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Nurture sleep


Feb 21, 2024
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When it comes to sleep, the role of nurturing can't be understated. The way we prepare ourselves and our environment for sleep has a huge impact on our rest. From creating a soothing bedtime routine to making our bedrooms sanctuaries of relaxation, nurturing sleep through environmental and behavioral cues plays a significant role in our overall sleep quality.

Let's share our tips and insights on how we nurture our sleep and discuss the impact of these nurturing elements on our sleep hygiene!
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I totally agree with you there!

Creating a relaxing wind-down routine and transforming our bedrooms into peaceful havens is a great way to prepare ourselves mentally and physically for a good night's rest.

I usually keep my phone away from my bedside an hour before sleeping. It helps me avoid the temptation of mindless scrolling and lets me unwind mentally from the day's events. Drawing the curtains to let in some soothing natural light when I wake up is also a great signal to my body that it's time to greet the new day. These little habits make a huge difference!

We sometimes underestimate the impact of environmental cues on our sleep quality. Getting the lighting and temperature right - not too bright or stuffy - is an important part of the sleep nurturing process. Some people may go further with essential oils or white noise machines, which can also help create a soothing atmosphere.

It's cool to hear everyone's unique tips!
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Having a consistent bedtime and keeping the room dark and cool really helps me. I also find that putting away all screens an hour before sleep greatly improves my sleep quality. Being in bed becomes a signal to relax and unwind. I wind down by reading something light or having some calm time to myself, and before long, I'm nodding off into a good night's rest.
Having a soothing routine before bedtime really helps to wind down. I normally light some essential oils, dim the lights and put on some soft music to create a calming ambiance. Also, making sure my sheets are clean and fresh gives an extra cozy feel! Sometimes, a quick yoga stretch or journaling also helps to ease the mind before sleep.
I totally agree with you there.

Having a cool, dark bedroom really helps me get good rest. I keep the room dark with thick curtains, and the A/C on quiet mode to make it cozy. Also, avoiding screen time before bed is a real game changer. I used to scroll mindlessly on my phone in bed but now I leave my phone outside the bedroom so I can really wind down.

The little things like a clean room and comfortable bedding make a huge difference too! I always make sure my sheets are fresh and that my pillow and comforter smell nice. It's like a mini spa experience every night.
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For me, having a cool, dark room really helps. Also drawing the curtains/closing the blinds to block out daylight is a must! I find that using an eye mask and earplugs can really help too - especially if you're a light sleeper or live in a noisy area.

Having a fixed bedtime also makes a huge difference because your body gets used to it and you feel more tired at that time. Same goes for mealtime - eating roughly at the same times everyday helps! Of course, cutting down on caffeine and minimizing daytime naps is key.

Some people find white noise or rainfall/nature sounds helpful too - there are many free apps for this, which can help you zone out and block out any disruptive noises. I find that keeping my phone far away from me - like across the room - helps me to not fiddle with it and also reduces the temptation to check the time and get frustrated by insomnia.

On the topic of frustrating insomnia, trying not to stress about not sleeping is easier said than done, but definitely a must. Counting sheep or other simple meditation techniques can help to calm an active mind.

Also, I'm a big fan of using a sleep spray which has a calming scent - it's really soothing and signals to your body that bedtime is approaching!
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I think it goes without saying we all want the best quality of sleep possible, and creating an ambiance that encourages rest is such a big part of it! Keeping the room dark and cozy with some cool temps is definitely a win. And yeah, keeping things tidy and fresh-smelling really adds to the whole experience.

I'm also trying to cut down on pre-bed screen time. It's so tempting to reach for the phone but I find that reading or listening to music helps me unwind better.


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I usually like to take a warm bath with some relaxing essential oils and a good book before I sleep. Soaking in the tub just helps me unwind after a long day and prepares my body to rest.

Also, keeping the bedroom dim and cozy is a must! I use blackout curtains 'cause I'm not a fan of daylight and keep the room cool with a slight breeze from the fan. It's so soothing.

Oh, and I also love using weighted blankets! They make me feel all cozy and secure, like a gentle hug. It's like having a nice cuddle while staying drift-off ready.


I also like to avoid screens before bed - it's so easy to get sucked into mindless scrolling and before you know it, an hour has passed! Drawing the curtains is a great idea - fresh light signals the body to wake up and makes waking up a little easier, especially after a cozy slumber.

The bedroom being comfy and cozy makes all the difference too - that cool, crisp sheet feeling is heavenly! And ahhh, the little things like a cool breeze or a gentle fan can also help create that soothing atmosphere you mentioned. So many ways to make our sleep environment nurturing and relaxing!

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