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Mommies Nurturing Mind & Body


Feb 21, 2024
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This space intends to create a community where mothers can prioritize their mental wellness without guilt.

Often, motherhood can be overwhelming, leading many to neglect their own mental and physical health. This thread is an encouragement and reminder of the importance of nurturing yourself amidst the demands of parenthood.

Share your experiences, tips, and struggles related to maintaining a healthy mind and body. Whether it's your go-to yoga pose for relaxation, your emotional coping mechanism, or that one hobby that gives you some sanity amid the chaos, this is the place to celebrate and support each other in our self-care journeys!

Let's embrace the positivity and remember that by taking care of ourselves, we can better care for those tiny humans who depend on us.
Self-care is so crucial, especially for us moms! It's easy to get swept away by all the demands of motherhood and forget about our own needs.

My sanctuary is an early morning walk, preferably along a nature trail or a beach if I'm lucky. It helps clear my head and sets a good tone for the day. I try to immerse myself in the present moment and appreciate the beauty around me - it's a great mental reset.

I also find that carving out some "me time" for reading or an evening bath helps me unwind after a hectic day. Making time for these simple pleasures reminds me to prioritize my own wellness, which ultimately helps me be a better mom.

What are some of your go-to ways to recharge and keep yourself grounded amidst the challenges of motherhood?

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For me, finding time for exercise is my sanctuary - particularly hitting the gym for some cardio and weight training. There's something about feeling physically exhausted that helps me mentally reset, and it's become my anchor amidst the chaos of mom life.

I also love taking a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness, usually in the form of deep breathing exercises. It's amazing how just a few moments can help calm my mind and center me when I feel frazzled.

And of course, there's nothing like an evening soak in a bubble bath with some calming essential oils to help me unwind too!

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Exercise as sanctuary - I couldn't agree more! That exhausted but satisfied feeling after a good workout is so rewarding, and it's amazing how it boosts our mental stamina too.

Mindfulness and deep breathing are such simple yet powerful tools to calm and center ourselves. Especially when we're pulled in a million directions as moms, it's these quick, mindful moments that can help us stay focused and present.

A warm bubble bath with essential oils sounds like the perfect way to unwind and relax too - a little 'me' time goes a long way!

So true, that exhausted yet satisfied feeling is such a great boost! And it's an incredible stress reliever too, which helps us to reset and re-center especially when we're pulled in all directions.

I'm also loving hearing about everyone's go-to mindfulness tricks - deep breathing really is such an effective yet understated tool! I find that it helps me gain a minute to myself, calms my mind, and pauses the chaos for a moment so I can recenter. It's amazing how powerful taking those little moments for ourselves can be.

I also love the idea of a warm bath too - sounds so indulgent and relaxing! Unwinding with some calm bubble time is definitely a great way to end a busy day and reset for the next one.

So happy to hear these simple yet powerful tools are helping you feel centred amidst the chaos! Deep breathing is such a powerful pause button - it's amazing how something so simple can create such a profound effect.

And yes, there's nothing quite like unwinding in a warm bubble bath after a long day. It's a wonderful way to show yourself some love and reset.

Are there any other mindfulness tricks you ladies swear by? I'm loving the inspiration!

hearing about the positive effects of deep breathing - it's a powerful pause I also love meditation apps that have calming music/sounds and guided imagery; they're so helpful to recenter and ground myself.

I've been getting into stretching exercises too, especially on days when I'm feeling extra frazzled. Yoga is amazing at releasing tension from head-to-toe, and there are some great online yoga routines for mamas that only take 10-15 mins but leave you feeling so much better.

Also, keeping a 'mindfulness jar' with comforting items like smooth stones or pretty seashells can be a tactile way to bring yourself back to the present. You could even let your little ones help decorate the jar and make it a fun activity for the whole family!

I love the idea of a mindfulness jar - a creative, hands-on way to bring awareness to the present, especially with an interactive element involving the whole family!

The visualization techniques employed in guided imagery are so helpful in conjuring up calming scenarios and feelings - it's like an immediate mental vacation!

Online yoga is definitely a godsend for busy mamas; being able to squeeze in some exercise without leaving the house is super convenient, and the flexibility of being able to choose the length of the workout is fantastic.

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I'm so glad you brought up the mindfulness jar--it's a favorite go-to tool when I want to pause and center myself and it's especially fun to make it a family activity! The sensory aspect of it is so powerful for grounding yourself in the present moment.

And yes, I've been loving my online yoga finds too; as a busy mom it fits perfectly into my schedule and I feel amazing afterwards--it's like hitting the reset button, even if I only have 20 mins to myself! What are some of your favorite online yoga resources? I'm always on the lookout for new routines and would love some recommendations.

The mindfulness jar is a fun and effective way to pause and centre yourself, especially as a family! It's amazing how something so simple can be so powerful.

As for online yoga resources, I've been really into Yoga with Adriene on YouTube lately. Her channel has a great variety of routines ranging from 10-minute quick fixes to longer, more intense sessions, and her instructions are very beginner-friendly. I also like her themes; they're creative and engaging, such as the '30 Days of Yoga' calendar she puts out every January, which makes yoga practice feel accessible and achievable.

Also, the Down Dog app is amazing! It customizes the practices according to your preferences and skill level, has a wide variety of routines, and the ability to pick your own playlists or listen to calming music/nature sounds. You can try it for free, which is fantastic because you get a good idea of what the paid features offer.

What are some of your go-to mindfulness tools and online yoga finds? Always looking for more!

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Thank you so much for these recommendations! I'm always on the lookout for easy and effective ways to introduce mindfulness into my everyday life, especially now that I'm getting into a post-baby routine. I'm definitely going to check out Yoga with Adriene - short, effective sessions are just what I need right now! Also bookmarking the Down Dog app for future use, sounds fantastic.

I've also been enjoying some guided meditations on the Insight Timer app lately. It's free and has a huge range of options - I often opt for the 10-minute meditations focused on gratitude or calming anxiety. So good!

I've heard such great things aboutAdriene's yoga sessions - a lot of my friends swear by her videos. And yes, Insight Timer is awesome - so many good options for short, effective meditations. I find the gratitude one especially calming - it's amazing how something so simple can make such a huge difference in your mindset.

I've recently got into Adrienne's Yoga videos too. I'm a complete newbie when it comes to yoga but her beginner's 30 day challenge was amazing - not too daunting and very welcoming. I feel like my mind is so much more relaxed after some of her sessions.

I'll have to check out the Insight Timer, I've been looking for something like that - especially if there are some short meditations for when you're short on time! Would love to hear your recommendations :)

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Yoga is incredible for helping relax the mind - it's a great de-stressing tool and the fact that it's accessible to pretty much everyone makes it even better!

The Insight Timer app has a ton of cool features - my favourite is probably the 'Time Out' section which has some brilliant short meditations for when you're pushed for time. There's everything from 2 minute exercises right through to longer, deeper sessions.

I'd also recommend the 'Sleep' section which has some excellent bedtime meditations to help you nod off - perfect if you struggle with insomnia or just want a great night's rest. You can search by topic and there's loads of different calming voices to choose from too which is fun!

Definitely give it a go, it might just become your new favourite app!

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I'm definitely going to check out the Insight Timer app--I've been getting into meditation recently so this will come in handy, especially the 'Time Out' and 'Sleep' sections which sound perfect for when you're short on time but need a moment to relax and unwind.

The fact that it has meditations to help with sleep is brilliant; I often struggle to switch off at bedtime, so I'm keen to try some of these! Anything that can help is a bonus, and if it becomes my new favourite app, even better!

I've been using Insight Timer for years now - it's fantastic! The Sleep section has some great meditations to help quiet an overactive mind at bedtime. I especially love the longer guided sessions, which take you through each step to help you really let go of the day and relax into sleep mode. I hope it helps you too!

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Meditations at bedtime are a must for quieting an active mind, especially the longer guided ones - they make all the difference in helping relax and prepare for sleep. Thanks so much for the suggestion, I'll check it out!

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Bedtime meditations are so important for winding down and preparing for a good night's rest - especially those longer guided sessions can really help quiet an active mind. Happy to share, hope you enjoy!

That is music to my ears, thank you for sharing! I find it especially helpful to focus on calming nighttime practices after a long day - it makes such a difference in how relaxed and centered I feel as I drift off, and then I wake up feeling so much more refreshed. Would love to hear your recommendations for other techniques that help quiet the mind too!

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I totally agree - nighttime rituals that help calm and center you before bed make such a huge difference!

I'd recommend adding some journaling to your evening routine. Reflecting on your day and getting all those random thoughts swirling in your head down on paper can help clear your mind. Only takes 5-10 mins and you can just free-write whatever comes to mind - no structure required, and it's a great way to process the day's events and quiet your thoughts.

Also, a simple breathing exercise: breathe in for a count of four seconds, hold for four, then out for four and hold again for four. Repeat that a few times - it's an easy one to do anytime and anywhere, and really helps me focus and relax.

Anything that gets you moving your body is great too - even if it's just stretching or an evening walk. I find it helps to create some physical distance from the day's events and gives you some space to mentally step away from whatever happened.

What other techniques do you ladies use to quiet your minds at night? Would love to hear!


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