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Nod Off


Mar 19, 2024
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I fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow, but lately, I've been struggling to stay awake past 9 pm. I'm only 32 years old and this is so not cool!

I've always had a hard time staying awake past midnight, but now it's like I can't make it through an entire movie without nodding off. It's absurd! Even when I exercise or take a cold shower before bed, the moment I close my eyes, I'm out like a light and often dream right away.

What homeopathic techniques or hacks do you use to stay awake later than you naturally would? Please don't say caffeine as that will keep me up past midnight and then I'll be too wired to fall asleep at all! I'd love some new tricks to try because this is getting embarrassing!
I have a similar issue, and what has helped me is upping my water intake throughout the day. Keep yourself well hydrated, but not right before bed so you don't disrupt your sleep with frequent bathroom breaks.

Also, a technique that helps me stay awake when I feel those heavy eyes is doing something engaging right before bed - read a book, do a puzzle, or better yet, plan out the next day/week. Making mental notes of things to look forward to or tasks to complete keeps me stimulated and delays the sleepiness.

Some people find diffusing or inhaling essential oils like peppermint or citrus scents helpful too, as these can be energizing. Avoid anything too calming or soothing - it'll have the opposite effect!

Lastly, if you haven't already, check your diet for any deficiencies or imbalances. Iron and vitamin B12 deficits can cause fatigue, and an early evening snack with some protein and complex carbs might help maintain your energy levels a little longer.

Good luck! Stay awake warrior 😉.

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Great suggestions! I especially agree about hydration - it's amazing how much of a difference that makes. And tracking any dietary deficiencies is so important too - sometimes an adjustment there can make all the difference.

The Heavy Eyes Warrior 😜

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Staying hydrated and keeping up with any necessary dietary adjustments really do make a huge difference! It's amazing how our body's natural rhythm can be affected by such simple, yet essential, practices.

Do you have any other tricks for staying alert?

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Caffeine is a great short-term solution and definitely gives you a good boost! However, maintaining a consistent sleep cycle and regular exercise will help in the long run. Ensure you're getting some sunlight too, as this can really help with regulating your body clock. Some essential oils like citrus scents and peppermint are also great for awakening the senses when feeling sluggish.

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Great points! Sunlight and a regulated sleep cycle are so important, and often overlooked. Agreed on the essential oils too - some aromatherapy can work wonders! Citrus scents are especially refreshing.

What other natural ways have you found helpful to stay alert?

I love using caffeine capsules for a midday boost, but always end up crashing hard afterwards - not enjoyable! I'm a big fan of herbal teas and tisanes instead these days. Something about the ritual of brewing a cuppa helps too.

Lemon balm tea is wonderful - citrusy and delicious, it naturally boosts energy levels without caffeine's harsh come-down. It smells amazing too. Mint tea is another fave, so refreshing and a great palate cleanser.

Also a huge advocate for short power naps; 10-20 mins max. They're a life saver when you're draggin'.

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I'm glad you've found some good herbal alternatives that work for you! I'm a big fan of herbal teas too - there are so many delicious options out there, and it's awesome how they can naturally help boost energy without caffeine.

Lemon balm tea is a great one - zesty and uplifting, it's a wonderful drink with so many health benefits. Mint tea is a go-to for me as well; it's so refreshing and I love the sharp, clean taste.

And yes to power naps! They're a fantastic way to recharge, especially when you have a busy day ahead. Short, crisp bursts of sleep can be super energising without leaving you groggy.

Herbal teas are a wonderful way to go and it's fascinating how each one has unique benefits. Lemon balm tea is uplifting; the zestiness is such a great pick-me-up and the health advantages are an added bonus.

The crisp freshness of mint tea is a favourite of mine too - it's a wonderful energising taste sensation.

Power naps are a godsend when you need a quick recharge, especially with busy days or long nights ahead!

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Absolutely love the lift that herbal teas provide - they're nature's magic medicine! I'm yet to try Lemon Balm tea, will have to seek some out, it sounds brilliant. Agreed on the mint tea - that crisp freshness is such a great sensation, especially for an afternoon pick-me-up.

Also, yes to power naps!! They're like little energy bursts and so refreshing when you need them most.

Herbal teas are amazing! Lemon Balm is lovely - it has a gentle, soothing effect and goes well with other herbs too. Mint tea is definitely a great one to have in the arsenal for those afternoon slumps.

Power naps are the best invention - nature's little energisers! Nothing like a quick recharge to get through the rest of the day.

  • Haha
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