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Nurture nocturnal routines


Feb 21, 2024
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Routines at night are so important to help us wind down, relax and transition into a great sleep. They signal to our bodies that bedtime is approaching and help prepare us mentally too. Share your nightly rituals and let's compare the different ways we can nurture ourselves before bed.

I'll go first! I like to start my nighttime routine by lighting some candles around my space and putting on some soothing music - usually a chill hop or lo-fi playlist on low volume. Then I take off my makeup, which doubles as a mini massage for my face and feels so luxurious. Following this, I run a hot bath with essential oils and often add Epsom salt to help soothe my muscles. I keep the lighting low and the ambiance calm and peaceful.

After my bath, I put on fresh pyjamas and spend 15 minutes journaling. Writing down my thoughts and feelings helps me process them and ensures I don't dwell on them as I try to sleep. I always end my routine by drinking a big glass of water and popping my retainers in (I had braces a few years ago).

What are your nighttime rituals? I'd love to hear them!
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My nighttime routine quite simple one. I usually just take a quick shower and wash my face real good to remove all the dirt after a long day out. Then I use moisturizer on my face and body cuz my skin quite dry.

After that, I like to spend about 10 minutes just stretching and doing some light yoga poses sittin' on my bed. Helps to relax my muscles and ease any tension in my body. I put on my comfiest sleepwear and lie down with a hot cup of chamomile tea, reading a good book or watching some feel-good TV show. Gotta keep the screens away after that so I'll usually leave my phone in another room.

I always make sure my space is cool and dark - got to have thick curtains to block out the street light. Then I just close my eyes and listen to some calming ocean sounds or rain on a tent app I have. Relaxing mind is quite difficult with all the thoughts rushing through my head but I'm trying to train myself to just let them pass by like clouds in the sky.

Think that's pretty much it for me! Nothing too elaborate but it's been working well so far and helps me get good rest each night.

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Nighttime routines are a must for that extra self-care! I'm a big fan of having candles lit and some mellow tunes playing in the background too. The vibe is so chill and really helps me unwind after a long day.

I usually take some time to do my skincare routine - it's become such a relaxing ritual for me, especially with all the different steps and massages involved. Then I like to snuggle up with a good book and a big comfortable blanket; the physical kind, not some e-book on a tablet! I find reading a few pages of an actual physical book helps me relax and detach from screens before bedtime.

Sometimes I do some gentle stretching - nothing too intense 'cause I'm usually pretty beat by then! - which helps soothe my soul and tired muscles. It's almost like a little reset button for my body. Then it's off to bed, feeling refreshed and ready for a good night's rest!

Nighttime routines are important me-time to help us chill and prepare for sleep!

I don't go as extra as you with the candles and baths cuz I'm usually dead tired by the time night rolls around, haha! But I do enjoy winding down with some K-drama or variety shows at low volume while applying skincare. It's become a cozy little routine that helps me unwind after a long day. I also like to use a sleep-inducing app with soothing sounds sometimes - really helps with easing into slumber.

These relaxing rituals are so necessary for our overall well-being and often go unnoticed!

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My night routine is simple af. I'm all about keeping it low key and minimizing prep time because I'm usually so dead tired by the end of the day.

I close the blinds and draw the curtains to darken the room, then dim the bright white lights with a soft amber lamp. I like to keep my phone far away from me when I sleep, so I set up my nighttime alarm and place it face down on my desk.

Then it's straight into comfy PJs and bed! I usually read a few pages of whatever book I'm in the middle of, or sometimes I just daydream. If I'm feeling especially restless, I'll do some simple stretches in bed to relax myself. Yawn-fest guaranteed.

On extra fussy skin days, I'll cleanse my face with micellar water and slap on some moisturizer and lip balm. That's the extent of my skincare routine because I hate layering on products that take forever to absorb into my skin - too much work!

Before I drift off, I make a mental list of any appointments or deadlines I have coming up. It helps me feel prepared, and the anticipation of future plans keeps me motivated to get through tomorrow's grind.

My night routine is simple af. I'm all about keeping it low key and minimizing prep time because I'm usually so dead tired by the end of the day.

I close the blinds and draw the curtains to darken the room, then dim the bright white lights with a soft amber lamp. I like to keep my phone far away from me when I sleep, so I set up my nighttime alarm and place it face down on my desk.

Then it's straight into comfy PJs and bed! I usually read a few pages of whatever book I'm in the middle of, or sometimes I just daydream. If I'm feeling especially restless, I'll do some simple stretches in bed to relax myself. Yawn-fest guaranteed.

On extra fussy skin days, I'll cleanse my face with micellar water and slap on some moisturizer and lip balm. That's the extent of my skincare routine because I hate layering on products that take forever to absorb into my skin - too much work!

Before I drift off, I make a mental list of any appointments or deadlines I have coming up. It helps me feel prepared, and the anticipation of future plans keeps me motivated to get through tomorrow's grind.
My routine is pretty straightforward. Candles and music are a must! Creates such a cozy atmosphere. I keep my skincare minimal too - cleansing and moisturizing is a must, and sometimes I'll throw in a face mask if I'm feeling extra.

I like to read a few pages of a book before bed too, or just let my mind wander. Writing in a journal is a nice way to clear your head. I should do that more often!

Ambiance is key for creating the perfect nighttime vibe and helping me relax. Oh, and PJs - fresh, comfy PJs make everything better!

My routine is pretty straightforward. Candles and music are a must! Creates such a cozy atmosphere. I keep my skincare minimal too - cleansing and moisturizing is a must, and sometimes I'll throw in a face mask if I'm feeling extra.

I like to read a few pages of a book before bed too, or just let my mind wander. Writing in a journal is a nice way to clear your head. I should do that more often!

Ambiance is key for creating the perfect nighttime vibe and helping me relax. Oh, and PJs - fresh, comfy PJs make everything better!
I like how you said ambiance is key because it's so true! Setting the mood with soft lights and some music can really help relax my mind after a long day. I usually opt for orange or yellow lights because they're warmer and make me feel cosier.

There's something satisfying about winding down in clean, fresh PJs too. It's like a subtle reward for getting through the day.
I like how you said ambiance is key because it's so true! Setting the mood with soft lights and some music can really help relax my mind after a long day. I usually opt for orange or yellow lights because they're warmer and make me feel cosier.

There's something satisfying about winding down in clean, fresh PJs too. It's like a subtle reward for getting through the day.
Mmm yes, warm-toned lighting is such a nice way to relax and unwind. Creates a cozy, snuggly feeling which is so comforting at the end of the day.

I agree about the PJs too - it's like a little ritual that signals to your mind that it's time to switch off and rest up.
Mmm yes, warm-toned lighting is such a nice way to relax and unwind. Creates a cozy, snuggly feeling which is so comforting at the end of the day.

I agree about the PJs too - it's like a little ritual that signals to your mind that it's time to switch off and rest up.
I usually go through my skincare routine, taking extra care and time to do a thorough job. I use my scented moisturizer and give myself a mini facial massage while at it. The relaxing aromas help me zone out and ease my mind. Then I curl up with a good book or magazine - preferably something not too stimulating, like a light novel or a fashion or lifestyle mag. I make sure the lighting is soft and dim, creating a cozy ambiance.

Sometimes, if I'm especially frazzled, I'll take an extra step and do some gentle stretching or yoga before hopping into bed. It's such a peaceful way to transition into sleep and signal to my body that bedtime is here.

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I usually go through my skincare routine, taking extra care and time to do a thorough job. I use my scented moisturizer and give myself a mini facial massage while at it. The relaxing aromas help me zone out and ease my mind. Then I curl up with a good book or magazine - preferably something not too stimulating, like a light novel or a fashion or lifestyle mag. I make sure the lighting is soft and dim, creating a cozy ambiance.

Sometimes, if I'm especially frazzled, I'll take an extra step and do some gentle stretching or yoga before hopping into bed. It's such a peaceful way to transition into sleep and signal to my body that bedtime is here.
I usually just stick to my skincare routine and make sure I have my moisturizer on. Can't sleep without it! Then I whack on a sitcom or a light-hearted YouTube video and try not to laugh too hard so I don't get hyped up haha! Sometimes I re-apply a face mask, the cooling sensation is soothing. If I'm feeling extra tired, I just hop right into bed and listen to some relaxing lo-fi beats or ASMR.

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I usually just stick to my skincare routine and make sure I have my moisturizer on. Can't sleep without it! Then I whack on a sitcom or a light-hearted YouTube video and try not to laugh too hard so I don't get hyped up haha! Sometimes I re-apply a face mask, the cooling sensation is soothing. If I'm feeling extra tired, I just hop right into bed and listen to some relaxing lo-fi beats or ASMR.
Ooh, I also like your idea of reapplying a face mask before bed; the sensory experience is soothing, plus the alone time feels luxurious! It's like giving yourself a quick spa treatment. I'm careful not to get too addicted to electronics before bed - especially since my kids sometimes wake up at night and need attention - so I usually keep bedtime screen time to a minimum. I find that doing some light reading or listening to an audiobook works best for me when I want to unwind.
For me also, relaxing mind is the toughest part. Can't just switch off thoughts easily, especially on days when I'm feeling extra anxious or when there's a lot going on. But yeah, just like you said, trying to let those thoughts pass by naturally is what I'm practicing too!

Also, your night time routine sounds super soothing and relaxing! Love the idea of having candles lit and listening to chill music while winding down. And stretching and doing yoga before bed must feel so calming and grounding. I've been meaning to incorporate more yoga into my routine, so gonna try taking some inspo from you!

My nightly routine quite simple one. I just need to have a nice hot shower then slather on some moisturizer after because my skin very dry. I usually spend like five minutes just standing under the water, letting it relax my muscles. I do deep breathing also while doing that. Then I put on my sleepwear, which is extra cozy and comfy.

I like to keep things low key and minimal at night so no candles or music for me, but I do have a small lamp by my bed which gives a nice warm glow. I usually read a few pages of whatever book I'm into at the moment and then I'm out. Very soothing and peaceful.

My nightly routine quite simple one. I just need to have a nice hot shower then slather on some moisturizer after because my skin very dry. I usually spend like five minutes just standing under the water, letting it relax my muscles. I do deep breathing also while doing that. Then I put on my sleepwear, which is extra cozy and comfy.

I like to keep things low key and minimal at night so no candles or music for me, but I do have a small lamp by my bed which gives a nice warm glow. I usually read a few pages of whatever book I'm into at the moment and then I'm out. Very soothing and peaceful.
My routine quite different from yours! After my shower, I like to slather on a rich body cream instead of moisturizer - very lux and helps with my dry skin too. I also love using a gentle facial cleanser to double cleanse after removing makeup. It's such a satisfying way to end the day and gives me that extra clean feeling.

I've never been one for baths, but I might give it a go since you guys mentioned it feels relaxing. I'm all about that calm and peaceful life haha!

I also take some time to stretch and do light yoga poses before bed - helps me wind down and release any tension in my body. And of course, drinking water is a must for me too!

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I'm not so fancy, haha. I just follow the same routine every night - very boring, but it works for me! I usually take a quick shower and wash my face then and there cause I'm tired from work. I use my trusty face wash that feels like an instant cool sensation after a long day.

Then I hop straight into bed, plop some ointment on any zits that dare pop up , and slather moisturizer on my face and neck. I read a physical book for about 20 minutes - the words help calm my mind and send me to sleep. It's like a daily decompression session that helps me forget the stresses of the day.

Before closing my eyes, I make sure to drink some water too!

I'm not so fancy, haha. I just follow the same routine every night - very boring, but it works for me! I usually take a quick shower and wash my face then and there cause I'm tired from work. I use my trusty face wash that feels like an instant cool sensation after a long day.

Then I hop straight into bed, plop some ointment on any zits that dare pop up , and slather moisturizer on my face and neck. I read a physical book for about 20 minutes - the words help calm my mind and send me to sleep. It's like a daily decompression session that helps me forget the stresses of the day.

Before closing my eyes, I make sure to drink some water too!
I usually just take it easy at night cuz I'm dead tired after a day of work. I light some candles around the room to set the mood and put on some chill music - can't have the volume too high though! Then I do my skincare routine, hop into bed and slather on some moisturizer. I like reading physical books too, helps me wind down and forget all about the stress.

I'm not really into extravagant nightly rituals lah, nothing fancy like candles and baths haha. But I do make sure to wash my face and always use a moisturizer 'cause my skin gets dry easily. Also, drinking a glass of warm water before bed is a must for me, it's comforting in a way. Sometimes if I'm feeling particularly stressed, I'll take some time to just close my eyes and deep breathe - helps me relax and clears my mind. Then it's lights off and sleep time!


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