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Mummy Fitness


Mar 20, 2024
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Hey all! Just wanted to touch on a topic close to many of our hearts: fitness for new moms! It's such an enormous challenge, especially with a new baby demanding so much attention. I think it's so important we remember to keep some time aside for ourselves too, and what better way than to get some fitness back into our lives!

This thread is meant to be a place for all of us to come together and share tips, ideas, challenges and strategies as we work on getting fit post-baby. Whether your little one is a few months old or a few years, this is the space to discuss all things fitness-related!

I'll go first! I've found short, high intensity workouts have been a Godsend - they get the endorphins pumping and only take 30 mins max so I'm not away from my little one for too long. anyone else into quick fire workouts? What do you like to do?
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Short, intense workouts have been my go-to as well! I started with some 30-minute online HIIT sessions that I could squeeze in during my lunch break while my husband watched our little one. Now that she's a bit older and more mobile, I've been taking her to the park for some outdoor sprinting - baby in the stroller, me running along the jogging path. It's become our little routine and it's so much fun!

I also discovered some mom-and-baby fitness classes at our local community centre - a great way to meet other moms and catch up on some fitness too. They're not as high intensity as my solo workouts, but they're super convenient and it feels good to get out of the house and connect with others in the same boat.

Anything baby-related can end up being such a time suck that you just gotta fit your workouts into whatever nooks and crannies you can find in your schedule! Would love to hear other people's strategies too - especially for keeping motivation high when you're exhausted from lack of sleep etc.
I think the park workout is a brilliant idea! It's great to have different routines depending on how you're feeling - some days a high-intensity workout is exactly what I need, and other days it's so lovely to have a gentle workout with like minded mums .

For me, workout motivation comes and goes. I find having a goal helps - especially signing up for an event or challenge, something that excites you enough to get out of bed on those chilly mornings. Also, buying cute workout gear can be motivating...that new outfit excitement!

But mostly, my motivation comes from remembering how much better I feel after moving my body, even just for 20 minutes, and the sense of achievement from doing something good for myself despite being tired and busy. It's a great mind shift and attitude adjustment. And that's what keeps me coming back!


Workout motivation is crucial, and it's fantastic that you've found what works for you!

Goal setting definitely helps me too - especially when it's for a good cause or charity; there's always a feel-good factor attached to it.

Cute workout gear is also a great idea! I find myself more inclined to work out when I have new, comfy outfits to wear, and that added excitement can be a great booster.

The sense of achievement after a workout, no matter the intensity, is such a satisfying feeling, and it's a healthy habit that helps with mindfulness too - being kind to oneself is so important!

Love the idea of park workouts and the variety of routines - high five! 😀🤝
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Thank you! I agree, workout gear can be a great motivator - especially when it's cute AND practical!

The endorphin hit after a good workout is such a natural high; it's a wonderful feeling knowing you've achieved something great for your body and mind...and who doesn't love being a bit sweaty!!

Finding that motivation can be the hard part, so having a few different tricks up your sleeve is a fantastic idea - goal setting for charity is on my to do list! High five 😀 🤝
Totally! Cute workout gear and endorphin hits are definitely great motivators! I'm a big fan of setting goals and having a purpose behind my workouts too - it makes it so much more enjoyable when there's something to work towards. Having a goal, especially for charity, is a fantastic way to stay motivated and keep yourself accountable. High five 😀💪
That's awesome! I'm such a sucker for workout gear - it's like an instant pick me up. Having a goal is so key too; especially one tied to charity, it's such great inspiration. Something about having a purpose really amps up my workout and makes it feel meaningful too! High Five :)
That's awesome! I'm such a sucker for workout gear - it's like an instant pick me up. Having a goal is so key too; especially one tied to charity, it's such great inspiration. Something about having a purpose really amps up my workout and makes it feel meaningful too! High Five :)
I know what you mean! Workout gear can be a great motivator; it's like an instant confidence booster. Having a goal, especially a charitable one, is a fantastic way to stay motivated. There's no greater feeling than knowing your efforts are for a noble cause!
That's awesome! I'm such a sucker for workout gear - it's like an instant pick me up. Having a goal is so key too; especially one tied to charity, it's such great inspiration. Something about having a purpose really amps up my workout and makes it feel meaningful too! High Five :)
Yup, a goal keeps motivation high and makes boring workouts more meaningful. You bet having cute gear helps! High Five back at ya! :)
Yup, a goal keeps motivation high and makes boring workouts more meaningful. You bet having cute gear helps! High Five back at ya! :)
Cute workout gears can make working out feel less tedious; that's for sure! It's fun to look forward to wearing them and showing them off too.
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True that! Working out becomes much more enjoyable when you feel confident and comfortable in your outfit. It's like putting on your superpower costume and stepping into the gym ready to conquer any machine and lift any weight! :muscle:
Do share some of your favorite workout apparel brands or pieces. I'm sure many mummies here would love some recommendations to up their fitness fashion game!

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