up! I completely agree, it's a vital life skill to understand the value of a good deal. Hand-me-downs are such a lovely way to save money and foster meaningful connections within our community; those personal notes make it extra special. It's wonderful to hear how others share their pre-loved items and create these heartfelt links between families.


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