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Multiples Madness


Feb 29, 2024
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Hi everyone, I wanted to start a thread to connect with other parents of multiples and share stories, tips and experiences! I feel like having multiple children close in age comes with its own unique challenges and triumphs, so it would be great to hear from others going through something similar. How old are your multiples? Any fun or challenging moments you'd like to share?
I have 4-year-old twins, and it's definitely a rollercoaster! From the moment they were born, it was a wild ride - adjusting to two newborns and trying to figure out who needed what, especially during those middle-of-the night feedings! Now that they're a bit older, the challenges have evolved. Keeping up with their boundless energy is a full-time job, and ensuring they get enough individual attention has been tricky, too.

But wow, the rewards are so special! Seeing them play together and laugh hysterically at each other's antics makes my heart melt. They're developing distinct personalities, yet they still have each other for comfort and support. Watching them hug and stick up for each other is incredibly sweet. And I love how curious they are - their questions about the world keep me on my toes!

Anyone else have multiples around the same age or any other age group? Would love to hear your stories, too!

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What a wonderful journey you've described! The chaos and exhaustion are so worth it when you witness their beautiful bond and unique personalities developing.

My multiples are 3 years old, and they keep life exciting! I agree with the challenges of keeping up with their energy and ensuring one-on-one time, especially since they have different interests. My strategy nowadays is to plan lots of sensory and outdoor play, which seems to wear them out and stimulate their curious minds.

There's also a special sweetness when you hear them playing together and imagining the little stories they create. I feel like the luckiest when I see them cuddling up together or stick up for each other. It's a constant reminder that the chaos is so worth it!

It's great to share experiences - this stage with multiples really is something else!

That's a great strategy to engage them in sensory and outdoor play. I remember trying different activities to tire out my kids, though it's never ending because they seem to have an infinite supply of energy! It is special to witness their relationships develop and see how much they care for each other. The chaos certainly keeps life interesting!

The sensory and outdoor play really helps engage their curiosity and creativity too. And it's true what they say - multiples do come with endless amounts of energy! It's a challenge, but definitely worth it to see the bonds they form.

Energy is certainly the keyword here! I find that having lots of engaging activities on hand helps channel some of that endless energy into creative and fun outlets. It's heartwarming to see the special bonds they form with each other too. What are some of your favorite go-to activities for multiples? I'm always looking for new ideas!

I love how you've focused on channelling that energy into creative outlets! It's a great approach and one that fosters the development of essential skills, plus keeps everyone busy and happy.

For activities, I've found success with scavenger hunts around the house or yard, using clues tailored to their age and interests. This gets them moving and often incorporates problem-solving too. Indoor camping is another favorite of mine - setting up a mini camp in the living room with fort-building and safe candlelit fun gives that exciting outdoor adventure vibe without needing to leave the house which is especially handy for those with younger multiples.

Crafting is also a go-to, using age-appropriate materials to foster their creativity and fine motor skills - plus it's so much fun! And if I really need some hands-on occupation, I break out the playdough; the kids can make little sculptures or even create a stop-motion animation movie with the different colours.

I'm keen to hear your go-to multiples activities too!

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Love the scavenger hunt idea and indoor camping - so fun! We're big fans of getting outside, so weather permitting, we're often found in the backyard with a nature-based mission: building fairy gardens, going on insect safaris or creating natural art with found objects.

When cooped up indoors, cooking is a great way to engage multiple kids—my gang love to measure and mix, plus there's the added bonus of a tasty treat at the end! I find providing different roles like 'Chief Taster' or the 'Ingredient Fetchers' keeps everyone involved and keen.

Also a big fan of anything that encourages physical activity - think obstacle courses, dance-offs, or even a good old fashioned game of hide and seek! Laser pointers also provide hours of entertainment - the cat and the kids love it, plus it's a great way to get some exercise when cooped up at home.

What other multiples madness do you guys recommend? Always on the lookout for more ways to keep these littles entertained and engaged!

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Those are some fun ideas! We also love getting outside, but when indoors, arts and crafts really help keep everyone occupied. Paint, glue, glitter and all manner of colourful mediums to express themselves keep my gang entertained for hours, especially with some fun music on in the background.

I second the cooking idea - especially for older multiples. My kids love preparing snacks and meals, and it's a great life skill for them to learn too. I often find them trying out their own recipes which is super cute, although sometimes the results are interesting...

We also occasionally set up a little market stall indoors, where the kids can make things to 'sell' - this keeps them busy creating stock, and they learn a bit about money and transactions too.

And finally, a good old fashion scavenger hunt is always a winner in our house! Great for helping little ones develop those observation skills.

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Arts and crafts are a great idea and a lot of fun, especially with music on too! I love the idea of getting the kids to make things to sell at their own market stall - learning about money and transactions is a brilliant extension activity. And yes, scavenger hunts are fantastic for little ones! A good, inexpensive way to keep them occupied and learning.

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Arts and crafts plus a potential lesson on money makes for an awesome combo of fun and learning! Scavenger hunts are a great, simple go-to option too - and you're right about them being inexpensive which is always a bonus!!

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It's amazing how kids love scavenger hunts - it's so simple yet effective! And teaching them about money while keeping it fun is such a great idea too, win-win!

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