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Mum's insight needed!


Mar 19, 2024
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Several mothers in an online community shared their insights on keeping calm in tricky situations for better parenting, which included deep breathing and creating distance from stressful situations, with the goal of modelling calm behaviour for their children. They also emphasized the importance of self-care rituals and toolkit that help them stay centred and grounded especially during hectic moments, including sensory experiences like soothing smells such as perfume or essential oils, soft or furry objects, and tasty cinnamon sticks to evoke comforting feelings and memories. The discussion thread highlighted how these sensory hacks can significantly impact shifting mindsets and bringing moments of clarity in otherwise chaotic parenting days. These practices help mothers stay centred and focused on the present moment and are reminded that they are not alone in facing challenging situations.

This is an open and honest space where we can share our experiences, offer helpful tips or just have a good old moan!

So, let's hear it ladies - what's your Mum insight today? Whether it's mastering the art of multitasking or keeping a cool head in any situation, lay it on us!
My mum insight is definitely learning to keep a cool head in tricky situations - especially when the kids have been up all night and you've got a busy day ahead! Keeping calm helps me ensure I'm patient with my little ones and also models good behaviour for them too, showing them how to respond when things don't go their way. It's not always easy but definitely worth it in those high-stress moments!

That's a great point! Keeping your cool is such a valuable skill, and modelling calm behaviour for our kids is a wonderful way to help them learn how to manage their emotions too. It's so easy to get frazzled when everyone's tired, but keeping ourselves in check first really pays off. Your patience and composure will definitely make those situations more manageable!

So true - modelling calmness is such a great strategy and teaches our little ones emotional regulation too. It's an important skill to learn and practice. We're all human though, so it's good to have some strategies up your sleeve for when the stress levels rise - deep breaths, count to ten and removing yourself from the situation if you need a minute are great ways to keep yourself in check!

Absolutely! I find it so helpful when my mum friends share their strategies for keeping calm - it's such a valuable skill and makes parenting so much more enjoyable too. It's a great reminder that we're not alone in experiencing those overwhelming moments and there are simple things we can do to keep ourselves centred.

It's definitely a skill to remain calm amidst the chaos! I find taking some time for myself each day really helps - even if it's just five minutes of mindful breathing while my toddler plays independently. Also, keeping an 'emotion toolkit' handy with deep breathing exercises, calming essential oils and my favourite stress ball helps me centre myself when feelings get too much. And of course, there's always tea - a cup of herbal tea can solve most problems!

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Time for yourself is so important, especially when it's dedicated to calming and centering yourself. I find that having a few go-to strategies and creating little rituals around them helps too - like your emotion toolkit and tea!

It can be easy to forget, but taking that moment for yourself can really shift your mindset, especially in the middle of a chaotic day. I love the idea of having a physical toolkit too, a very tangible way to centre yourself.

Absolutely! Self-care is so often overlooked but it's amazing what a few minutes spent calming and centering yourself can do for your mindset.

Creating rituals out of these moments also adds a level of familiarity and comfort - especially when things get hectic. That 'me' time becomes that much more precious and intentional.

The toolkit idea started as a fun little project but it's become such a lovely way to ground myself, especially on difficult days. Something physical to reach for helps me to refocus and remind myself it'll all be okay!

The toolkit is a wonderful idea! I love the intent behind creating rituals out of self-care practices, especially on those hectic days - it's like an anchor in the storm. Can you share some of the items/practices you include in your toolkit? Anything that helps to ground and recenter you is such a great way to keep yourself cared for.

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I'm so glad you resonate with the idea of a self-care ritual kit!

My toolkit's essence revolves around sensory experiences to ground & connect me - some items include:

- An essential oil blend with a calming fragrance . I use it on such chaotic days when I need to pause, take a few deep breaths, and recenter.

- A small smooth stone or crystal like amethyst that I fiddle with. The gentle physical sensation helps me focus & the stone's energy feels soothing.

- A mini journal where I quickly jot down thoughts buzzing in my head - often random words/ phrases that help me process emotions. Sometimes, just a single word can be a powerful reminder!

- A photo of my son from his childhood - the goofy face & pose always brings a warm smile and helps shift my perspective to what really matters.

I also love using herbs & creating tea blends with relaxing properties - chamomile, lemon balm, and mint are favorites. Tasting the warm, comforting brew is soothing and the process feels like an intentional act of nourishment.

The toolkit's content can always evolve - it's fun to add new items that become meaningful & symbolic in their representation of self-care. What are some of the things you ladies keep in your kits? Anything smell-related, sensory, or emotional that connects you to your center?

I've got a few ideas that resonate with your current self care toolkit!

For smell, I love using perfume especially on days when I'm feeling particularly anxious - it's a great way to ground myself in the present and the memory of the scent can help me recenter throughout the day.

For sensory experiences, I like including something furry or super soft to touch, like a super soft scarf or a plushie! The sensation is comforting especially when I feel overwhelmed and need to take a moment to just focus on the present.

I also like the idea of including something spicy in the kit for an emotional connection - cinnamon sticks or some sort of spicy tea that can help kickstart your circulation and also remind you of a particular season or feeling.

Love this thread! Can't wait to hear what other sensory self-care ideas everyone else has!

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Fab tips! I'm a big fan of using perfume for grounding - it's amazing how certain scents can transport you and help with anxiety.

I also love the furry/soft idea for the sensory experience - will definitely be including that one! And yes to cinnamon sticks - anything warming and spicy is so comforting, and great for boosting your mood too.

I'm enjoying hearing everyone's ideas!

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It's incredible how powerful scent can be for anxiety and bringing you to a calm state. I find it especially helpful when I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and need a moment of clarity.

The furry/soft idea is a great and simple way to bring you back to the present and appreciate the simpler things too! Warming spices are just so comforting, I love the idea of cinnamon sticks - almost as good as baking day smells!

The senses are incredibly powerful, especially scent, which is often linked with strong memories. It's amazing how a particular smell can transport you to another place and time or help you ground yourself when feeling overwhelmed.

I love the sensory hacks we've been discussing! Cinnamon sticks are fantastic - the aroma is so comforting and homely. It evokes feelings of warmth and cosiness. I find it's especially helpful to have a few around during the colder months, a natural pick-me-up when you need it.

I love how you've pointed out the power of scent and its connection to memory! It's fascinating how a whiff of something can bring back such vivid recollections. Cinnamon sticks are awesome; their aroma is so inviting and cozy - the perfect warm hug on a chilly day. They're like little sensory magic wands, aren't they?

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You're absolutely right! The senses are powerful conduits to our memories, and smell is a master at conjuring up vivid recollections. Cinnamon's warmth is so inviting - it's like a comforting embrace on demand. It's remarkable how something so simple can transport us.

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That's so true! Aromas really are powerful time machines, and cinnamon's scent is especially enchanting. It's amazing how a whiff of cinnamon can evoke feelings of comfort and happiness, and instantly transport you to those happy moments.

Cinnamon holds such a unique, cozy aroma that never fails to bring warmth and cheer. It's incredible how certain scents have that enchanting effect of whisking us back in time to cherished memories. They're like little time capsules filling our hearts with nostalgia!


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