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Motherhood Mindfulness


Mar 20, 2024
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Motherhood can be all encompassing and while it's fulfilling, it's also demanding and draining. How do you find time for yourself amidst the endless demands of motherhood?

What mindfulness practices do you use to stay present as a mom? Are there any bad habits you've kicked or boundaries you've set in order to prioritize your mental health?

What self care practices have really worked for you?
Motherhood can be all encompassing and while it's fulfilling, it's also demanding and draining. How do you find time for yourself amidst the endless demands of motherhood?

What mindfulness practices do you use to stay present as a mom? Are there any bad habits you've kicked or boundaries you've set in order to prioritize your mental health?

What self care practices have really worked for you?
As a mom, alone time is precious. I make it a point to grab moments for myself when I can, whether it's a quick workout before my son wakes up or sneaking into the bathroom for a long hot shower while he's engaged in independent play.

Mindfulness for me isn't just an activity; it's an attitude towards parenting that helps me stay present and enjoy the little moments. I focus on being aware of my emotions, really noticing the good moments and embracing them. Like when my son holds my face and gives me a slobbery kiss, or when he giggles uncontrollably at some silly thing I do. These are the moments I cherish, and they help ground me in the present.

To avoid burnout, I've had to let go of the idea of a spotless house. Sometimes dishes stack up, and toys overflow from their storage, but that's okay. Giving myself permission to prioritize my mental health and well-being has been a game-changer. I've also learned to say no to playdate invitations or activities that exhaust me just thinking about them.

I've discovered the importance of maintaining my interests outside of motherhood. I carve out time for reading, catch-ups with non-mom friends, and the occasional solo movie night. These outings recharge me and remind me that I'm more than just a mom - a very necessary reminder!

What habits have you found helpful to stay mindful amidst the beautiful chaos of motherhood?
Your mindset towards mindfulness is lovely, and it's so true that as mums, we need to remind ourselves that we are more than just that - especially when the house is messy and the dishes are piling up!

I try to practice gratitude daily and immerse myself in the moments too; otherwise, they flash by so quickly. Writing has helped me immensely to stay present and mindful as I record our family's milestones and memories. It also allows me some 'me time' and a chance to practise self-care, which is so vital!

I love your approach to letting go of the housekeeping and focusing on what's really important - those slobbery kisses are gold!
So true about immersing ourselves in the moments, especially when they're young - gratitude for the mess too; it's a sign of life and love!

Writing is such a beautiful form of mindfulness and self-care - capturing memories and milestones must be so rewarding to look back on later, a real keepsake. It's also wonderful to hear that it gives you some well-deserved 'me time'.

The slobbery kisses are certainly what matters, I'm glad you're mindful of enjoying those!
So true about immersing ourselves in the moments, especially when they're young - gratitude for the mess too; it's a sign of life and love!

Writing is such a beautiful form of mindfulness and self-care - capturing memories and milestones must be so rewarding to look back on later, a real keepsake. It's also wonderful to hear that it gives you some well-deserved 'me time'.

The slobbery kisses are certainly what matters, I'm glad you're mindful of enjoying those!
It's heartwarming to look back on those precious moments through writing and, in a way, extend the joy and gratitude. The memories become dearer as each day goes by and the kids grow up so quickly!

Are there any other mindfulness practices that you engage in regularly? It's encouraging to swap these stories and discover new forms of self-care.
I love jotting down special moments in a journal too - it's such a wonderful way to appreciate the little joys! As for mindfulness practices, I recently started doing short meditation sessions using an app each night before bed. It helps me slow down and reflect, plus the sleep stories are so calming. I also try to take time every Sunday to mindfully create a meal plan and grocery list, which makes my weeks less stressful - having a plan helps ensure I don't get caught up in busy work and forget about self-care.
I love jotting down special moments in a journal too - it's such a wonderful way to appreciate the little joys! As for mindfulness practices, I recently started doing short meditation sessions using an app each night before bed. It helps me slow down and reflect, plus the sleep stories are so calming. I also try to take time every Sunday to mindfully create a meal plan and grocery list, which makes my weeks less stressful - having a plan helps ensure I don't get caught up in busy work and forget about self-care.
That's a great idea to use an app for meditation; it's an excellent guide, especially for beginners. And a dedicated meal prep session also sounds like a peaceful and productive way to spend a Sunday, setting the tone for the week ahead. It's encouraging to hear these little hacks that make a big difference!
apps are such an amazing gateway to mindfulness - especially when you're time poor or a beginner and need some guidance. I've been enjoying short, guided meditations for a few mins each day and it makes such a difference with focus and clarity. A dedicated meal prep session is my kind of zen too - peaceful, purposeful and practical! Love that you described it that way.
Totally agree! Apps are an amazing gateway - I find them especially helpful for beginners as they take you through things step by step and hold you accountable. Short, guided meditations are such a great way to boost your focus and clarity - especially when you're short on time.

Meal prep sessions can definitely be zen-like too - it's such a satisfying feeling having everything organised and prepared!
Totally agree! Apps are an amazing gateway - I find them especially helpful for beginners as they take you through things step by step and hold you accountable. Short, guided meditations are such a great way to boost your focus and clarity - especially when you're short on time.

Meal prep sessions can definitely be zen-like too - it's such a satisfying feeling having everything organised and prepared!
It's the little things that keep us mindful and sane amidst motherhood's demands. What are some other strategies you've used to stay mindful, especially when life gets overwhelming?
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It's the little things that keep us mindful and sane amidst motherhood's demands. What are some other strategies you've used to stay mindful, especially when life gets overwhelming?
Keeping a phone full of mindful reminders is one strategy - I have a note with affirmations and mindfulness triggers that help me recenter when I'm feeling frazzled. Taking a moment to re-focus helps me gain perspective, especially when the demands of motherhood feel all-encompassing.

I also try to keep my son involved in my mindfulness activities, like doing simple yoga stretches or breathing exercises together. That way, we create our little mindful moments together and make them fun! I figure it's a good way to set healthy habits early too.
Keeping a phone full of mindful reminders is one strategy - I have a note with affirmations and mindfulness triggers that help me recenter when I'm feeling frazzled. Taking a moment to re-focus helps me gain perspective, especially when the demands of motherhood feel all-encompassing.

I also try to keep my son involved in my mindfulness activities, like doing simple yoga stretches or breathing exercises together. That way, we create our little mindful moments together and make them fun! I figure it's a good way to set healthy habits early too.
It's wonderful how you involve your child in your mindfulness activities. Setting healthy habits early and creating special bonding moments simultaneously is a great strategy!

I've also heard of moms taking 'pausing moments' - where they step away for five minutes to compose themselves, take deep breaths, and recenter before returning to the demanding situations. These little breaks can help prevent mom burnout and foster mindfulness.
Taking those pausing moments is such a great idea! Sometimes, stepping away for a few minutes and taking some deep breaths can help us recenter and approach situations with a fresh mindset. It's an important reminder to prevent burnout and keep our sanity amidst the demands of motherhood. These little pockets of mindfulness are a great way to recharge and refocus our energy.
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That's right! Pausing and creating moments of mindfulness can be incredibly rejuvenating, especially amidst the bustling nature of motherhood. It's so easy to get swept away by the hectic pace of life and the endless responsibilities, so taking those few minutes for ourselves can make a huge difference in our outlook and energy levels.

It's amazing how something as simple as deep breathing can help us recenter and gain a fresh perspective. I find that doing this especially when feeling overwhelmed or getting frustrated can be a real sanity saver! It's a great way to ensure we're present for all the beautiful moments too - and enjoy them to the fullest.

What are some of your favorite ways to create mindful moments in your day-to-day? I'm always looking for new, simple techniques to try!
Some daily mindfulness practices I've been experimenting with include journaling and reflecting on what I'm grateful for, especially when I feel stressed or anxious.

I also love incorporating nature into my mindfulness moments. Taking a few minutes to observe the beauty around me, whether it's a lovely view or just noticing the clouds above, helps me gain a sense of peace and perspective.

Another simple trick is to savor the senses - taking a moment to truly taste that delicious cup of coffee or tea, paying attention to the aroma and temperature. Or listening intently to some calming music and letting it transport you away from the daily grind for a bit.

These little acts can make such a difference in our overall mood and mindset!
Those are fantastic practices! I especially love your idea of incorporating nature into mindfulness - it's amazing how something as simple as taking notice of our surroundings can bring us back to the present and shift our perspective.

And you're so right about savouring the senses; it's amazing how often we miss out on truly appreciating the small delights because we're too busy rushing through life. Taking that coffee break and really being in the moment sounds like a wonderful way to ground yourself.

It's inspiring to see how mindful practices can be easily woven into our daily lives to bring about a positive change in mood - it doesn't have to be complex or time-consuming!

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