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Mum's Fitness Corner


Feb 14, 2024
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This corner is created especially for mums who want to focus on their fitness! Whether you're trying to get back into shape post-pregnancy, need some motivation or a good workout routine, let's share our experiences and help each other stay on track.

Share your fitness goals here, ladies - this is the first step towards achieving them! What are some of your go-to workouts and healthy snacks?
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I'm not too sure about sharing tips here because I'm just an ordinary person but hey, being fit and healthy is a great topic to discuss!

Anyway, my simple fitness goal is just to stay active and make sure I don't turn into a couch potato after having kids. I think it's important to stay committed to some form of exercise, even if it's just walking or doing household chores vigorously haha! And also to eat more healthily - which is hard because I love my fried food but chips and fried snacks are irreplaceable sometimes man.

I usually do home workouts from YouTube channels when I have time, and walk around the neighbourhood with the stroller and kids running some errands. It's a good way to multi-task and keep the little ones entertained too haha. Would love to hear more substantial and experienced advice from others here!
Good place to come and get some motivation going! I need it badly cos since becoming a mum, I've been struggling to get back into shape. My main goal is just to tone up my arms and legs - they're so flabby now haha!

I've been doing some home workouts from YouTube when the kids are asleep, mainly dance workouts which are fun but also effective in burning fat. But I've been mainly focusing on eating healthy - cutting down on sugar and refined carbs. That seems to help with toning up a little. Just got to keep going!

Any simple workout routines you ladies swear by?
Wah! I'm so fit already got my own corner or rather, this post to show off. Hehe, just joking lah! I mostly do moderate walking exercises and some light stretching at home - nothing too intense since I'm usually occupied with the little one.

But true fitness lovers really admire your dedication! Would love to hear about your go-to workout routines and healthy snacks recommendations. Share share!


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Nah, I don't think being fit is just about looking good or losing weight after pregnancy - it's a lifestyle choice and a great mindset to have!

I'm quite similar to you; I just wanna stay active and not become a sedentary mum. It's hard with kids because they become your priority and you end up putting yourself last, but we need to remember that in order to take care of them well, we gotta take care of ourselves too - mind, body and soul!

I commit to doing some form of exercise daily - even if it's just pushing the stroller further than usual or doing household chores with some added intensity haha. Gotta keep things interesting too, so I sometimes throw in some YouTube workouts when I can . Can't give up my healthy diet completely, but yeah, fried food is hard to resist man.


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Nah, I don't think being fit is just about looking good or losing weight after pregnancy - it's a lifestyle choice and a great mindset to have!

I'm quite similar to you; I just wanna stay active and not become a sedentary mum. It's hard with kids because they become your priority and you end up putting yourself last, but we need to remember that in order to take care of them well, we gotta take care of ourselves too - mind, body and soul!

I commit to doing some form of exercise daily - even if it's just pushing the stroller further than usual or doing household chores with some added intensity haha. Gotta keep things interesting too, so I sometimes throw in some YouTube workouts when I can . Can't give up my healthy diet completely, but yeah, fried food is hard to resist man.

I second that! It's so true how we put ourselves last after becoming a mum - but we really should remember to take care of ourselves too!

I've been enjoying doing online yoga sessions lately, and the kids sometimes join in too, especially for the stretching and meditation poses haha. It's a good way to bond with them and teach them about mindfulness too! But yeah, I do miss having actual classes and the occasional indulgences like spa days or massage sessions which help de-stress. Can't remember the last time I had one of those!


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Truth is, I've never been super into fitness, but after having kids, trying to get back in shape is such a real struggle. I'm keen on finding easy, effective ways to get active and also quick energy boosting hacks, especially since being a mum leaves me with little time for myself!

I've been trying to set aside 30 minutes each day for some light jogging and basic stretches, and it's been going okay so far! Also been snacking on lots of fruits-- got to keep that energy up somehow! Haha.

Any simple exercises for this lazy bum? And what're some of your favorite energizing snacks?
I'm pretty chill, so mainly stick to simple workouts that don't require fancy equipment - just good ol' running and some bodyweight exercises like squats and pushups. Keep things varied though, so I don't get bored.

Recently, I've also been into yoga, 'cos it's low impact but still gives a decent workout. Plus, the stretching is great for my tight muscles. Not as easy as it looks - you need some serious strength and balance!

For snacks, I'm all about nuts, fruit and energy bars that are healthy but still taste good. Gotta refuel right!
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I'm pretty chill, so mainly stick to simple workouts that don't require fancy equipment - just good ol' running and some bodyweight exercises like squats and pushups. Keep things varied though, so I don't get bored.

Recently, I've also been into yoga, 'cos it's low impact but still gives a decent workout. Plus, the stretching is great for my tight muscles. Not as easy as it looks - you need some serious strength and balance!

For snacks, I'm all about nuts, fruit and energy bars that are healthy but still taste good. Gotta refuel right!
Ah, sounds like a good idea to have this corner!

Running's a great, cheap and easy way to stay fit - and it's so convenient too cos you can just head out from your doorstep. But yeah, I get how it can get boring after a while, haha. Yoga's really helpful for stretching and flexibility, which is something I've been trying to get better at!

I like having healthy snacks around cos then I won't be tempted to grab an unhealthy treat when hunger strikes. My go-to's are trail mix - the nuts and raisins kind - and banana or apple slices with peanut butter for a quick energy boost. Yums!
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I'm so glad this corner exists! I think it's so important for mums to be able to share their fitness experiences and goals with each other - we can give each other so much support and motivation, which is half the battle won.

For me, my go-to workout has got to be HIIT workouts. They're just so efficient - you can get a good sweat going in a short time, and with minimal equipment too, which is perfect for busy mums. I like to keep things simple and effective.

As for snacks, I'm really into homemade energy balls these days - rolled oats, nuts, flax seeds, cinnamon, and some dates for sweetness. They're healthy, give you an energy boost, and are easy to grab on the go.

What about you? What are some of your favorite workouts and treats?
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Yeah sure thing! This sounds like such a fun idea for a thread! I'm not a mom, but I'd love to share some fitness tips anyway since I've been trying to get fitter recently.

So for workouts, I really enjoy doing short and intense home workouts that target specific areas of my body. YouTube has a bunch of great 10-15 minute workouts for your arms, legs, abs and butt, and they're super convenient to fit into my schedule. Sometimes I also like to go on long walks, which help me clear my head and keep my body active without feeling too tired.

As for healthy snacks, I usually go for nuts or trail mix - they're delicious and filling, plus they have lots of good fats and proteins! I also love slicing up some apples or bananas with a bit of peanut butter for dipping. Yum!
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Yeah sure thing! This sounds like such a fun idea for a thread! I'm not a mom, but I'd love to share some fitness tips anyway since I've been trying to get fitter recently.

So for workouts, I really enjoy doing short and intense home workouts that target specific areas of my body. YouTube has a bunch of great 10-15 minute workouts for your arms, legs, abs and butt, and they're super convenient to fit into my schedule. Sometimes I also like to go on long walks, which help me clear my head and keep my body active without feeling too tired.

As for healthy snacks, I usually go for nuts or trail mix - they're delicious and filling, plus they have lots of good fats and proteins! I also love slicing up some apples or bananas with a bit of peanut butter for dipping. Yum!
I usually do some yoga poses at home. Got the moves from YouTube too - convenient and don't need to juggle finding a yogi when you have a young one in tow! Also take the chance during workouts to bond with my little one - she mimics my movements which keeps her entertained while keeping me active.

For healthy snacks, I go for the usual nuts and seeds too, or pop some frozen berries in the microwave for a bit then blend them up like a slushie. The kids love it too so it's a win-win!
I usually do some yoga poses at home. Got the moves from YouTube too - convenient and don't need to juggle finding a yogi when you have a young one in tow! Also take the chance during workouts to bond with my little one - she mimics my movements which keeps her entertained while keeping me active.

For healthy snacks, I go for the usual nuts and seeds too, or pop some frozen berries in the microwave for a bit then blend them up like a slushie. The kids love it too so it's a win-win!
Yo! Yoga at home sounds like a great, convenient way to keep fit, especially with a little one around. And that's so cute how your little one mimics your movements!

I'm all for the snacking ideas too - nuts and seeds are my go-tos as well. They're healthy and filling, and easy to just grab and eat. I've not tried microwaving frozen berries but that sounds yummy and something different to do with them besides just eating them straight.
Yo! Yoga at home sounds like a great, convenient way to keep fit, especially with a little one around. And that's so cute how your little one mimics your movements!

I'm all for the snacking ideas too - nuts and seeds are my go-tos as well. They're healthy and filling, and easy to just grab and eat. I've not tried microwaving frozen berries but that sounds yummy and something different to do with them besides just eating them straight.
You'll enjoy the frozen berries blended - a fun, tasty little treat! Not too bad nutrition-wise either so you can have a delicious, healthy snack without feeling guilty.

I also keep a watch out for mama-and-me workout classes that pop up occasionally around my neighborhood. Always fun to meet other moms and baby makes new friends too!
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For sure, running can get old quickly haha. Good on ya for thinking of setting up this thread, it's really a great idea to keep ourselves honest and motivated!

I've been trying to mix things up with my workouts by doing bodyweight exercises like burpees and mountain climbers - they're challenging enough and don't require any equipment so I can do them anywhere. Also been getting into cycling lately, it's a nice break from running and still lets me explore outdoors.

Healthy snacks are a must! I usually stock up on cut-up fruits too, like apples and bananas. Or hard boiled eggs if I'm feeling savoury - they're quick to prepare in batches and keep me full for a while.
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For sure, running can get old quickly haha. Good on ya for thinking of setting up this thread, it's really a great idea to keep ourselves honest and motivated!

I've been trying to mix things up with my workouts by doing bodyweight exercises like burpees and mountain climbers - they're challenging enough and don't require any equipment so I can do them anywhere. Also been getting into cycling lately, it's a nice break from running and still lets me explore outdoors.

Healthy snacks are a must! I usually stock up on cut-up fruits too, like apples and bananas. Or hard boiled eggs if I'm feeling savoury - they're quick to prepare in batches and keep me full for a while.
I usually find that doing the same type of exercise can get boring after a while haha. Good thing you're switching it up!

I mostly stick to workout apps these days, 'cos got kids so I don't have much time to go out and do much else. I do like going on long walks though, especially now that the weather's gotten better. Clear my head while the kids run around in the park. It's a win-win situation!

Fruits are great for snacking, yeah. I find myself eating lots of berries 'cos they're sweet and easy to prep. Gotta keep washed and cut veggies in the fridge too, ready to grab when I need a snack.
I usually find that doing the same type of exercise can get boring after a while haha. Good thing you're switching it up!

I mostly stick to workout apps these days, 'cos got kids so I don't have much time to go out and do much else. I do like going on long walks though, especially now that the weather's gotten better. Clear my head while the kids run around in the park. It's a win-win situation!

Fruits are great for snacking, yeah. I find myself eating lots of berries 'cos they're sweet and easy to prep. Gotta keep washed and cut veggies in the fridge too, ready to grab when I need a snack.
Absolutely! Mixins keep things exciting - can't have our workouts become mundane!

Working out at home with apps is convenient and yeah, it's great to let the kids run free while we sneak in some exercise for ourselves. Win-win like you said!

I agree, berries are nature's candy haha. I get my 5 year old to help me wash and prep fruits and veggies so it's easier to grab 'em when hungry - helps keep him busy too!
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Absolutely! Mixins keep things exciting - can't have our workouts become mundane!

Working out at home with apps is convenient and yeah, it's great to let the kids run free while we sneak in some exercise for ourselves. Win-win like you said!

I agree, berries are nature's candy haha. I get my 5 year old to help me wash and prep fruits and veggies so it's easier to grab 'em when hungry - helps keep him busy too!
Hahaha nature's candy is right! Your 5-year-old sound super helpful woohoo! My boy's a bit too young to be much help yet, but I agree that getting kids involved in preparing food makes them more interested in healthy options.

Working out at home with apps is a great way to stay fit without the commitment of going to a gym or classes - especially good for mums like us who've gotta keep our eyes open for cranky toddlers! ;P But yeah, I'm finding it hard to find variety sometimes la. It's easy to get bored and give up if exercise becomes mundane and something we dread instead of enjoy.

That's why I started going for evening walks recently - changes things up a bit, plus the cool breeze is such a great stress reliever after a long day!
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Hahaha nature's candy is right! Your 5-year-old sound super helpful woohoo! My boy's a bit too young to be much help yet, but I agree that getting kids involved in preparing food makes them more interested in healthy options.

Working out at home with apps is a great way to stay fit without the commitment of going to a gym or classes - especially good for mums like us who've gotta keep our eyes open for cranky toddlers! ;P But yeah, I'm finding it hard to find variety sometimes la. It's easy to get bored and give up if exercise becomes mundane and something we dread instead of enjoy.

That's why I started going for evening walks recently - changes things up a bit, plus the cool breeze is such a great stress reliever after a long day!
Evening walks are a fantastic way to unwind and de-stress! I find that walking helps clear my mind too, especially after a chaotic day of being a mom and juggling work.

I know what you mean about needing variety; it keeps our fitness routines interesting! It's fun to discover new exercises and explore different styles, and fortunately, there are so many options these days - from martial arts to dance workouts and more!

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