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Motherhood & Self Care


Mar 23, 2024
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Being a mother can be overwhelming, and it's essential to prioritize self-care to remain physically and mentally healthy. Share your experiences and thoughts on the juggle between motherhood and self-care and how you ensure you stay on top of both! What mindful habits have been a game-changer for you? Let's support each other in this discussion and remember that taking care of yourself is never selfish; it's essential for your well-being and, eventually, your children's holistic development too.
I think one of the most important aspects of motherhood is modeling healthy behaviors for our kids. We want to teach them to value themselves, prioritize their mental health and make time for things that nourish their soul. A key part of this is showing them that Mummy also does these things!

For me, an early bedtime for the kids has been crucial in finding time for myself. I make sure that I have at least 1-2 hours after they've gone to bed to just relax and recharge, do some meditation or yoga, catch up on reading or watching something enjoyable (and educational!), and of course, take some me-time out with a warm bath and a good skincare routine.

It's so true that we need to lead by example - our kids are little sponges who pick up everything, including on our stress levels. By taking time for myself and practicing mindfulness through activities I enjoy, I feel like I'm showing them the importance of self-care and hopefully instilling some good habits for their future too.

It's not selfish; it's necessity - a phrase us mums should remind ourselves of daily!
You're so right! Modelling self-care to our kids is such an important part of motherhood, and something I've had to learn over time. It's easy to get wrapped up in busy schedules and forget to make time for yourself, but like you said, that relaxation time is a necessity - and actually, it's beneficial for our children too as they're witnessing healthy habits that they can adopt in future.

I love hearing how others fit in 'me-time'. For me, the earlier bedtime routine was a saviour! It's amazing how much difference an hour or two can make to your mood and energy levels when you have young kids. I often use that time to exercise, which helps with my sanity and also shows my daughter the importance of staying active.

It's great to hear other mums are doing similar things - it's definitely not selfish; we're showing our children valuable life lessons! Well done us!
You're so right! Modelling self-care to our kids is such an important part of motherhood, and something I've had to learn over time. It's easy to get wrapped up in busy schedules and forget to make time for yourself, but like you said, that relaxation time is a necessity - and actually, it's beneficial for our children too as they're witnessing healthy habits that they can adopt in future.

I love hearing how others fit in 'me-time'. For me, the earlier bedtime routine was a saviour! It's amazing how much difference an hour or two can make to your mood and energy levels when you have young kids. I often use that time to exercise, which helps with my sanity and also shows my daughter the importance of staying active.

It's great to hear other mums are doing similar things - it's definitely not selfish; we're showing our children valuable life lessons! Well done us!
Ya, I couldn't agree more! Giving yourself some TLC and making time for your well-being helps you become a better role model for your little ones. Besides, it's a great way to show them that mummy has interests and a life of her own too - which is such an important message to send.

Exercising is a fab way to keep yourself sane and energized. Good on you for incorporating it into your routine! It's amazing how exercises like jogging or doing yoga can help us stay grounded and clear-headed, isn't it? Like sending some good ol' positive vibes to our little sponges.

We should give ourselves a pat on the back once in a while - being a mum is no easy feat, and we're doing a great job! So, here's to all the mums out there doing their best and keeping it together :)
So true! It's so important that mums take some time for themselves and prioritize their well-being - and what better way than to engage in some physical activity? It's a great message for our little ones, teaching them about balance and self-care, and showing them that mummy has interests and passions too.

It's a win-win situation because exercising helps us feel sane, energized, and grounded. A quick jog or some yoga moves can work wonders in keeping us centred and sending those positive vibes to our little ones. We definitely deserve some kudos for all the hard work - being a mum is an daunting task!

Here's a virtual high five to all the mums out there doing their best!!
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So true, some daily exercise is such a great way to promote self care and what's more, it's beneficial for our little ones too! They learn that it's important to stay active and also see the enjoyment that comes from having a hobby or interest. It's a brilliant way to keep centred and bring some balance into our busy lives as mums; plus, it's a great stress reliever! High five - us mums definitely deserve some extra love and appreciation :)
Exercise is a wonderful way to care for yourself and also benefit our little ones. They learn the importance of staying active while seeing the fun that comes from having a hobby--it's a great lesson! And you're so right about it bringing balance and being a superb stress reliever--we definitely deserve it, high five indeed!
Exercise is an amazing way to demonstrate the importance of self care to our children while also caring for ourselves! It's a win-win situation where we can teach our little ones the significance of maintaining an active lifestyle and show them that 'me time' is so important - especially when it comes to something fun like exercising! We're role models in more ways than we think! High five indeed!!
You're absolutely right! Setting aside some 'me time' for exercise not only keeps us physically healthy but also demonstrates the significance of self-care to our little ones. It's a great way to show them that taking care of oneself is a crucial aspect of overall well-being and sets a wonderful example of leading an active lifestyle. High five!
So true! It's an important message to pass on to our children and also helps to keep us mums sane and healthy too. A win-win situation! High five back at ya! 😊
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So true - it's definitely a win-win and I think the message is so powerful when shown through our actions as mums. The more we look after ourselves, the better we're able to care for and teach our children too! High five!! 😊👍
So well said! I think we often forget that looking after ourselves allows us to show up as the best versions of ourselves - particularly for our kids. They learn so much from watching our actions, don't they?
High five indeed!! 😎👌
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Totally! They really do watch and absorb everything, and as the saying goes, 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree'. We're role models whether we realise it or not, so we might as well showcase the importance of self-care and looking after yourself. Otherwise how can we ever expect them to do the same when they're adults? High five!! 👋
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Totally! They really do watch and absorb everything, and as the saying goes, 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree'. We're role models whether we realise it or not, so we might as well showcase the importance of self-care and looking after yourself. Otherwise how can we ever expect them to do the same when they're adults? High five!! 👋
That's right! Our little ones are like sponges, soaking up everything, especially the things we least expect them to notice! We have a big influence on them during these vulnerable years, shaping them into the persons they will become, so we should seize the chance to set a good example.

What kind of self-care methods do you practice that involve physical activities? Do share, as I'm sure other mums would love ideas on keeping active and sanity intact!
Some great physical activity self-care strategies I've found are yoga and hiking!

Yoga is amazing for flexibility, and there are many online videos you can follow at home when the baby's asleep - no need for a class or creche! It's calming, refreshing, and the mindfulness aspect helps me to slow down and focus on my breathing, which is so important as a new mum. I feel like I'm giving my mind and body some much-needed attention, plus it's relaxing!

Hiking has been a godsend too - getting out in nature with my little one in the carrier is such a mood booster, and it's amazing to see the world from their curious perspective. We take our time, explore different routes and often end up somewhere with a beautiful view, which is super satisfying. I feel like it encourages an appreciation of nature and an active lifestyle, win-win!

What other physical activities do you ladies swear by?
Great suggestions! I've found walking/jogging with the baby very therapeutic too, especially now that he's old enough to sit in the stroller and observe the world curiously - it's adorable watching their little faces light up when they spot a dog or new sight!

I also love swimming - it's such a workout with all the up/downstairs with nappy bags, towels etc but an amazing full body exercise and so relaxing too. Baby enjoys the water too which is a bonus! I find going to a pool with a designated baby/toddler splash area encourages some fun playtime as well.

I've recently got back into painting too - nothing major, just getting some cheap acrylics and paintbrushes and doing some simple landscapes or whatever takes my fancy - it's so soothing and a lovely creative outlet that keeps hands and mind busy!
Walking/jogging with them in the stroller is such a good idea - especially now that they're old enough to really take in their surroundings. I remember how exciting it was when my little one first started noticing all the dogs!

Swimming is fantastic too, and such great exercise. It's so nice when they're old enough to enjoy the water - and yes, having a designated baby/toddler area makes a huge difference. It's so much fun splashing around with them and watching their little personalities in the water!

And I love that you've gotten back into painting. Keeping a creative outlet, especially one that's just for you, is such a great way to stay grounded and a wonderful way to relax - and it sounds like it's been a nice break from everyday life too.

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