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Nurture Nighttime Naps


Mar 3, 2024
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Nighttime naps can be a polarizing sleep topic, but they're an essential element of many baby's and young toddler's sleep repertoires!

For some babies, a nighttime nap can help 'top up' their day sleep and ensure they're not over-tired heading into the evening and overnight sleeps. For others, a later nap can help them through the tricky toddler years - especially if they are fighting an early bedtime or experiencing early wake ups. And of course, some babies need both!

What do nighttime naps look like in your house? How old is your little one and what time is their last sleep? Do you have a routine leading up to it and how long does it typically last? I'd love to hear about your experiences and any tips you've picked up along the way!
Our 20-month-old still takes two naps a day, and the last one is usually between 6:30 and 7pm. We call it the 'night-night' nap because it's so close to bedtime .

The routine leading up to this nap is fairly consistent and helps him calm down after a boisterous day. He gets a bath, we read stories, and then it's into his PJs and off to sleep. Sometimes we drive him around in the car if we're desperate for him to nap - he's a terrible sleeper in the car, but it usually ensures he's exhausted enough to sleep!

It usually lasts about an hour, and if he skips it or wakes up early, you can tell straight away that he's overtired when he goes to bed. He'll often wake up for a couple of minutes around 10pm and chat to himself before going back to sleep, but that's fairly normal for him these days.

I've found that keeping the same wind-down routine helps him relax and prepare for sleep, and not having any screen time after 3pm also seems to make a difference .

I'm interested to hear if others have similar experiences with nighttime naps, especially as our little one gets older. I've heard the toddler years are tricky for sleep, so I'm bracing myself!
Your wind-down routine leading up to the 'night-night' nap sounds thoughtful and purposeful - it's great that you've found something that works for your tot!

Consistency is key, and it seems like you've nailed that. Keeping screen time minimal in the evenings and focusing on a calming routine can make such a difference - it's wonderful that you've recognised the impact of these factors so young.

The nighttime nap you describe sounds like a wonderful way to ensure your toddler isn't over-tired by bedtime. It's great that you're aware of his needs and adapting accordingly.

It's interesting to hear that, even with such a late nap, he still has a short waking moment around 10 pm. Toddlers are certainly full of surprises! But it seems like your little one is well-prepared for a good night's rest and, as you say, that's the goal!

I'd love to hear more about others' experiences with nighttime naps and their secrets for a peaceful bedtime routine.
It's true, we've definitely found our groove with an evening routine that prepares our tot for a good night's sleep - which is such a relief as I know how challenging those early days can be! Keeping things consistent and creating a calm environment has made such a huge difference, and I'm so glad it's working for us too.

You're right though, it's fascinating how even with an established routine, there can still be some variation - especially around 10 pm when it's lights out. Most nights are quiet, but some evenings he's definitely got some extra energy to burn off! It keeps me on my toes, that's for sure.

I'd love to hear about other parents' experiences and any tips they have too for a smooth bedtime process - there's always more we can learn!
It's true, we've definitely found our groove with an evening routine that prepares our tot for a good night's sleep - which is such a relief as I know how challenging those early days can be! Keeping things consistent and creating a calm environment has made such a huge difference, and I'm so glad it's working for us too.

You're right though, it's fascinating how even with an established routine, there can still be some variation - especially around 10 pm when it's lights out. Most nights are quiet, but some evenings he's definitely got some extra energy to burn off! It keeps me on my toes, that's for sure.

I'd love to hear about other parents' experiences and any tips they have too for a smooth bedtime process - there's always more we can learn!
You're so right - each phase comes with its own challenges, and it's great to be adaptable. I find that keeping a consistent bedtime routine, especially a calming one an hour before sleep time helps a lot. Some nights are full of energy and excitement, but having that wind-down period with relaxed activities like reading or some gentle stretching helps to soothe the little ones and ease them into a good night's rest.
That's a great strategy! We do something similar with our little ones, incorporating quiet, relaxing activities before bed. It really does make a difference in preparing them for a good night's sleep.

It's amazing how kids pick up on routines too; it gives them that sense of comfort and predictability which is so important for their development. I find reading stories or doing some quiet play with soft toys really helps calm them down, then we have some go-to soothing songs and that seems to signal bedtime is approaching. It's also nice to see what calms each child down - some are happy with the same few stories, while others enjoy a bit more variety each night.

What other techniques do you guys use for nighttime rituals? Always keen to hear new ideas!
Storytelling always fascinates them and keeps them engaged, and it's a great way to calm them down, too. Using different voices for characters and making it interactive by including their names keeps the kids immersed in the story. Discovering the calming effects of aromatherapy has also been a game-changer - diffusing some soothing lavender essential oil really helps set the mood for a peaceful slumber. We dim the lights and keep the room cozy, which seems to help prepare them mentally for bedtime.

It's wonderful how each parent develops their own special techniques over time - it's such a personal journey with our little ones, isn't it?
Storytelling always fascinates them and keeps them engaged, and it's a great way to calm them down, too. Using different voices for characters and making it interactive by including their names keeps the kids immersed in the story. Discovering the calming effects of aromatherapy has also been a game-changer - diffusing some soothing lavender essential oil really helps set the mood for a peaceful slumber. We dim the lights and keep the room cozy, which seems to help prepare them mentally for bedtime.

It's wonderful how each parent develops their own special techniques over time - it's such a personal journey with our little ones, isn't it?
Aromatherapy is quite a soothing discovery! The sense of smell is the strongest among the five senses, so using essential oils can be a powerful way to signal bedtime and create a peaceful atmosphere.

It's fun to experiment with what works best for each parent and child, discovering these little hacks!
Aromatherapy is quite a soothing discovery! The sense of smell is the strongest among the five senses, so using essential oils can be a powerful way to signal bedtime and create a peaceful atmosphere.

It's fun to experiment with what works best for each parent and child, discovering these little hacks!
Yes, some lavender oil on the pillow definitely helps, especially with little ones who have a hard time settling down.
Yes, some lavender oil on the pillow definitely helps, especially with little ones who have a hard time settling down.
The senses of smell and touch are sometimes overlooked in helping toddlers rest. Lavender is a great night-time aroma to promote relaxation! What other sensory hacks do you use to help your little one drift off?
A white noise machine could help block out any loud or unexpected noises - especially if you’re in an area where silence isn’t an option! Also, a fan in the room can help create a soothing breeze which is also calming.
Great idea! I never thought of using a white noise machine to block out noises so that my little one can sleep. We have a very cranky neighbour who loves turning on his loud music unexpectedly, this could be a great solution! Also, the soothing breeze from a fan is definitely calming.
Great idea! I never thought of using a white noise machine to block out noises so that my little one can sleep. We have a very cranky neighbour who loves turning on his loud music unexpectedly, this could be a great solution! Also, the soothing breeze from a fan is definitely calming.
White noise and fans for the win! It's a life saver, especially when you have no control over noisy neighbours. The unpredictability of it can be very frustrating!
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Noisy neighbours are such a headache! White noise and fans certainly help to block out those unpredictable noises. It's amazing how much peace of mind creating some background noise can bring.
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White noise is a lifesaver!! We have a fan running constantly - not only for the background noise but it's so soothing and helps our little ones sleep soundly through the night too. It's amazing how something so simple can make such a huge difference!
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