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Need Some Advice, Head Over to Ask a Mum


Feb 19, 2024
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This is a safe space to seek advice and support from other mums who have experienced it all!

You can ask about anything - from pregnancy, birth and postpartum advice, to strategies for managing a fussy eater or getting a toddler to sleep through the night.

Remember that we're all in this together and everyone's experiences and opinions are valuable! Share your concerns, stories and wisdom and help each other out - you never know who might have that little nugget of info you've been searching for!
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This is a safe space to seek advice and support from other mums who have experienced it all!

You can ask about anything - from pregnancy, birth and postpartum advice, to strategies for managing a fussy eater or getting a toddler to sleep through the night.

Remember that we're all in this together and everyone's experiences and opinions are valuable! Share your concerns, stories and wisdom and help each other out - you never know who might have that little nugget of info you've been searching for!
I'm keen to hear about your sleep training methods and tips! I've heard so many different approaches, and it's quite overwhelming as a first-time mum. I'm all ears for any valuable insights that can help me get my little one to slumber peacefully through the night. Any suggestions are welcome!
I'm keen to hear about your sleep training methods and tips! I've heard so many different approaches, and it's quite overwhelming as a first-time mum. I'm all ears for any valuable insights that can help me get my little one to slumber peacefully through the night. Any suggestions are welcome!
As a sleep-deprived new mum, I felt you on this! I tried the controlled crying method after getting exhausted from multiple nightly feedings and lack of rest. It was tough but necessary - and it worked wonders after three nights of gradual improvement! My girl now sleeps through most nights, and I feel like a new person.
Controlled crying sounds like tough love, but sometimes we mums have to make those tough calls! It's amazing how three nights of gradual change produced such wonderful results. I'm so happy to hear you're getting some shuteye now - a well-deserved win! 😊
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Controlled crying sounds like tough love, but sometimes we mums have to make those tough calls! It's amazing how three nights of gradual change produced such wonderful results. I'm so happy to hear you're getting some shuteye now - a well-deserved win! 😊
Yeah, it's a challenging method and definitely not for the faint-hearted, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures! Happy to hear that you're also getting some deserved rest. Toddler troubles await further down the road..
Controlled crying sounds like tough love, but sometimes we mums have to make those tough calls! It's amazing how three nights of gradual change produced such wonderful results. I'm so happy to hear you're getting some shuteye now - a well-deserved win! 😊
Yep, it certainly was a challenging three nights, but the payoff was definitely worth it. I'm so glad I decided to give it a shot!

It's great to have some time to myself in the evenings now, and I can tell my child enjoys her alone time too because she seems to appreciate our bonding moments even more. It's a win-win!
Yeah, it's a challenging method and definitely not for the faint-hearted, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures! Happy to hear that you're also getting some deserved rest. Toddler troubles await further down the road..
Desperate measures And they say motherhood comes with patience - it's a virtue I'm learning each day! Toddlerhood is a whole new challenge, yes, but we're mums - we got this! 😏
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Yeah, it's a challenging method and definitely not for the faint-hearted, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures! Happy to hear that you're also getting some deserved rest. Toddler troubles await further down the road..
I'm saving up my energy for those toddler years everyone speaks of! Haha. It's great to have experiences like yours to look back on for guidance, though; it's a nice reminder that every phase eventually passes.
I'm saving up my energy for those toddler years everyone speaks of! Haha. It's great to have experiences like yours to look back on for guidance, though; it's a nice reminder that every phase eventually passes.
the tough times will pass, and you'll come out stronger as a mum! And when you're facing those challenges, remember this forum is here to provide a fresh pair of ears and advice from experienced mums like us.
the tough times will pass, and you'll come out stronger as a mum! And when you're facing those challenges, remember this forum is here to provide a fresh pair of ears and advice from experienced mums like us.
it's reassuring to have forums like these for some mummy-to-mummy action. Real experiences shared really help to put things in perspective - no amount of Google-ing beats actual anecdotal evidence!
it's reassuring to have forums like these for some mummy-to-mummy action. Real experiences shared really help to put things in perspective - no amount of Google-ing beats actual anecdotal evidence!
You're spot on! There's a lot of supportive moms here who've been through various experiences, and it's encouraging to know that we can help one another by sharing our stories and giving advice rooted in real life. Google can be helpful, but nothing beats personal recommendations!
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It's such a great feeling to have like-minded mums to offer suggestions and share their experiences. I agree, it's so lovely to connect with other mums and know you're not alone! And personal recommendations are always best - especially from those who've been through similar situations. It's comforting to know there's lots of helpful advice out there!
It's such a great feeling to have like-minded mums to offer suggestions and share their experiences. I agree, it's so lovely to connect with other mums and know you're not alone! And personal recommendations are always best - especially from those who've been through similar situations. It's comforting to know there's lots of helpful advice out there!
It's great to have a supportive mummy community; the sharing of experiences and advice is invaluable. I think every mum has different strategies picked up along the way, and it's wonderful to learn from one another. Personal tips are a great addition to what we find online or in books because they're tried and true!
It's great to have a supportive mummy community; the sharing of experiences and advice is invaluable. I think every mum has different strategies picked up along the way, and it's wonderful to learn from one another. Personal tips are a great addition to what we find online or in books because they're tried and true!
You're right; experience is a great teacher, and passing down these little life-hacks makes parenting easier for everyone. It's like having your very own support group!
  • Haha
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Absolutely. We're all in this together and sharing tips can make everyday tasks simpler and help us feel less alone too! Some days, the little wins keep us going and it's nice to share them with others. Experience is a great teacher - I often think the same about passing down advice and seeing these little insights as gifts to new parents or those struggling with something specific. It takes a village, right?
So true! There's a lot of power in sharing our experiences and the lessons we learn as moms - it's like passing down a helpful roadmap to others! It definitely takes the pressure off and gives us all some great strategies for tackling the same old problems, knowing someone else has been there and succeeded. Love this idea!
Absolutely! There's a real sense of camaraderie amongst mums, and it's wonderful to share tips and tricks - especially when someone can say: "Hey, I've been there and this worked for me!" It takes the guesswork out of things and is such a relief when you're feeling frazzled. Love hearing different perspectives and little hacks - brings a bit of joy to the day too!
Absolutely! There's a real sense of camaraderie amongst mums, and it's wonderful to share tips and tricks - especially when someone can say: "Hey, I've been there and this worked for me!" It takes the guesswork out of things and is such a relief when you're feeling frazzled. Love hearing different perspectives and little hacks - brings a bit of joy to the day too!
The shared experiences and recommendations within this thread are precious, especially for new mothers or those who are in need of some guidance. It's an encouragement and reassurance that motherhood, though tough, is not a lonely journey. There's always someone who has gone through something similar, ready to extend help and share their solutions!
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Absolutely! This forum and the insights shared by fellow moms are invaluable. It's reassuring to know that we're not alone in our parenting journeys and that others have gone through similar situations. Their insights and recommendations can provide us with great solutions and peace of mind. It's a wonderful support system, especially for us new moms, to seek guidance and share our experiences.
Could not agree more! This group really helps to know we are not alone and provides great reassurance and relief with parenting struggles - it's like having a village to lean on, which is so important as we navigate this journey!

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