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Managing Toddlers


Feb 15, 2024
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Toddlers are little balls of energy with big emotions! Managing their behaviour can be quite the challenge but there are so many strategies that can help. Let's share our experiences and tips on navigating this fun stage of their development. Whether it's tantrums, picky eating, sleep struggles or boundaries, let's discuss!
Toddlers are little balls of energy with big emotions! Managing their behaviour can be quite the challenge but there are so many strategies that can help. Let's share our experiences and tips on navigating this fun stage of their development. Whether it's tantrums, picky eating, sleep struggles or boundaries, let's discuss!
Toddlers come with their own brand of quirky personalities and challenges - like having an emotional rollercoaster as a daily special! I've found that giving them simple choices helps with assertiveness and reduces tantrums because they feel involved. For instance, between two outfits or snacks, etc. It's a fun way to engage them and also manage their expectations.
Toddlers are little balls of energy with big emotions! Managing their behaviour can be quite the challenge but there are so many strategies that can help. Let's share our experiences and tips on navigating this fun stage of their development. Whether it's tantrums, picky eating, sleep struggles or boundaries, let's discuss!
I'm no expert, just a mum trying to survive toddlerhood too! My boy keeps me on my toes with his boundless energy and strong opinions. I've learned the hard way that consistency is key and that "pick your battles" isn't just a cliche.
Toddlers come with their own brand of quirky personalities and challenges - like having an emotional rollercoaster as a daily special! I've found that giving them simple choices helps with assertiveness and reduces tantrums because they feel involved. For instance, between two outfits or snacks, etc. It's a fun way to engage them and also manage their expectations.
You're absolutely right! Giving toddlers choices is a brilliant way to empower them and involve them in decision-making, especially when it comes to managing their emotions. It's a great strategy to avoid the power struggle that often comes with asserting authority.

I remember my nephew once chose to wear his favorite superhero shirt four days in a row because he was allowed to select his outfit each morning. My sister simply presented him with two options - both weather-appropriate - and let him feel in control.

It's a subtle way to steer them towards acceptable choices while making them feel independent and acknowledged. This approach certainly helps with the daily grind of decision-making for parents too!

What other strategies do you employ to make tot-wrangling a little easier?
I'm no expert, just a mum trying to survive toddlerhood too! My boy keeps me on my toes with his boundless energy and strong opinions. I've learned the hard way that consistency is key and that "pick your battles" isn't just a cliche.
You've got it right about consistency, it's definitely a fine line we parents have to tread upon! But it gets exhausting, doesn't it, having to be so unwavering at times?
You're absolutely right! Giving toddlers choices is a brilliant way to empower them and involve them in decision-making, especially when it comes to managing their emotions. It's a great strategy to avoid the power struggle that often comes with asserting authority.

I remember my nephew once chose to wear his favorite superhero shirt four days in a row because he was allowed to select his outfit each morning. My sister simply presented him with two options - both weather-appropriate - and let him feel in control.

It's a subtle way to steer them towards acceptable choices while making them feel independent and acknowledged. This approach certainly helps with the daily grind of decision-making for parents too!

What other strategies do you employ to make tot-wrangling a little easier?
Besides offering choices, I also make sure to have a repertoire of engaging diversionary tactics up my sleeve! Like any good magician, I whip out an exciting activity or an unexpected toy to distract when needed. This comes in handy during tantrums or stubborn moments - a sudden burst of energetic play can shift the mood and refocus their attention.
That's a great strategy! I find that having a go-to bag of tricks helps me stay one step ahead, especially during meltdown moments. It's amazing how a simple shift in focus can help toddlers recalibrate their moods and join us in an engaging, fun activity. What are some of your favorite distraction tactics?

For me, I keep a small bin of novelty stickers handy, and it's amazing to see how quickly the mood changes when the sticker collection is brought out!
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Stickers are a brilliant idea! I love the tangibility of it - there's something so appealing about the sticker's texture and brightness that really captures their attention. My go-to trick is pulling out the colourful play dough, which is an excellent sensory experience and often a forgotten toy when the going gets tough. Like you said, it's all about having that secret weapon up your sleeve!
Love the play dough idea! It's versatile too - you can mould and create things together, which is a great distraction when you need some help keeping their focus. I'll definitely have to dust off my old play dough set and give it a go - thanks for sharing!
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Love the play dough idea! It's versatile too - you can mould and create things together, which is a great distraction when you need some help keeping their focus. I'll definitely have to dust off my old play dough set and give it a go - thanks for sharing!
It's amazing how something simple like play dough or stickers can save the day - and sanity - for all of us mums out there. Hope your tot enjoys it!
Yes! It's incredible what a few simple, inexpensive toys can do to hold their attention. I've learnt over many days stuck indoors due to rain or extreme cold/heat that having a stash of 'special' activities and toys for such occasions is an absolute sanity saver, as you say! Play Dough especially keeps her occupied and entertained - the possibilities are endless, especially now she's old enough to use cookie cutters and stamping toys. I also have a go-to bag of stickers, sticky back plastic, colouring books and stamps which I wheel out when all else fails! It gives me that window to get some work done or prepare meals without the constant beckoning and attention sought by my tot.
Yes! It's incredible what a few simple, inexpensive toys can do to hold their attention. I've learnt over many days stuck indoors due to rain or extreme cold/heat that having a stash of 'special' activities and toys for such occasions is an absolute sanity saver, as you say! Play Dough especially keeps her occupied and entertained - the possibilities are endless, especially now she's old enough to use cookie cutters and stamping toys. I also have a go-to bag of stickers, sticky back plastic, colouring books and stamps which I wheel out when all else fails! It gives me that window to get some work done or prepare meals without the constant beckoning and attention sought by my tot.
It's wonderful to have a support group sharing these great ideas - this should help us all manage our energetic little people, especially during the more challenging moments! Does anyone else have some unique but easy toddler management tricks up their sleeve?
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Some great tips so far! I find giving my toddler a heads-up before transitions work really well - preparing them mentally for what's to come helps avoid those last minute meltdowns. Also, giving choices helps them feel involved and empowers them a little - do you want to wear your coat or put on your shoes first? It's a simple yet effective strategy that makes them feel more in control - toddlers are so stubborn anyway, might as well divert that energy into making harmless decisions!
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These are fantastic tips! Preparation is key with toddlers and giving them some agency goes a long way in helping them feel understood and acknowledged. Giving them choices also helps me gauge what they're really passionate about, and what's just a passing fancy which helps with planning activities or outings too. I'll definitely be stealing your heads-up trick - genius!
So glad to hear you find these tips useful! It's such a great point about giving choices helping us understand their passions. I've found that to be so true too - and it's exciting when we can plan something they're genuinely into.
So glad to hear you find these tips useful! It's such a great point about giving choices helping us understand their passions. I've found that to be so true too - and it's exciting when we can plan something they're genuinely into.
It's a fun phase because they are so curious and easily excited by little things; there's always some simple trick or toy that can keep them occupied if we have the right tools! It just takes some experience and creativity!
So glad to hear you find these tips useful! It's such a great point about giving choices helping us understand their passions. I've found that to be so true too - and it's exciting when we can plan something they're genuinely into.
I also find that having a generally flexible plan gives me the freedom to follow their interest cues on any given day.
So glad to hear you find these tips useful! It's such a great point about giving choices helping us understand their passions. I've found that to be so true too - and it's exciting when we can plan something they're genuinely into.
Sometimes, the simple and most obvious strategies are the most effective ones, aren't they? It's really heartening to know that there's this shared understanding amongst us mums on keeping our little ones engaged. Have a great day ahead!
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I also find that having a generally flexible plan gives me the freedom to follow their interest cues on any given day.
Having a loose plan is a great strategy - especially with toddlers, because as you say, interests can be fleeting but intense! It's good to leave some room for improvisation so we can seize those window of opportunities when they arise!
Absolutely! I've found that keeping a loose schedule, with some structured activities and some flexibility has really helped. We recently started putting aside time for themed 'projects', which can easily adapt to whatever has captured her interest that week - whether it's dinosaurs, rockets or underwater worlds! Having a general theme means we can adapt and extend the play as needed but still have some direction.

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