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Mum's Workout


Feb 15, 2024
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What kind of workouts do you moms out there find most convenient or effective? I'm particularly curious about exercises one can fit into small breaks or snippets of time, or that can be done with the little ones around! Any suggestions for engaging and manageable routines would be welcome! TIA!
Some great quick exercises for busy mums are:

1. Squats - can be done holding your baby, just make sure you're stable and keep it slow and controlled.

2. Lunges - same as above, hold your baby and focus on good form.

3. Burpees - get the heart rate up, plus they're over quick! And you can easily avoid contact with your little one.

4. Mountain Climbers - another fast one that gets the heart rate up, plus you can do them anywhere.

5. Plank and side plank - great for core work that can be done while the baby is rolling around nearby. You can also prop yourself up on your forearms and hands during tummy time to take some pressure off.

6. Leg lifts - again, focus on your core, and can be done lying down so easy to fit in during nap time!

Remember to always listen to your body and seek advice from a professional if you're unsure or just starting to exercise post pregnancy.

Good luck and have fun finding what works for you!
Some great quick exercises for busy mums are:

1. Squats - can be done holding your baby, just make sure you're stable and keep it slow and controlled.

2. Lunges - same as above, hold your baby and focus on good form.

3. Burpees - get the heart rate up, plus they're over quick! And you can easily avoid contact with your little one.

4. Mountain Climbers - another fast one that gets the heart rate up, plus you can do them anywhere.

5. Plank and side plank - great for core work that can be done while the baby is rolling around nearby. You can also prop yourself up on your forearms and hands during tummy time to take some pressure off.

6. Leg lifts - again, focus on your core, and can be done lying down so easy to fit in during nap time!

Remember to always listen to your body and seek advice from a professional if you're unsure or just starting to exercise post pregnancy.

Good luck and have fun finding what works for you!
Those are some great ideas! I've been doing squats and lunges without realizing they're actual exercises. Haha! It's encouraging to think that these little movements do add up in keeping fit as a mum.

Are there any other effective exercises that don't require special equipment, like say, for post pregnancy fitness or for someone who's just getting back into fitness?
Some great equipment-free exercises include:

- Plank: Get down on the floor and lift yourself up into a push-up position, but instead of focusing on your arms, squeeze your glutes and thighs - think of it as holding your body in a straight line from your head to your knees.

- Side Plank: Similar to a regular plank, but you prop yourself up with one foot stacked on top of the other, then lift that side's arm and keep it straight above you.

- Russian Twists: Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet lifted slightly off the ground. Twist your torso to one side, bringing your hands across your body. Then twist back to the center and repeat on the opposite side.

- Wall Push Ups: These are easier on the wrists than regular pushups and target the same muscles. Simply stand facing a wall, then bend your arms to lean against it, keeping your body straight.

These exercises along with the squats and lunges you're already doing make for a great low-impact workout that's perfect for getting back into fitness. Remember to listen to your body and adjust as needed, especially after pregnancy! Start with lower intensities and work your way up as you build strength. Congrats on getting back into it - go mum!
Thanks so much for sharing! I've been looking for some new equipment-free exercises to add to my routine, and these are perfect, especially as I'm often time-crunched and short on energy these days as a new mum.

The side plank and Russian twists are especially appealing, as I feel like they target the exact areas that need toning after baby weight! I'll give them a go tomorrow. Do you have any other equipment-free exercise suggestions or recommendations for post-pregnancy workout regimens? Would love to hear more.
Thanks so much for sharing! I've been looking for some new equipment-free exercises to add to my routine, and these are perfect, especially as I'm often time-crunched and short on energy these days as a new mum.

The side plank and Russian twists are especially appealing, as I feel like they target the exact areas that need toning after baby weight! I'll give them a go tomorrow. Do you have any other equipment-free exercise suggestions or recommendations for post-pregnancy workout regimens? Would love to hear more.
You could also try jumping jacks -- a quick, whole-body, cardiovascular exercise that only requires your own body and a bit of space.

With all these exercises, remember to adjust according to your comfort level and always prioritize what feels right for your body. Your body's been through a lot; it needs tending to, so don't overdo it!
Great suggestion! Jumping jacks are an awesome way to get the heart rate up and work on cardio, plus they're easy to modify - like you said, just make sure to listen to your body!

Maybe add some variations to spice things up? Like jumping side-to-side or doing small jumps with high knees. Anything to keep it fun and enjoyable!
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Great suggestion! Jumping jacks are an awesome way to get the heart rate up and work on cardio, plus they're easy to modify - like you said, just make sure to listen to your body!

Maybe add some variations to spice things up? Like jumping side-to-side or doing small jumps with high knees. Anything to keep it fun and enjoyable!
Variations are a great way to keep the workouts exciting and target different muscle groups! I'm glad you suggested jumping side-to-side; it's an excellent modify to cater to small spaces and avoid any potential dangers of overhead reaches, especially for us mums with young ones around!

Perhaps we can also explore some yoga poses that are known for being more energizing and rejuvenating, like the Mountain Pose or a simple Sun Salutation flow. And if you're up for it, arm balances like the crane pose or inversions like the headstand are said to be refreshing and good for boosting energy levels.

But of course, of primary importance is consulting your doctor or a qualified yoga instructor to ensure you're doing what works best for you and your specific situation.
Variations are a great way to keep the workouts exciting and target different muscle groups! I'm glad you suggested jumping side-to-side; it's an excellent modify to cater to small spaces and avoid any potential dangers of overhead reaches, especially for us mums with young ones around!

Perhaps we can also explore some yoga poses that are known for being more energizing and rejuvenating, like the Mountain Pose or a simple Sun Salutation flow. And if you're up for it, arm balances like the crane pose or inversions like the headstand are said to be refreshing and good for boosting energy levels.

But of course, of primary importance is consulting your doctor or a qualified yoga instructor to ensure you're doing what works best for you and your specific situation.
Yoga offers a great boost with a low impact workout. The crane pose sounds interesting, a challenging yet manageable arm balance that looks like something I could attempt with my toddler around!

I'm definitely keen on exploring energizing yoga poses, and also keeping things varied to stay motivated - anything to keep up the momentum. Thanks for the suggestions!
Variations are a great way to keep the workouts exciting and target different muscle groups! I'm glad you suggested jumping side-to-side; it's an excellent modify to cater to small spaces and avoid any potential dangers of overhead reaches, especially for us mums with young ones around!

Perhaps we can also explore some yoga poses that are known for being more energizing and rejuvenating, like the Mountain Pose or a simple Sun Salutation flow. And if you're up for it, arm balances like the crane pose or inversions like the headstand are said to be refreshing and good for boosting energy levels.

But of course, of primary importance is consulting your doctor or a qualified yoga instructor to ensure you're doing what works best for you and your specific situation.
I've been told Mountain Pose and Sun Salutations are an excellent way to start yoga and help with mindfulness, which is especially soothing for frazzled mums!

Yoga seems like a great way to exercise without realizing it - almost meditative while being active. I've heard great things about how it helps with focus too. crane poses and headstands sound a bit intimidating, but I'll check them out! Good to know the options available.

I'm keen on keeping these exercises simple, accessible, and safe, so everyone can work out without strain or risk - especially with little ones around! Thanks so much for the recommendations, it's been useful! Does anyone have any other suggestions?
Great insights! Yoga really is an incredible way to centre yourself, and the Sun Salutations are a fantastic, energizing go-to.

I find that simple exercises focusing on deep breathing, stretching, and mindfulness are super helpful - especially for us mums who need all the calm we can get! The kid-friendly aspect is also key; it's wonderful to have an activity that engages the little ones while being gentle and safe for them.

I've heard good things about Pilates too, with a focus on core strength and stability - might be another accessible, low impact workout to throw into the mix!
Yoga and Pilates are fantastic low-impact workout options! I've heard such good things about how Pilates helps with core strength, which is so important for us mums - especially as it's an accessible workout we can do with the kids around.

The focus on breathing, stretching, and mindfulness in yoga is so therapeutic, and a great way to find some calm amidst the chaos of mum life! Sun Salutations are an awesome, quick energy booster.

Pilates could definitely be a great addition to the routine, especially with its focus on stability. I think it's wonderful to have options that the whole family can safely join in on, too. Love finding ways to stay active that don't feel like a chore!
Yoga and Pilates are fantastic low-impact workout options! I've heard such good things about how Pilates helps with core strength, which is so important for us mums - especially as it's an accessible workout we can do with the kids around.

The focus on breathing, stretching, and mindfulness in yoga is so therapeutic, and a great way to find some calm amidst the chaos of mum life! Sun Salutations are an awesome, quick energy booster.

Pilates could definitely be a great addition to the routine, especially with its focus on stability. I think it's wonderful to have options that the whole family can safely join in on, too. Love finding ways to stay active that don't feel like a chore!
I agree that discovering physical activities the whole family can enjoy is a real treat as a mom! My kids actually love doing yoga with me; it's their favourite bonding activity and a great way to introduce mindfulness to them while helping them stretch out their growing bodies. Win-win!

The fact that Pilates is focused on core strength makes it even more appealing to try, especially since having kids has definitely weakened this area for me! All the bending, lifting, and holding - it's like secret strengthening work!

Activities that us mums can do together with the family or as a workout buddy are such a great way to stay motivated. It's wonderful to hear about everyone's go-to exercises and getting so much inspiration. Keep those recommendations coming!
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Yoga is an excellent activity - mindful, healthy, and a wonderful way to spend quality time together.

You're right about Pilates too; it's a great way to strengthen our cores, which is so important for us mums! It often feels like a never-ending workout holding and bending with the little ones around!

Let's definitely keep the recommendations coming! I'm enjoying hearing everyone's tales of family-friendly exercises.
Yoga is an excellent activity - mindful, healthy, and a wonderful way to spend quality time together.

You're right about Pilates too; it's a great way to strengthen our cores, which is so important for us mums! It often feels like a never-ending workout holding and bending with the little ones around!

Let's definitely keep the recommendations coming! I'm enjoying hearing everyone's tales of family-friendly exercises.
It's encouraging to hear that yoga and Pilates sessions are doable and enjoyable family activities for some of you mums out there! While not everyone has the luxury of time or the inclination towards such activities, it's still great to have these options available for when we need them.

For those interested in more workout suggestions, squats could be a good, simple exercise to throw into the mix - good for postpartum recovery and also a quick way to tire you out!

I also hear wonderful things about the health benefits of dancing. Any dance moms here who can vouch for this form of exercise?
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It's encouraging to hear that yoga and Pilates sessions are doable and enjoyable family activities for some of you mums out there! While not everyone has the luxury of time or the inclination towards such activities, it's still great to have these options available for when we need them.

For those interested in more workout suggestions, squats could be a good, simple exercise to throw into the mix - good for postpartum recovery and also a quick way to tire you out!

I also hear wonderful things about the health benefits of dancing. Any dance moms here who can vouch for this form of exercise?
Dance is an excellent way to workout without realizing it! Grooving to some fun tunes is such an upbeat, enjoyable way to keep fit - definitely a great mood booster and energy burner!

As a dance instructor myself, I can vouch for the fun factor, though it can definitely be a workout keeping up with intricate choreography at times! But any form of moving to music is a great way to exercise accessibly. Zumba, anyone?
It's encouraging to hear that yoga and Pilates sessions are doable and enjoyable family activities for some of you mums out there! While not everyone has the luxury of time or the inclination towards such activities, it's still great to have these options available for when we need them.

For those interested in more workout suggestions, squats could be a good, simple exercise to throw into the mix - good for postpartum recovery and also a quick way to tire you out!

I also hear wonderful things about the health benefits of dancing. Any dance moms here who can vouch for this form of exercise?
I think we're on the same wavelength! I was thinking of suggesting squats too - they're a great multifunctional exercise! You've reminded me of one of my favourites: danced workouts!

There's just something about dancing to a favourite beat that puts a smile on my face and gets my mood up. It's such a fun way to get the heart rate going, and some dance workouts like Zumba have a great community following, which adds to the fun. You're right about the health benefits too; improving balance and coordination is an added bonus!
It's encouraging to hear that yoga and Pilates sessions are doable and enjoyable family activities for some of you mums out there! While not everyone has the luxury of time or the inclination towards such activities, it's still great to have these options available for when we need them.

For those interested in more workout suggestions, squats could be a good, simple exercise to throw into the mix - good for postpartum recovery and also a quick way to tire you out!

I also hear wonderful things about the health benefits of dancing. Any dance moms here who can vouch for this form of exercise?
Some of my friends enjoy Zumba classes, which is apparently a fun workout based on Latin dance. They claim the high-energy routines are great stress relief and you're correct - very therapeutic!
Dance is an excellent way to workout without realizing it! Grooving to some fun tunes is such an upbeat, enjoyable way to keep fit - definitely a great mood booster and energy burner!

As a dance instructor myself, I can vouch for the fun factor, though it can definitely be a workout keeping up with intricate choreography at times! But any form of moving to music is a great way to exercise accessibly. Zumba, anyone?
I've heard of the physical benefits of dance but didn't know that dancing was your forte! As long as we keep moving, it's got to be helpful, right? groove and let loose is a fun way to fitness.

I've tried Zumba once and it was a workout, but such a fun way to exercise with the vibrant music and lively movements. Could definitely see it becoming addictive - a very welcomed habit!
Some of my friends enjoy Zumba classes, which is apparently a fun workout based on Latin dance. They claim the high-energy routines are great stress relief and you're correct - very therapeutic!
The popularity of the Zumba crew is definitely well founded then! The energy and vibes from these Latin dances are truly contagious. It's amazing how working out can be so enjoyable with the right routine and company!
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