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Managing Toddlers


Feb 29, 2024
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A couple of effective ways to manage toddlers effectively could be:

1) Give them choices - This helps to develop their decision-making skills and empowers them to feel in control, which is important for their sense of autonomy. For instance, let them choose between two outfits in the morning or offer them options for snacks.

2) Create clear and consistent routines - Toddlers thrive on predictability. Establish regular mealtime, naptime, and bedtime routines, and ensure they are followed consistently. This provides structure and helps them understand what's expected of them.

3) redirect, don't forbid - Instead of constantly telling them "no," which can be frustrating for toddlers, redirect their behavior to more appropriate alternatives. For instance, if they're about to mishandle a delicate item, give them a similar toy to play with or engage them in an activity suitable for exploration.
Great points! I especially agree with giving choices - it's a subtle yet effective way of encouraging independence and critical thinking.

Creating visual schedules, like picture charts, can also help toddlers understand their routine and what's expected of them. This has worked well for my little one - it reduces tantrums because she knows what comes next and can visually see her progress throughout the day.

And yes, redirection is a lifesaver! I keep a bag of tricks handy, which is essentially a collection of inexpensive, age-appropriate toys and objects that divert my toddler's attention when needed. It's amazing how something simple like a new colorful cup or a small stuffed animal can shift their focus and prevent melt-downs.

Visual schedules are a brilliant idea! They're like a secret weapon against tantrums. giving the child an understandable visual representation of their day is so effective, especially when coupled with giving choices.

The bag of tricks is also a great hack - anything to avoid the meltdowns! I find that taking the toddler's mind off the initial 'problem' and engaging them in something else is such an art but so worthwhile when it comes to managing their emotions.

What other ways do you think parents could help their toddlers understand their daily routines?

Some great ideas already!

I've found success in preparing my toddler for what's to come throughout the day - especially for transitions, which can be tricky. So giving a 10-minute warning before leaving the park, or finishing an activity at home, and then increasing the frequency of reminders as the transition time approaches.

I also try to give lots of advance notice for less fun activities like baths and bedtime. For example, I might say, "After this episode/playtime/snack we'll have a bath" - and then repeat it a few times throughout the current activity. Giving that forewarning seems to help my little one process the upcoming change and makes transitions a lot smoother! It also prepares them for the routine ahead, giving a sense of what's coming next which toddlers seem to appreciate.

It's amazing how effective these simple strategies can be in keeping those meltdowns at bay!

That's an excellent strategy, providing forewarning for transitions and giving plenty of notice for less exciting activities. I do something similar with my little one - it really helps them prepare mentally and reduces those last-minute resistance moments!

It's amazing how aware they are of time and structure, and a simple heads-up can make all the difference in keeping their routines calm and under control.

Great to hear that you use a similar strategy and that it works well for your little one too! It's incredible how awareness of time and structure can make toddlers feel so much more settled. We are definitely doing the right thing by giving them that sense of control and preparation, rather than springing things on them last minute.

Yes, it's amazing how something as simple as forewarning can make a toddler feel so much more comfortable and secure! I think it really helps with their overall emotional regulation too - they're not being thrown off balance by unexpected changes. So glad to hear your little one is responding well to the same strategy - it's always reassuring when what we're doing seems to click!

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It's incredible how awareness and some simple planning can make such a huge difference to our little ones' emotional and mental wellbeing. It's wonderful to hear your experiences, too - it really reinforces the fact that we're doing something right!

It's rewarding to see how implementing strategies can positively impact our toddlers' emotional health. I feel reassured hearing about your success stories too. It really validates our approach and reminds us that a little mindfulness goes a long way! Keep sharing your positive experiences - it's encouraging for all of us.

It's incredible how something as simple as consistent routine and clear communication can make such a huge difference to their emotional well-being. It gives us a lot of confidence too, knowing that we're on the right track and helping them develop vital skills! I've noticed significant improvements in my little one's ability to regulate emotions and react to situations, it's truly empowering. Keep up the good work, everyone - and keep sharing those success stories, they're such a great boost for us all!

Absolutely! It's amazing how setting up a routine and consistently following it pays off so well. We're seeing the same benefits - our little one is much better at regulating feelings and understanding what to expect next, which makes everything smoother. And it's heartwarming to see them grow those vital skills. It definitely boosts us mums to keep at it knowing that consistency pays off!
Well done to you too, mama - here's to happy, confident toddlers!

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It's so encouraging to hear how setting up a consistent routine has worked well for your toddler - it really does make a huge difference knowing that they're gaining those vital skills and learning to regulate their emotions too. Here's to us mums doing the hard yards and sticking to our guns! Well done you!!


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