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Multiples Mania


Feb 22, 2024
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It's official: we're expecting twins (or triplets!) and our lives are about to change in so many wonderful ways! While we navigate this exciting new chapter, let's have a dedicated space to share stories, exchange tips and trade survival strategies specific to parenting multiples.

I'll go first! As parents-to-be of twins/triplets, my partner and I are already attending extra ultrasounds and specialist appointments not needed by singleton pregnancies. The attention is kind of fun, but also - whoa! It's a whole other world of preparation and planning ahead. From setting up the nursery to car seats to picking a baby name (or two or three...), each new purchase and decision has an additional layer of complexity. We have twice (or thrice!) the diapering, feeding and clothing to plan for. But it's so worth it - we're braced for the challenge and can't wait to meet our little ones.

What's everyone else's experiences with these unique and sometimes overwhelming prep stages? Any must-haves or don't-bother recommendations for first time parents of multiples?
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As a FTM of twins, I feel you on all fronts! The extra attention is fun but also daunting, especially when it comes to preparation.

We've found organization to be key so far - we've created a detailed spreadsheet with all the essentials we need to get through the first few months, and are slowly ticking things off. Since twins often come early, our nursery has become a high priority. Setting up two of everything - rockers, swing seats, bouncy chairs, etc., has been quite the challenge! We also went ahead and invested in a double stroller, which was a godsend during our recent vacation - so much easier than lugging around two individual strollers.

And oh, the wardrobe choices! We've had fun picking out matching outfits for our little ones. I feel like dressing them will be half the fun once they're here.

The one area I'm most nervous about is feeding. Any tips on breastfeeding or pumping strategies, especially for twins, would be appreciated! I'm curious to hear how others managed this challenging but rewarding journey.
Organisation is a brilliant strategy - it's so helpful to be prepared and have a plan, especially with twins! Spreadsheets and lists will be your friends in these final preparatory stages!

It's great that you've already got a double stroller - that's a fantastic investment and will make things so much easier, especially out and about.

As for feeding, that can certainly be a tricky but rewarding part of the journey. Have you considered reaching out to a lactation consultant? They can be an incredible wealth of knowledge and support, especially for breastfeeding and pumping advice tailored to your situation.

I found a hands-free pumping bra to be a lifesaver when exclusively pumping - it allows you to pump without having to hold the flanges in place, which is a huge help when you're doing multiple sessions per day. Also, if you plan on feeding the twins simultaneously, a twin nursing pillow can make a huge difference in comfort and practicality.

Matching outfits are so much fun! It's adorable dressing up little ones, and it always seems to brighten the mood, especially on challenging days. You've got some exciting times ahead!

In terms of general preparation, it might be helpful to have some 'go-to' easy meals or snacks ready in the freezer, which can be whipped out on those first tiring weeks when you're establishing feeding routines. Having something simple and nutritious at hand can be a real time saver and energy booster.

You've got some great strategies in place; it's an exciting adventure you're embarking on!
Some fantastic tips here - thank you! I've been thinking about getting a lactation consultant on board, so that's definitely something I'll look into further.

The hands-free pumping bra sounds like an absolute godsend - never heard of it but will be getting one, just in case! And we do have our eyes on a twin nursing pillow - such a simple idea but makes so much sense for comfort and ease.

I'm a huge list person anyway so am enjoying the organisation process - it's quite fun! We've also got some meals stocked up in the freezer, ready to go for when baby arrives, which is such a weight off my mind. I know that we've got some easy options there for the first few crazy weeks.

It's all starting to feel very real now!
Lactation consultants are amazing - they can offer such great, tailored advice and support, so I'd definitely recommend it. The pumping bra is a game-changer...enjoy that and the twin nursing pillow!

It's so fun getting organised and prepared - especially with meals stocked up, that's such a good idea and will be so helpful when baby arrives. It really helps to have some frozen, easy options at the ready for those early, exhausting weeks! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and here's to being super-prepared!
Meal prep is definitely one of the most helpful things you can do to prepare for those early days - it's a great idea to stock up on easy, frozen meals! It takes so much pressure off when you're exhausted and hungry but also need to fuel your body.

The pumping bra is a godsend - it really does make a world of difference! And having a good nursing pillow is such a comfort too - especially for multiples!

It sounds like you've got a lot of the prep work done - it's an exciting time getting everything ready and organised. Enjoy every moment, including those precious first feeds. The Lactation consultants certainly help to ease the pressure too!
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Great tips all round - the frozen meals especially are a godsend when you're starving and exhausted! We've got most of the prep done, it's an exciting time getting everything together - now just the long wait to meet them!! Can't believe I'll soon have two little ones to feed - the pillow and pumping bra are excellent calls, will definitely make things much more comfy.


You're all set with some great tips! It is an exciting time and those frozen meals will be a lifesaver when you're busy with two little ones - and that's a beautiful picture, too! So much to look forward to!
Those frozen meal preps are a real lifesaver and timesaver! Thank goodness for thoughtful friends who prepare them. I'm excited and slightly intimidated by the adventure that awaits me - two tiny humans will keep me on my toes!
Those frozen meal preps are a real lifesaver and timesaver! Thank goodness for thoughtful friends who prepare them. I'm excited and slightly intimidated by the adventure that awaits me - two tiny humans will keep me on my toes!
It's definitely a blessed convenience to have those frozen meals when you're exhausted and hungry! You'll be just fine looking after two little ones, it's twice the joy and love :) Twice the work too, but you got this!
Those frozen meal preps are a real lifesaver and timesaver! Thank goodness for thoughtful friends who prepare them. I'm excited and slightly intimidated by the adventure that awaits me - two tiny humans will keep me on my toes!
Your friends who gave you frozen meals are saints - motherhood is demanding, so having some meals ready during those early chaotic days is a real blessing! Two toddlers will definitely keep you busy, but it's a fun adventure.
It's definitely a blessed convenience to have those frozen meals when you're exhausted and hungry! You'll be just fine looking after two little ones, it's twice the joy and love :) Twice the work too, but you got this!
Yup, some days are so chaotic that all you can do is laugh and throw together a frozen meal! Twice the work, but twice the love and joy - an awesome experience!
It's definitely a blessed convenience to have those frozen meals when you're exhausted and hungry! You'll be just fine looking after two little ones, it's twice the joy and love :) Twice the work too, but you got this!
It's going to be a fun ride with twice the cute cuddles and mischief! The frozen meals are definitely a lifesaver for those tired days, a little help makes a big difference!
It's definitely a blessed convenience to have those frozen meals when you're exhausted and hungry! You'll be just fine looking after two little ones, it's twice the joy and love :) Twice the work too, but you got this!
Having twins won't be a walk in the park but at least there's frozen food to rely on for those crazy days ahead! It's good to be prepared and stock up now.
Having twins won't be a walk in the park but at least there's frozen food to rely on for those crazy days ahead! It's good to be prepared and stock up now.
Yes, stocking up on healthy frozen meals and snacks is a great idea! Some nutritious options like frozen veggies, fruits, and lean protein can be a lifesaver on busy days. You may want to consider investing in a big freezer for your extraspace storage too.

What are some healthy frozen foods that you guys swear by for convenient meal prep?

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