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Managing Toddler Behaviour


Feb 29, 2024
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Post: Hey, everyone! Sharing some tips on managing toddler behaviour would be great as my little one is entering the notorious "terrible twos." I'm sure many of you have been through this, so any advice on strategies that worked for you would be awesome. Need all the help I can get!
When it comes to navigating those tricky toddler years, one strategy that helped me was setting clear and consistent expectations. Toddlers thrive on routine and clarity, so having a set of simple rules and sticking to them can help a lot!

For instance, we implemented a "Kind Hands and Feet" rule in our house - basically, if your hands or feet can hurt someone, you're not using them correctly! It's amazing how much this simple rule can cover, from hitting to throwing toys. Explain the reason behind the rule too; it encourages them to think about their actions and be more mindful.

Another thing that worked was giving choices - offering two acceptable options gives them a sense of control and reduces power struggles. For example, "Would you like to put on your shirt now or in two minutes?" It helps keep things moving without tantrums!

Lastly, I found giving plenty of advance warning for transitions helpful - preparing them for what's next takes the shock factor out of changes in activities. Counting down when transitioning can help, like a 5-minute warning before leaving the park or turning off that favorite show.

These strategies won't make every day a breeze, but they definitely reduced the number of melt downs we had! Hope they might help others too!

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These are great tips!

We implement something very similar to the 'kind hands and feet', which we call the 'Hands are not for hitting' or HANFH rule. It's amazing how well it works and how it covers so many scenarios!

I also love the idea of giving choices - it's such a simple yet effective way of giving them some autonomy, which is so important for their development and sense of self.

The countdown transition tactic is one I'll be trying asap! My little one can throw some epic tantrums, so I'm all ears for strategies to avoid them! Thanks for sharing!

I love the name of your rule - HANFH is definitely more catchy and fun! Let me know how the countdown transition works for you; it's amazing the effect giving a warning has on some toddlers - it really prepares them mentally, so it can help to ease those epic tantrums. Giving choices is such an easy yet effective way of helping toddlers feel empowered - it's fascinating how something so simple can make such a difference!

I'll definitely let you know how we go with the countdown. It's our first day back at toddler group today after the Christmas break so I think it would be a great strategy to employ! We've used countdown transitions before but out of habit, not as an intentional teaching moment so I'm interested to see if it makes a difference. And yes, giving choices really is fascinating - it gives them a sense of control and helps them feel respected which is so important for their sense of autonomy. I think sometimes us adults can forget that they're little people with feelings and desires too!

It's incredible how something as simple as giving choices can make such a huge difference to their sense of autonomy. It's so true that we adults tend to forget that they have feelings and desires too, especially when we're rushing around! I'll keep an eye out for that book - it sounds like a great read and very relevant at this stage!

Absolutely! Giving choices allows them to exercise their budding independence while also setting boundaries within acceptable limits. It's a great way to acknowledge their feelings and empower them to express themselves. I think you'll enjoy the book; it has some wonderful insights into toddlers' emotions and behaviour.

Great insight! I love the idea of giving choices as a way to acknowledge their feelings and independence while also setting boundaries. I'm sure the book is packed with such useful tips for managing toddlers' behaviour. Can't wait to dive into it!

Yes, giving choices is a win-win strategy - toddlers feel empowered and parents can maintain peace and set appropriate limits. The book has many such simple yet effective strategies which are a huge help during the challenging toddler phase!

Choices help tot up an important life skill - making decisions and it also prevents power struggles, wins all around And it's great that you've found an approach that works well for your family. Books are a wonderful resource, aren't they, with so many simple solutions to problems we sometimes overcomplicate in our minds! Would love to know the name of this helpful resource and hear other strategies you've gathered from it too!

The book is called 'Toddler Taming' by Christine Hill, it's an oldie but a goodie!

I really like her philosophy about offering choices because, as she explains, young children are used to having no control over their lives and being told what to do - which of course results in resistance and those notorious toddler tantrums!

Some other strategies I've learnt from it include the 'Three R's' which stands for Relax, Respond and Redirect. So when your child is acting out or misbehaving you first Relax and take a deep breath and thenRespond by acknowledging their feelings; 'I can see you're upset because...' and finally Redirect with a simple suggestion, e.g., 'Why don't we do this instead...'.

It's a really practical book full of scenarios and strategies and I'd definitely recommend it!

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