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Parenting Challenges and Victories


Feb 15, 2024
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Hello everyone, this thread is dedicated to discussing both the challenges and victories we face as parents raising children with additional needs.

Whether you're facing a difficult phase or want to share a proud parenting moment, this is the place to find support, encouragement and understanding from others who get it.

I'll go first! One of my biggest challenges lately has been managing my own expectations and feelings of guilt when my child has a meltdown in public. It's easy to feel defeated and wonder if I'm doing something wrong. But then, seeing them laugh and play joyfully reminds me that the tough moments are just temporary blips in an otherwise wonderful parenting journey.

What about you? What are some of your current challenges or recent victories?
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I feel you there! It's hard not to get affected when our kids have a big public meltdown and we find ourselves struggling to manage the situation. But yup, just like what you said, those moments are temporary blips in our otherwise rewarding parenting journey.

One thing that helps me is to remember that every parent has gone through or will go through something similar. We're all in this together! So no need to feel too hard on ourselves; we're doing our best and that's what matters.

It also helps to keep a record of funny, heartwarming moments - like the cute things our kids say or do - so that we can look back at them during tough times for a good laugh and a reminder of the joys of parenting.


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I feel you there! It's hard not to get affected when our kids have a big public meltdown and we find ourselves struggling to manage the situation. But yup, just like what you said, those moments are temporary blips in our otherwise rewarding parenting journey.

One thing that helps me is to remember that every parent has gone through or will go through something similar. We're all in this together! So no need to feel too hard on ourselves; we're doing our best and that's what matters.

It also helps to keep a record of funny, heartwarming moments - like the cute things our kids say or do - so that we can look back at them during tough times for a good laugh and a reminder of the joys of parenting.

We tend to focus on the tough moments but it's important to remind ourselves that they're temporary blips. There's always a silver lining and usually, for me at least, it's the little cute things my child does that make it all worthwhile. Like when he says "mummy, you da best!" in his adorable little voice. Those melt-your-heart moments make all the difference!
We tend to focus on the tough moments but it's important to remind ourselves that they're temporary blips. There's always a silver lining and usually, for me at least, it's the little cute things my child does that make it all worthwhile. Like when he says "mummy, you da best!" in his adorable little voice. Those melt-your-heart moments make all the difference!
Oh yeah, those melt-your-heart moments are the best. They can brighten up any stressful day and make all the challenges feel so worthwhile! It's these moments that we should savour and hold onto when times get tough. Parenting is a rollercoaster ride, that's for sure!
Oh yeah, those melt-your-heart moments are the best. They can brighten up any stressful day and make all the challenges feel so worthwhile! It's these moments that we should savour and hold onto when times get tough. Parenting is a rollercoaster ride, that's for sure!
I totally get what you mean! It's so true that those heart-melting moments make everything else worth it. They're like the little reminders that keep us going and help us refocus on the bigger picture. The jolly good times seem to erase the tough moments, making parenting such a rewarding experience at the end of the day.

I face challenges too, like keeping my cool when my kiddo has a full-blown tantrum in the middle of a quiet library or a crowded mall. It's easier said than done, but I've learnt to just take a deep breath, remind myself that this too shall pass, and try not to let the embarrassment get to me! We parents got to stick together and remember we're not alone in navigating these challenges - there's always someone who understands our struggles!
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Ya, the difficult moments definitely make us appreciate the wonderful moments even more! They're like a little sparkle that gets us through the day, huh? We shouldn't be too hard on ourselves - parenting's tough work; no one's gonna ace it every single time. And hey, keeping a collection of happy memories to look back on is a great idea! I find myself doing that too, especially when things get a little overwhelming. Like that cute thing my kiddo did the other day - so adorable it made a stranger laugh out loud! Moments like these keep us going and remind us of the beauty of it all.


As a parent, one of the things that really gets me sometimes is when my kid has a massive tantrum in public and people give me the side-eye like it's somehow my fault. It's like, I know my child, believe me - this is NOT my everyday reality! Haha!

Sure, the eye rolls and subtle hints of judgment can sting a little, but then I remind myself that most folks probably don't understand the struggles parents face at times. I try to focus on the fact that my child is ultimately a happy soul, and these public meltdowns are just a tiny part of our overall journey together.

Meltdowns happen, they're never fun, but they're also not permanent!
I face the same challenge too! Most times, I just keep reminding myself that it's normal and part of the ride. It's so easy to get embarrassed and feel like we're failing when our kids kick up a fuss in public but hey, we're not alone and it's nothing to be ashamed of! It passes, and pretty soon everyone's back to happy again.

As they say, 'kan cheong' for nothing!
I face the same challenge too! Most times, I just keep reminding myself that it's normal and part of the ride. It's so easy to get embarrassed and feel like we're failing when our kids kick up a fuss in public but hey, we're not alone and it's nothing to be ashamed of! It passes, and pretty soon everyone's back to happy again.

As they say, 'kan cheong' for nothing!
Yeah, I also get embarrassed when my kid makes a scene in public, but then I tell myself that it's just one of those things and everyone goes through it. No use getting worked up about it! There's no point feeling ashamed too - after all, we're not the only ones who have to handle these situations; lots of parents go through the same struggle!
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My kiddo has been hitting and kicking in frustration lately, cos he's not very verbal yet. Had a couple of embarrassing episodes in public where he just kicks and screams when he doesn't get his way. I just stay calm, talk him through it, and redirect his energy into something else. It's tricky managing the attention we get from onlookers, but I just keep reminding myself that every kid is different and this too shall pass!


Some days you feel like super parent, others...not so much hahaha! The public meltdown is a real challenge, especially when you're trying to manage your own reactions, keep your cool and stay patient. But I think it's great that you're able to remind yourself of the bigger picture - those happy moments make all the difference.

I find keeping a kind of 'parenting toolkit' helps for tricky situations. Mine has distractions like fun snacks or little games up my sleeve for when the mood goes south. Also gives me a chance to take a deep breath, reset, and divert attention. Not always successful, but hey, got to keep trying!
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Sometimes the hardest bit is managing our own feelings when our kids have a public meltdown - especially when we are already out and about, running errands or having some fun as a family. It's so easy to feel embarrassed or even angry in the moment. But it passes, and that's a good reminder that these challenging moments are just temporary blips.

One victory I can share is how I've been working on my patience - taking a deep breath and responding with calmness helps everyone to settle down faster! Sometimes I even manage to head off a full-blown tantrum with some goofy faces or a quick tickle! It's a work in progress, but I'm feeling more confident dealing with these situations.
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Sometimes it's hard when your child has a public meltdown - you feel the eyes and stares. But we parents gotta remember that these challenging moments are just passing clouds in an otherwise sunny sky. It happens to us all, and it doesn't mean we're doing anything wrong! The joy and laughter our children bring far outweigh these moments.
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No joke lah managing toddler tantrums is one tough gig. I feel ya when you say it’s hard not to feel defeated when they throw a wobbly in public! It's like all eyes on me, and I just wanna fade into the wall paper. But yes, got to remind ourselves that these are but fleeting moments in an otherwise fulfilling parenting journey.

My current challenge is dealing with the endless stream of questions from my curious five-year-old. Some days, the never-ending why's and how's can be exhausting! I find myself searching for creative ways to keep the answers interesting, or else the same old responses will just be met with more questions. It's like a never-ending quiz! But I guess it’s a good problem to have because it means she's curious and engaged. Can't complaint lah, but some days I wish there's a pause button though.


Some days are definitely harder than others. I feel ya when you say about managing expectations and the guilt especially when your kid has a public meltdown. It's like all eyes on you, and it feels so shiong .

But yeah, got to remember the tough times don't last forever, and it's the overall journey that matters. We're only human, after all. Can't be perfect every day! But one thing's for sure - I always feel so relieved and proud when I see my little one laugh and play happily, like you said. That warm fuzzy feeling just makes everything okay again.
As a parent, I feel you on this one! While it's easy to get embarrassed or feel like we're failing when our kids throw tantrums in public, we gotta remind ourselves that it's all part and parcel of the ride. We cannot let these moments define our whole parenting journey, which can be pretty dang rewarding most of the time.

One thing I do is keep a mental note of all the cute, funny things my kid does or says, especially after a challenging episode. Helps me remember the joys and keep things in perspective. Also helps to have some mom/dad hacks up our sleeve for those meltdown moments - my go-to is pulling out a snack, which usually distracts and diffuses the situation haha! Each parent has their own bag of tricks though - curious to hear what other folks do!
I feel you there! Parenting can be tough and those public meltdowns can really get to ya. It's easy to let the tough moments define our whole experience, but it's so true that they're just blips in the bigger picture.

One thing I've found helpful is to keep a 'memory bank' of all the good moments - like a little collection of happy snapshots I can revisit when times are tough. You know, the giggles, the snuggles, that one cute thing they say that makes you melt. It's easier then to remember that this hard phase will pass and there's so much joy to come!

What do you guys do to keep yourselves grounded when challenges arise?
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I feel you there! Parenting can be tough and those public meltdowns can really get to ya. It's easy to let the tough moments define our whole experience, but it's so true that they're just blips in the bigger picture.

One thing I've found helpful is to keep a 'memory bank' of all the good moments - like a little collection of happy snapshots I can revisit when times are tough. You know, the giggles, the snuggles, that one cute thing they say that makes you melt. It's easier then to remember that this hard phase will pass and there's so much joy to come!

What do you guys do to keep yourselves grounded when challenges arise?
I think keeping a memory bank is a great idea! We can recce all the cute things they do and say - their mischievous smiles and all the times they make us go "Awww".

That's a good way to keep ourselves grounded and remember that though tough, these moments are temporary. We're bound to have a lot of joyous memories stored up!
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I know how you feel about public meltdowns - it's like the looks you get from others can be so judgy! But I remind myself that my kiddo is just being honest about their emotions and learning to regulate them. It's a process! So yup, I try to stay calm, remember it's a phase, and focus on the happy times too - like when they come running to give me a big hug for no reason at all! Those moments make my heart explode with love and gratitude.
Toddler tantrums and curious quizzes from our little ones - the struggles of parenting are real!

The never-ending questions sure can be exhausting. Got to keep up with creative answers or risk getting bombarded with more queries. It's like they have an inbuilt BS detector or something! But you're right, it's a good sign that they're interested in the world and absorbing everything like a sponge.

I find myself making up songs or silly rhymes when I'm stuck for ideas - might not always work but it's better than hearing your own voice drone on, ha! And when all else fails, there's always the good old "ask Daddy/Mommy" ploy. Shift the load onto the other parent - every toddler has their favorite parent anyways, so might as well milk that situation for all it's worth 😁.

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