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Maternity essentials


Mar 21, 2024
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Koala starts an insightful discussion about must-have maternity and postpartum items, highlighting comfort and practicality as key themes. The list includes comfy clothing, nursing bras, maternity pillows, a nursing shawl, a stylish diaper bag, a support belt, reusable ice packs, a stroller, a baby carrier, and a simple baby monitor.

Other users provide valuable additions like muslin cloths, emphasizing their versatility alongside pillows for various purposes. The importance of stockpiling nappies/diapers in different locations is also pointed out. Users agree that the practicality of sheets, maternity pads, and adult diapers is often overlooked. This thoughtful preparation extends to the hospital stay, with happyfeet emphasizing the unknown nature of birth and advocating for being over-prepared.

The discussion offers an insightful guide for soon-to-be mothers, covering essential items to navigate pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and motherhood with more ease and comfort. Users find solace in sharing tips and wishes each other well in their journey ahead.

This is my go-to list of maternity essentials that I found super helpful during pregnancy and motherhood.

1. Comfy clothing - loose dresses, leggings, tops, and sweatshirts. I also invested in a few good pairs of maternity jeans and pants for work.
2. Nursing bras and feeding-friendly tops - I found these so useful even before the baby came and they're great for discreet nursing once the little one arrives.
3. Maternity pillows - I loved having a full-length one to help with comfort when sleeping or just lounging, but you could also go for a smaller maternity pillow or support.
4. Nursing shawl/cover - again great for feeding but also provided extra privacy when out and about or if you need to nurse in public places.
5. A good diaper bag that doesn't look too baby-ish - this was important to me! I wanted something stylish that would work even when heading out without the little one.
6. Maternity support belt - helped ease back pain and pelvic pressure.
7. Reusable ice packs - great for postpartum recovery and breastfeeding discomfort.
8. A comfortable, lightweight stroller with good reviews. There are so many options out there but selecting one that suits your lifestyle is key - umbrellas are convenient for travel or city dwellers, while bulkier models with all the bells and whistles work well for rural or off-road strolling.
9. Baby carrier - I found this so handy for hands-free babywearing, especially in the early months when the little one wanted to be held constantly! There are lots of options here too, from woven wraps to structured carriers, so do your research and see what suits you.
10. A simple, easy-to-use baby monitor - I liked having the peace of mind while my baby napped in another room or when I needed help getting some things done around the house.

What are your must-have maternity/postpartum items? Any new discoveries out there?
Some great suggestions here!

I'd add a comfortable pregnancy pillow to the list, especially for the later stages - I had a U-shaped one which was a godsend for sleeping comfortably and also helped with feeding once the baby arrived.

Also, I found muslin cloths indispensable - great for mopping up milk/snot/drool/spit up, shading the pushchair on bright days and of course as a lightweight cover for breastfeeding. They're so versatile!

And agree on the stroller - I went for an affordable, compact city stroller which was easy to maneuver and fit in my small car's boot. It saw us through two kids and lots of travel without breaking the bank.

Nappies/diapers and wipes are another obvious one - I liked having a couple of packs stashed everywhere: home, car, diaper bag etc. so I never ran out!

Pillows are a brilliant idea - so many different uses! And muslin cloths are fantastic; they're so lightweight and versatile, great for all the ways you described using them.

It's also a good idea to have a stockpile of nappies/diapers scattered around in various locations; it certainly saves any last-minute dashes to the store! I remember those days...

Stockpiling nappies in various locations is such a good idea! The last thing you want is to run out unexpectedly and have to make a desperate dash! I'm adding this to my list right now, thanks! Also, I've heard pillows and muslin cloths are a must-have - so many uses and great for comfort and practicality too.

It's definitely good to be prepared and have a stockpile of nappies! And you're right, pillows and muslins are super versatile - great for feeding/cuddling, spitting up, as a temporary changing mat, shade or privacy screen, and many more uses! I found having lots of these on hand really helpful in the early days especially.

Stocking up on pillows and muslins sounds like a great idea - especially for the early days! Those extra uses are super helpful, and I can see how they'd come in very handy for a new mum! It's always good to be prepared with lots of nappies too - never know when you might need that emergency change!

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Pillows and muslins are definitely worth adding to the shopping list, especially as they can be used for so many different things! Nappies are another good one - you just never know what you might need! I also found that having a few sets of bed sheets was great when leaks and accidents happened It's worth having some maternity pads and adult diapers too, something I wish I'd been told about beforehand!

Great tips! Yes, pillows and muslins are super versatile - good call! And sheets are a fantastic idea for those early days; you definitely don't want to be doing multiple washes every day so having a few sets is a must.

Maternity pads and adult diapers - yikes! Definitely an essential but something that's easy to overlook. Don't want to be caught short there!

Those are some great additions! The more practical and prepare-for-the-worst essentials no one really talks about but are absolutely crucial -- especially those maternity pads and adult diapers, yikes It's amazing how something so practical can be overlooked when there's so much excitement and attention focused on the baby.

it's always best to be prepared! You never know what you'll need until you're in those situations so better safe than sorry, right? Hope everything goes well and smoothly for you! 😊

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Thank you so much - yes, I'm a strong believer in being prepared! I've been speaking to friends who have recently given birth, and it sounds like some hospital stays are unavoidable. I'm making sure to pack my hospital bag with all the essentials so that I'm ready for any scenario. I really appreciate your well wishes, I hope everything goes smoothly for you too!

You're all set on being prepared - it's great to hear that you've been speaking with experienced friends and planning accordingly. Their first-hand advice is invaluable! Wishing you a smooth journey too, stay positive!

Thank you so much for your reply and good wishes! It's been super helpful to connect with seasoned moms-to-be and learn from their experiences. The journey ahead seems less daunting when armed with practical insights, so I'm feeling relatively at ease now. Hope all goes well in the final stretch!

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Practical insights and experiences shared by others certainly help make the journey seem less overwhelming. It's a great idea to arm yourself with knowledge and preparation, so you're as ready as you can be for your new adventure. Here's to hoping all goes well for you too - enjoy that final stretch and good luck!

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It's a crazy and exciting journey, and every bit of knowledge shared helps! The final stretch sure is daunting but also exciting—that kickstart to the whole new chapter is exhilarating! Wishing you all the best too; hope everything goes smoothly!

Thank you so much!! I'm sure this last month will fly by and it'll be here before we know it, which is so exciting! Can't wait to meet our little one and begin this new chapter :) All the best to you too!!

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Best of luck for when the big day comes, it's such an exciting time! I'm sure the last month will fly by and before you know it, you'll have a lovely little one to snuggle with! Enjoy xx

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Thanks so much! I'm so excited and nervous - mostly about whether I'll be prepared enough when it happens, it seems to creep up on you so quickly!

I've been compiling a list of essentials/must-haves for after the birth - mainly practical items that will make life easier or more comfortable in those first few weeks and I thought it might be useful to share in case anyone else is expectant and preparing, as there's so much advice out there it's easy to get overwhelmed!

So here goes...

* High waisted underwear - seems obvious but you need comfier undies that won't rub or irritate. Most people suggest buying cheaper ones as you might not fit into them long, plus you may leak various fluids etc..! I've also been recommended high waisted yoga pants for the same reasons and to support your bump post-birth.

* Pads - again, another necessary evil! You'll need these for post birth bleeding. Make sure they're super-sized and you might want to get some disposable knickers too - or use mesh ones provided by the hospital. Some people also suggest using a breastfeeding pad if you're planning on bf-ing as the milk can leak sometimes.

* Perineal spray or similar - this is to help with soreness/irritation down below - apparently witch hazel is good for soothing the area and helping it heal, which is important because tears are common. You could also use a frozen pad or ice packs too - these might be provided at the hospital but good to have your own supplies.

* Nursing bras - I've been told to get a couple of these even if you're not sure you'll breastfeed as they're great for comfort and ease, especially in those first few days when you're getting used to feeding and are super sore. They're also good to sleep in.

* lanolin cream - again, for breastfeeding, this can help soothe and protect sore nipples but it's apparently a lifeline for many mums!

* Night lights - these are great as you'll likely be feeding through the night and don't want to switch on bright lights or disturb your partner. A dim light is much better for middle of the night feeds, plus you can find some cute ones that double up as decor!

* Muslin cloths - these are so versatile; useful for mopping up milk, burping baby on, covering yourself when feeding in public etc.. I've been recommended to buy a few packs as you'll use them all the time.

* Comfortable, easy-access nightwear - think button down or zip up jerseys or nightgowns that make breastfeeding easier and are comfier than your regular pjs . Again, cheaper options are best as you won't wear them long but they're good for feeling somewhat presentable when visitors call!

* Lip balm - apparently this is a must have as your lips can get very dry through breastfeeding - I've heard good things about Lanolin's ointment balms.

Some other general suggestions that I've had from friends include: keeping the nursery cool and well-ventilated , investing in a baby carrier rather than a pram/pushchair for the early weeks, and of course, lots and lots of nappies!!

Hope this is helpful - would love to hear any other suggestions or must haves people have! x

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