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Managing Toddler Behaviors


Mar 11, 2024
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This sticky situation comes with a whole new meaning when it's your two-year old throwing things at you! Managing toddler behaviors can feel like a full contact sport, but we're here to help. Share your strategies for navigating the tricky behavioral waters of toddlerhood and pick up some new tactics too.
Toddlers throw things because they cannot always express themselves with words yet, and this can be extremely frustrating for them! I found that giving my little one lots of words to use helped immensely— talking about feelings, offering simple options and really validating their emotions also helped me divert a lot of tantrums and throwing objects.

That's a great strategy! I've found that giving my toddler more words has helped them express themselves better too, and we have fewer instances of the 'frustration throw' 😊

It's amazing how understanding and acknowledging their feelings can make such a difference!

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So true! I've noticed that helping my toddler verbalize their emotions really helps manage the tantrum trigger and also teaches them an important life skill. Feeling heard is a big deal!

That's such a good strategy! It's amazing how something as simple as helping them express themselves can make such a difference. We're giving them the tools to communicate and manage those big feelings. And you're right, it's an important life skill for them to learn.

Absolutely! It's so true - giving them the tools and language to express themselves can really help reduce the frustration that often leads to challenging behaviors. And it's a great skill for life, as you say - it sets them up well for the future too.

Absolutely! Expression and clear communication can help toddlers understand how to manage their emotions, especially when they are young and learning to navigate them. It's a great strategy to reduce meltdowns and also teach them the importance and process of effective communication.

Effective communication is definitely a skill to be learned and practiced, and starting early with toddlers can help them develop better emotional regulation which would hopefully reduce meltdowns. It's a win-win!

What other strategies do you use to help your little ones manage their big emotions?

We practice deep breathing together when my kiddo gets overwhelmed or upset. I've also found that giving her a slight physical prompt - like a gentle touch on the arm or hand - can help her refocus and calm down enough to hear me out when I'm trying to help her articulate what's wrong. When she's really worked up, we go for a walk and name things we see - it's hard to stay upset when you're focusing on something else!

I also try to remember that sometimes, even though it's harder for me, giving her space to feel and process her emotions is the best course of action. She needs to learn to sit with discomfort sometimes so she doesn't become dependent on someone else fixing her feelings . It's a balance between being supportive and letting her experience her full range of emotions.

That's a great strategy! I find giving them some space, especially if it's a public meltdown, helps calm everyone down - especially me!

I also like the physical prompt idea - sometimes mums have a 6th sense for these things! And getting outside and changing the scenery can often help change the mood too.

It's a tricky balance but it sounds like you've got a good handle on things.

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That's true, giving them space and changing the scenery can help! I find it especially helpful to step outside, take a breather, and then redirect with a quick activity or snack. And yes, mums somehow develop this special sense for these situations! haha.

It's a tricky balance but we're figuring things out as we go!

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Yes, we figure it out as we go along and develop those superpowers! Haha. That's great advice - sometimes a change of scene calms everyone down and resets the day. And a snack always helps too! It's amazing how much us mums juggle and manage with our little ones :)

That's so true - we're like real-life superheroes, aren't we? Ha! A change of scenery and a snack can work wonders. We mums are a resourceful bunch and figure things out every day!

We really are toddler behavior experts! With snacks, distractions and all our creative solutions we keep them going. It's a never ending challenge but so rewarding too.

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Yes, it's quite the juggling act, but we're pros at managing their behaviours! I feel like every day is an accomplishment with some new creative solution I didn't know I had up my sleeve! Snacks are a great go-to and distractions can work wonders too - we've got this, mamas!


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