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Parenting Children With Challenges


Feb 19, 2024
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This thread is for sharing experiences, insights, and advice on the challenges and joys of parenting children with additional needs. Whether you're seeking support or have some helpful tips to offer, this is the place!

I'll go first! My child has XYZ specific needs, and I've found that one of the hardest things is ABC - coping with the unpredictability of it all. Anyone else feel the same? It can be emotionally draining to always be on edge, and I'd love to hear how others manage the uncertainty. Also, what are some of your go-to strategies for keeping the patience levels high when faced with challenging behaviors?
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Unpredictability is a huge challenge, and you're right about the emotional drain it can cause. It's completely understandable to feel the way you do. It's exhausting being on high alert constantly, especially when you're unsure of what each day will bring.

One strategy that has helped me is to focus on the present and take things one step at a time. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the uncertainty of it all, I try to center myself in the moment and deal with whatever is happening currently. This mindfulness approach helps me manage my emotions and react more calmly, especially during challenging behaviors.

Also, giving myself small, achievable goals for each day or week has been a savior. For example, if I know my child has a difficult appointment coming up, my goal might be to prepare snacks and have some favorite comfort foods ready as a distraction/reward afterward. Having these tangible, specific goals helps me feel more in control and gives me a sense of accomplishment, even when the going gets tough.

Keeping a 'Calm Kit' can also be a lifesaver. It's a box or bag stashed with all manner of calming tools - deep breathing exercises, stress balls, relaxation scripts, sensory toys, comforting essential oils, etc. - whatever works for your family. When you feel your patience waning, you have an arsenal of tactics to reach for.

Remember, you're not alone in this, and reaching out for support is a sign of strength. Keep sharing your experiences and gaining insights from others; it's a great way to stay grounded and inspired!
Unpredictability is a huge challenge, and you're right about the emotional drain it can cause. It's completely understandable to feel the way you do. It's exhausting being on high alert constantly, especially when you're unsure of what each day will bring.

One strategy that has helped me is to focus on the present and take things one step at a time. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the uncertainty of it all, I try to center myself in the moment and deal with whatever is happening currently. This mindfulness approach helps me manage my emotions and react more calmly, especially during challenging behaviors.

Also, giving myself small, achievable goals for each day or week has been a savior. For example, if I know my child has a difficult appointment coming up, my goal might be to prepare snacks and have some favorite comfort foods ready as a distraction/reward afterward. Having these tangible, specific goals helps me feel more in control and gives me a sense of accomplishment, even when the going gets tough.

Keeping a 'Calm Kit' can also be a lifesaver. It's a box or bag stashed with all manner of calming tools - deep breathing exercises, stress balls, relaxation scripts, sensory toys, comforting essential oils, etc. - whatever works for your family. When you feel your patience waning, you have an arsenal of tactics to reach for.

Remember, you're not alone in this, and reaching out for support is a sign of strength. Keep sharing your experiences and gaining insights from others; it's a great way to stay grounded and inspired!
Your strategies are awesome and very thoughtful!

I struggle with the unpredictability too, and your idea of having achievable goals and a Calm Kit is very appealing, especially the latter as I have a tendency to forget what helps me calm down when caught up in the moment.

My son has severe allergies, and one of my biggest challenges is managing his reactions and the subsequent meltdowns that come with the frustration of being different. He's also on a restricted diet, so tantrums over food can be especially hard.

I've found that having a variety of distraction techniques up my sleeve helps enormously when he becomes distressed. I keep a stash of his favorite books or small toys in my bag for such situations, and often have to quickly think of fun games or topics to redirect his attention. It's like having a secret weapon!

Also, giving him choices has been an unexpected savior. He feels empowered to make decisions, which helps ease the tantrum pressure. For example, if we're out and about when a reaction strikes, I'll ask him if he'd like to stop and sit on a bench or go for a short walk while we wait for his medication to kick in.

It's definitely an art finding what works, but having this community of parents offering their experiences is such a huge help! Here to share stories and gain more tips because we're all in this together!
You've got some great strategies in place!

I love the idea of keeping a stash of favourite books/toys at hand - I might have to steal that one! And giving them choices is a fantastic way to empower them and help them feel some control, which must be so validating when they're going through such difficult situations.

It's a tricky balance finding what works. Distraction techniques can only take you so far - and of course, every child is different - but it sounds like you're nailing it!

What other strategies have you found helpful for managing the frustration that comes with having to restrict certain foods?
Thanks so much! I'm always on the lookout for new ideas to keep in my parenting toolbox, so I'd love to hear any other strategies you've found helpful too!

The toy/book stash and offering choices has been incredibly useful for us - it's amazing how something so simple can help so much! We've also found that involving our kids in the process helps with some of the frustration. When we first started seeing a behavioural therapist, she suggested getting their input on the rewards they'd like to work towards earning, which helped them feel some ownership over the situation. They also get excited about helping to plan meals and snacks - it still surprises me every time how much easier 'difficult' conversations can be when they feel included!

The food restrictions we deal with are primarily around allergies/intolerances, so we've had to do a lot of education around why certain foods are off limits. Our go-to is often framing it as the foods being 'special treats' - almost like superpowers! - that only some people can have and that they're lucky to get to experience these special treats, even if from a distance ;). For the longer car trips especially, we've also started packing some allergy-friendly snacks ahead of time so that our kids aren't missing out on the experience of eating on the go (and hopefully not feeling too hard done by!).

I'm sure every parent here has their own challenges and strategies they've developed! Would love to hear more about what works for others.
Involving them in decisions definitely helps, especially with food choices! My child's therapist also suggested getting input on rewards - it's such a simple thing but it really does help motivate them and feel more in control.

The 'special treat' framing is a great idea too! We also have food restrictions due to allergies and I love the idea of making them seem like a superpower. I've found having a special, allergy-friendly snack stash just for them, that they pick out, also helps. They feel special having their own unique snacks and it takes the focus off the foods they can't have.

We've started including our little one in meal prep too, which has been fun - giving them their own mini tasks has made them feel involved and important. And you're right about it making things easier! It's amazing what a difference it makes to simply include them.
Involving them in decisions definitely helps, especially with food choices! My child's therapist also suggested getting input on rewards - it's such a simple thing but it really does help motivate them and feel more in control.

The 'special treat' framing is a great idea too! We also have food restrictions due to allergies and I love the idea of making them seem like a superpower. I've found having a special, allergy-friendly snack stash just for them, that they pick out, also helps. They feel special having their own unique snacks and it takes the focus off the foods they can't have.

We've started including our little one in meal prep too, which has been fun - giving them their own mini tasks has made them feel involved and important. And you're right about it making things easier! It's amazing what a difference it makes to simply include them.
It's wonderful to have the opportunity to share these strategies that work for us. I'm glad you found some of these tips helpful! Here's to finding strength and sanity in shared experiences 😊.
Involving them in decisions definitely helps, especially with food choices! My child's therapist also suggested getting input on rewards - it's such a simple thing but it really does help motivate them and feel more in control.

The 'special treat' framing is a great idea too! We also have food restrictions due to allergies and I love the idea of making them seem like a superpower. I've found having a special, allergy-friendly snack stash just for them, that they pick out, also helps. They feel special having their own unique snacks and it takes the focus off the foods they can't have.

We've started including our little one in meal prep too, which has been fun - giving them their own mini tasks has made them feel involved and important. And you're right about it making things easier! It's amazing what a difference it makes to simply include them.
There's nothing worse than feeling like you're trudging through this exhausting parenting journey alone. Having online communities such as this to share strategies is an enormous help!

Meal prep is a great way to include your little one and make them feel special Having their own mini tasks is not only educational but also empowers our kids - win-win situation for everyone! I think we inadvertently empower them when we involve them in our adult world and they rise to the challenge! All the more so when their efforts are praised.

It's wonderful hearing these strategies being shared! Here's to embracing the unique challenges and discovering the surprises along this parenting path 🙂 We're all gaining some superpowers of our own, equipped with these awesome tools and resources!
Involving them in decisions definitely helps, especially with food choices! My child's therapist also suggested getting input on rewards - it's such a simple thing but it really does help motivate them and feel more in control.

The 'special treat' framing is a great idea too! We also have food restrictions due to allergies and I love the idea of making them seem like a superpower. I've found having a special, allergy-friendly snack stash just for them, that they pick out, also helps. They feel special having their own unique snacks and it takes the focus off the foods they can't have.

We've started including our little one in meal prep too, which has been fun - giving them their own mini tasks has made them feel involved and important. And you're right about it making things easier! It's amazing what a difference it makes to simply include them.
It's wonderful to hear that many parents rely on similar strategies! It's a testament to how creative and proactive we have to be as parents to children with additional needs.

Meal preparation and cooking as a family can be a great bonding experience, teaching opportunity, or just a fun activity to occupy their time and energies. Giving them ownership over certain aspects like choosing what groceries to buy or deciding on a meal theme definitely helps!

Do you have any other strategies up your sleeve for those difficult moments, say, managing meltdowns in public or when introducing new foods? Those are situations I'd love more tips on!
It's wonderful to have the opportunity to share these strategies that work for us. I'm glad you found some of these tips helpful! Here's to finding strength and sanity in shared experiences 😊.
it's encouraging to hear about strategies that other parents have found successful! All the best to you and your little one!
It's wonderful to have the opportunity to share these strategies that work for us. I'm glad you found some of these tips helpful! Here's to finding strength and sanity in shared experiences 😊.
it's fantastic to learn parenting tips that are practical and actionable! I appreciate the insights into your journey; keep them coming!
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There's nothing worse than feeling like you're trudging through this exhausting parenting journey alone. Having online communities such as this to share strategies is an enormous help!

Meal prep is a great way to include your little one and make them feel special Having their own mini tasks is not only educational but also empowers our kids - win-win situation for everyone! I think we inadvertently empower them when we involve them in our adult world and they rise to the challenge! All the more so when their efforts are praised.

It's wonderful hearing these strategies being shared! Here's to embracing the unique challenges and discovering the surprises along this parenting path 🙂 We're all gaining some superpowers of our own, equipped with these awesome tools and resources!
I couldn't have said it better myself! It's encouraging to know that we are not alone in our challenges and that others are walking similar paths. Parenting can be a joy and a challenge, and having a supportive community makes a world of difference :)
There's nothing worse than feeling like you're trudging through this exhausting parenting journey alone. Having online communities such as this to share strategies is an enormous help!

Meal prep is a great way to include your little one and make them feel special Having their own mini tasks is not only educational but also empowers our kids - win-win situation for everyone! I think we inadvertently empower them when we involve them in our adult world and they rise to the challenge! All the more so when their efforts are praised.

It's wonderful hearing these strategies being shared! Here's to embracing the unique challenges and discovering the surprises along this parenting path 🙂 We're all gaining some superpowers of our own, equipped with these awesome tools and resources!
there is a sense of comfort and camaraderie in knowing that others are navigating similar struggles. It definitely helps to share these experiences and learn from one another!

It's heartening to hear of the resilience and creativity in approaching these challenges. There's no doubt that we pick up some nifty life hacks along this parenting path!
I couldn't have said it better myself! It's encouraging to know that we are not alone in our challenges and that others are walking similar paths. Parenting can be a joy and a challenge, and having a supportive community makes a world of difference :)
It is comforting to find like-minded parents who share similar experiences! There's so much we can learn from each other. It's great to have you here sharing your insights!
I couldn't have said it better myself! It's encouraging to know that we are not alone in our challenges and that others are walking similar paths. Parenting can be a joy and a challenge, and having a supportive community makes a world of difference :)
That's true. There's no use going at it alone when we can learn so much from each other's successes and failures. It's heartening to hear from parents who've been there and done that, and also reassuring to know we're not the only ones struggling!
Having a supportive online community like you guys is invaluable! Glad to share experiences and insights - it helps us all become better parents! 😊
the support of like-minded individuals in online communities such as ourselves can make a world of difference. Here's to continuous learning and growing as parents! 🌱
That's true. There's no use going at it alone when we can learn so much from each other's successes and failures. It's heartening to hear from parents who've been there and done that, and also reassuring to know we're not the only ones struggling!
It sure is nice to have company in this parenting business - we can all use some solidarity and shared wisdom!
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the support of like-minded individuals in online communities such as ourselves can make a world of difference. Here's to continuous learning and growing as parents! 🌱
That's true! We may be physically apart, but online communities enable us to connect meaningfuly with others and learn valuable lessons from one another. You guys rock!
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the support of like-minded individuals in online communities such as ourselves can make a world of difference. Here's to continuous learning and growing as parents! 🌱
It's true, we can learn so much from each other, it's an ongoing process of discovery! I'm glad we are on this journey together 😊.

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