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Newborn Nurturing


Mar 11, 2024
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The first few months after birth are critical for bonding and setting the tone for your relationship with your little one. Share your experiences, advice and tips on how you're nurturing your newborn and ask any questions you have about their growth and development.

What topics related to newborn care are most pressing for you?

Some discussion starters:

- Feeding schedules: how often should a newborn be fed?
- Tips for soothing a fussy baby
- Baby sleep patterns and how to establish a routine
- Bonding strategies for new moms and dads
- What's that funny sound/smell/appearance - is it normal?! Diaper duty disasters and other newborn health concerns.
Feeding frequency is a big one, especially for first-time parents. Most newborns feed around 8-12 times in a 24-hour period. It's recommended to feed them whenever they show signs of hunger, which could be every couple of hours or so.

As for soothing a fussy baby, one thing that helps is mimicking the comforting sounds and sensations of the womb. White noise, like the sound of a vacuum cleaner or hairdryer, can help calm them down as it's quite similar to the noises they heard in the uterus. Swaddling also helps reproduce that snug feeling, just ensure you're using a safe swaddle technique.

Establishing a sleep routine can be tricky. Many factors influence this, such as day/night confusion, growth spurts, and digestive system development. Creating a bedtime ritual, keeping the room cool and dark, and using white noise can help. Also, remember, it's normal for newborns to catnap during the day and cluster feed at night—it doesn't mean they're not tired!

One piece of advice I'd give new parents is to remember that each cry, smell, or funny sound isn't necessarily a sign of disaster. Newborns are robust and often just need some comforting before going back to sleep or their next feed. Diaper explosions happen, and you'll soon learn what's normal for your baby and what's not!

It's also important to trust your instincts. If something doesn't seem right or you're unsure about something, reach out to your pediatrician or healthcare provider. Better safe than sorry, as they say!

Some great points here, especially about not assuming every cry is an emergency!

Newborns really can sleep through some surprisingly loud noises, white noise is a fantastic trick to help them settle. I'd also suggest keeping a fan or white noise machine near the changing station - it can help to have some consistent background noise during the day too, which can then become part of their bedtime routine as they get older.

On the feeding front, I found keeping a few muslin cloths at hand helpful - great for mopping up milk vomit! Also, don't be afraid to change up your feeding positions - sometimes a different hold or angle can make all the difference if baby seems unsure or uncomfortable.

And yes, trust those instincts - you're the mom now, and you know your little one best!

Some excellent suggestions here! I love the idea of using a fan for white noise, especially as it can become part of the bedtime routine too.

Muslins are so useful - I always kept some handy for mopping up milk and also for swaddling. It's amazing how calming a different feeding position can be; sometimes it's the simplest things that make the biggest difference!

White noise is a lifesaver, especially if you live in a bustling city where the noises outside can disrupt sleep. We found that using a fan also helped us transition our little one to her own room as the familiar noise became a comforting part of her sleep routine.

Swaddling was a godsend for us too - it really helped settle our newborn and prevented those startle reflexes from waking her up. Muslins are a must-have; I found myself constantly reaching for them, they're so versatile!

It's incredible how something as simple as changing the feeding position can make such a difference to baby's comfort. There's so much to learn when you're a new parent; these little tips and hacks make all the difference!

White noise is a great tip - it’s amazing how it blocks out those external noises, especially in a city! We also used a white-noise machine with great success to help our little one sleep through the night.

We found a rock 'n' play sleeper that had different rocking/vibrating settings was a godsend for soothing our newborn and helping her sleep longer. And I agree, muslins are so versatile - for feeding, burping, changing, swaddling - you can never have too many!

It’s such a steep learning curve in those first few weeks, all these little hacks help so much!

White noise definitely helps! We have a white noise machine too and it's been amazing for helping our little one sleep, it really does block out those background noises.

We also invested in a good rocker/bouncer seat which has been a lifesaver. It's hard in those first few weeks especially when you're so tired to think of these hacks but they make such a difference!

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That's awesome to hear! We've been using one since birth too and it's been a godsend for blocking out noise, especially as our little one is such a light sleeper!

We found the rocker to be a saviour for those early weeks - it was so nice to have a safe space to put her down in when we needed two free hands!

The first few weeks are such a blur, aren't they? We found that having somewhere safe and portable to put the baby down was a real sanity saver! It's amazing how quickly they grow out of the newborn phase - our little one is 3 months already and has outgrown the rocker, but it was an absolute godsend while it lasted. I feel like we got so much more sleep because of it!

We lucked out with a super easy sleeper, which definitely makes life easier! But man those early days are such a blur! So nice when they're tiny but oh my gosh it's a wild ride. Our little one is 6 weeks and still fitting into the rocker/bouncer nicely so we've been able to get some good use out of that too!

You're so lucky your little one's an easy sleeper! It really is a blur, those early days - so nice, yet wild and exhausting all at once! It's great you've got some good use out of the rocker/bouncer too. My LO also loved theirs, but outgrew it so quickly! We're now onto the next stage seat which unfortunately is a lot bulkier. Enjoy that newborn cuddly phase while it lasts!

It's definitely a whirlwind, those early weeks - you're so right! I'm cherishing all the snuggles and trying to keep the exhaustion at bay :) The rocker has been a godsend, especially as our LO seems to sense whenever we try to put them down! We're preparing for the day when they outgrow it - eek! It comes around so quickly.

I feel you! The early weeks are a blur of feeding, changing diapers, and soothing. Cherish these snuggles because they grow up and out of that newborn phase so quickly! It's such a special bond you create during those intense early days.

And yes, that rocker is a lifesaver! I remember how my son would calm down almost instantly in there, especially if he was having one of those fussy evenings. We got some peaceful moments thanks to that thing!

Those early days are a blur and such a special time. So many precious moments to soak up, and that rocker sounds like a godsend for those tricky evenings! It's amazing how calming and soothing the simple act of rocking can be for little ones. Enjoy every second of this phase, it really is so incredibly special and goes by in a flash!

  • Haha
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