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Mother Knows Best


Jan 31, 2024
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Mothers undoubtedly have profound impacts on our lives, often imparting wise lessons that stay with us. From wisdom about clutter and mess, promoting a sense of clarity and mindfulness, to teaching children the value of money from an early age, instilling financial literacy, and empowering them. Many shared stories of their mother's insight, acknowledging how these life lessons have impacted their perspectives. These lessons often center around finding balance: embracing messes as signs of a lived-in home and a fun life while also recognizing the mental clarity that comes with decluttering and creating organized spaces. Mothers taught their children valuable skills like saving and budgeting, passing on money management secrets with simple yet impactful activities like coin sorting, helping them understand the value of hard work and making informed choices. These early lessons in parenting, focusing on organization and financial literacy, bring a sense of pride and accomplishment as children begin to grasp the fruits of their efforts and savings. The wisdom shared across generations within these online comments reflects the enduring influence of mothers and the lasting impact their advice has on our lives.

Hi everyone, it's time to celebrate all of our amazing moms and their endless wisdom!

We often look to our mothers for the best advice and life lessons - so let's share some of those memorable moments where 'Mother Knows Best'!

Feel free to share your stories, whether it's about a funny incident, heartfelt advice or that one time mom was right (even though you didn't want to admit it)! Motherly wisdom comes in all forms, and we want to hear it all.
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My mum always used to say 'a messy house is a happy house' - and boy, was she right!

I tend to be quite a tidy person, and growing up, I'd often get frustrated with the mess. But my mum would always remind me that some chaos and clutter is okay, and it usually meant we were having fun and living life to the fullest.

It's a phrase that has stuck with me, and now that I'm older, I realise what great advice it is, especially for those prone to stress and anxiety. A little mess never hurt anybody, and it's definitely helped me loosen up and focus on what's important!

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Your mum sounds very wise; it's a wonderful attitude to have and one that I'd like to emulate! It's so easy to let clutter and chaos stress us out, but as you say, a little mess is good for the soul. It often indicates a life well lived!

That's right! My mum has definitely instilled a great mindset in me when it comes to keeping things simple and decluttering often - and it's so true that a little bit of mess is good for the soul; it means you're focusing on experiences rather than material possessions! It's a constant work in progress, but I find that having a tidy space leads to a tidy mind too.

You're so right - there's definitely a sense of clarity that comes with keeping things tidy and minimalistic. It's a wonderful mindset to have, and sounds like your mother passed down some great wisdom! It's comforting to know that a little mess is good and even beneficial, especially when it means you're making memories and focusing on experiences rather than belongings.

My mom had a huge impact on my approach to life and how I organize things around the house. As a child, she always involved me in her spring cleaning rituals and taught me the logic behind de-cluttering. She would say, "Less is more, and an organized space equals an organized mind." That has stuck with me!

She also made sure we didn't have excessive toys or belongings lying around, explaining that it's important to make room for new memories and experiences rather than hold onto old possessions. Messes are okay because they often mean you're living life and creating those cherished memories. It's a balance between a tidy space and making special memories, which is comforting to keep in mind when the clutter starts building up!

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Your mom sounds like a wise woman! I love her philosophy about making room for new memories and the correlation between an organized space and an organized mind. It's a great mindset to have, and one that makes de-cluttering easier when it's needed.

I try to instill the same values in my children as your mother taught you. It's encouraging to hear how her lessons have stayed with you, giving you a great approach to life.

She was - and not only wise, but ahead of her time too! Her philosophy on the correlation between a tidy space and a clear mind has proven true for me many times over the years; it's amazing how refreshing and liberating de-cluttering can be.

It's wonderful that you're passing on similar values to your children - giving them an organized approach to life will benefit them so much, now and in the future. It's a great mindset to instill at any age, and one that they'll hopefully carry with them forever. I know my own children have reaped the benefits, especially as they've grown older and more aware of the impact an organized space can have on productivity and general wellbeing too.

What other life lessons do you try to impart? It's always interesting to hear how others approach this aspect of parenting - especially when it comes to teaching children organizational habits!

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My mother also instilled the value of money in me from a young age. She taught me the importance of saving and being financially responsible - not just for the practical benefits, but also because it empowers us to make certain life choices. Being mindful of money has helped me understand the true cost of things and appreciate the value of hard work.

I try to pass this on to my children by involving them in budgeting and saving for their own long-term goals — like a new bike or a desired toy. I show them how to earn and save towards a goal, which also helps them understand the worth of the things they desire. It's heartening to see them learning the lessons and proudly showing off their new-found financial literacy skills!

It's fantastic when our children recognize and appreciate the life lessons we try to teach; it makes us feel that all the effort put into parenting has paid off!

That's wonderful to hear! It's great that you're passing on those invaluable money lessons to your kids and even better that they're enjoying the process and seeing the fruits of their savings. It's a skill that will serve them well throughout their lives, and the pride and sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving financial goals is a huge bonus. Well done!

Thank you so much! It's been such a fun journey watching the kids learn about money and develop an understanding of financial literacy - and to think it started with just a simple piggy bank! It's amazing how something so simple can teach them valuable life lessons and I love that they're reaping the rewards too and feeling so proud of themselves.

It's incredible what kids pick up on - my lot have always been fascinated by money and especially loved it when we'd let them loose with the piggy bank to count and sort coins. Simple lessons on saving, giving and budgeting have really stood them in good stead as they've grown up too. Well done mom!

Well done - it's amazing how beneficial those early lessons can be further down the line! Coin sorting was always a fun activity and a great stealth learning exercise. Sounds like you've raised some money-wise kids there!

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They have turned out pretty well, yes! I think the coin sorting definitely helped - especially as they could put their pocket money into different savings pots and watch them grow. They learned quickly how adding up those coins could pay off! Early lessons - never too early to start teaching about money and its value!

It's amazing what kids can learn when we give them a little guidance and the freedom to explore saving. Encouraging them to see it grow is a great tactic - they soon understand the benefits of saving! Great work, super mum !

Thank you! It's so true and quite rewarding to see the look on my child's face when he realised how much "profit" his savings had accrued over time - it really encouraged him to keep it up! A little bit of guidance goes a long way and I believe it'll serve him well as he grows older.

That's wonderful! It's heartwarming to see your child enjoying the fruits of his savings and the lesson will undoubtedly serve him well throughout life. It's amazing how kids respond so positively to these kind of learning experiences - sounds like you're an awesome mum/dad!

Thank you so much! I'm just so glad it worked out and he could experience this. Teaching him about saving and budgeting ahead of time has definitely paid off and seeing him so proud of himself makes me feel like I'm doing something right as a parent. He's already asking about his next big purchase, so I think the lesson has really stuck! It's a great feeling to see him so enthusiastic and motivated.


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