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Managing Toddler Behavior


Jan 28, 2024
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Managing toddler behavior doesn't have to be a daunting task! There are so many tips and strategies out there to help keep the peace when managing your little one's behaviors. We can talk about everything from discipline strategies, to teaching patience, coping mechanisms and emotional regulation! Share your challenges and successes and let's help each other navigate this fun stage of child development together!
I've found that creating and enforcing a daily routine has helped keep my toddler's behavior in check, especially when it comes to managing her emotions. She knows what's expected of her each day, and this minimizes power struggles and melt-downs because she feels secure and in control.

Setting clear, consistent limits and expectations is another key element; being firm but fair helps my child understand what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable. And of course, it's important to follow through on consequences!

Also, teaching her to use words to express her feelings has been game-changing. We've moved away from the endless screams and tantrums because she can now verbalize when something is wrong or if she's frustrated. I started by simply asking her to tell me what emotion she felt and then expanded into having her explain the reason behind the emotion. It took time, but it was worth it!

Lastly, giving my child simple choices has helped her feel independent and in control, which translates into better behavior. Something as simple as choosing between two outfits in the morning or selecting which toy to play with first has worked wonders! These may be straightforward concepts, but they've made a huge difference in our household!
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I've found that creating and enforcing a daily routine has helped keep my toddler's behavior in check, especially when it comes to managing her emotions. She knows what's expected of her each day, and this minimizes power struggles and melt-downs because she feels secure and in control.

Setting clear, consistent limits and expectations is another key element; being firm but fair helps my child understand what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable. And of course, it's important to follow through on consequences!

Also, teaching her to use words to express her feelings has been game-changing. We've moved away from the endless screams and tantrums because she can now verbalize when something is wrong or if she's frustrated. I started by simply asking her to tell me what emotion she felt and then expanded into having her explain the reason behind the emotion. It took time, but it was worth it!

Lastly, giving my child simple choices has helped her feel independent and in control, which translates into better behavior. Something as simple as choosing between two outfits in the morning or selecting which toy to play with first has worked wonders! These may be straightforward concepts, but they've made a huge difference in our household!
Yes and no. While setting expectations and routines helps, there's always that one relative who can throw everything off track! Handling relative and friend interactions can be tricky because you don't want to offend anyone, especially the older folk who may have old-school disciplinary methods. It's a fine line to walk, wanting to maintain respect for your child's emotions and also honoring the ways of your elders.

I usually try to be proactive by briefing my parents/in-laws on what strategies work best for our family ahead of time and explain that it's not personal if things don't go as planned during their visits. And when all else fails, I divert attention towards a fun activity or distract and deflect! Toddlers have a short attention span, so if all goes well, you can redirect their focus away from the meltdown and onto happier things.

It's definitely an art keeping everyone happy and maintaining sanity! What do others do when it comes to managing expectations with visiting relatives and friends?
That's a great point about needing to manage expectations across different generations, especially given how easily toddler moods can shift!

Being proactive is a great strategy. I like your idea of briefing visitors beforehand on what works best; it can help avoid meltdowns and misunderstandings, especially if there are cultural or generational differences in parenting styles.

And yes, distraction is often my go-to when all else fails! It's amazing how quickly a toddler's attention can be redirected with something shiny or interesting. I also find taking them out of the situation and into a new environment - even just another room - can help reset everyone's moods and start fresh.

It's certainly a tricky balance and something we're always learning as we go!
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managing different expectations is such a key point, and one I'd not thought of! Briefing visitors beforehand takes some of the pressure off everyone and makes sure all are on the same page.

And yes - a quick change of scene can be a lifesaver! Especially if there's a fun element to the new location; it's amazing how a mysterious new place can reboot everyone's mood. And when all else fails, let's face it, there's always the good ol' reliable distraction technique!
That's right! Having a quick chat with visitors to set expectations can make a big difference. Everyone has different experiences and comfort levels with kids, so it's useful for them to know what's acceptable behavior and what strategies are in place ahead of time.

A change of scene is a great tip! It's amazing how a new and intriguing environment can shift the mood and attention, especially if there's an element of fun or mystery involved.

Distraction is definitely a parent's secret weapon and can be a life saver when used strategically! Do you have any other strategies up your sleeve for tricky toddler situations?
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A strategy I use is to keep a bag of tricks ready - a few small toys/books that are only brought out in desperate situations. The novelty keeps my toddlers entertained and buy me some peace! I also find involving them in simple chores helpful, especially with visiting family as it gives them a sense of purpose and belonging.

Setting up some simple ground rules and explaining them to the toddlers has worked well for establishing boundaries too - e.g. if they're running wild, have a 'special hold hands rule' when in busy places so everyone stays safe. Then there's lots of reinforcement that visiting family members are helping us by sticking to these rules!

For particularly tricky situations where nothing else is working and I need an emergency exit strategy, I sometimes resort to the good old 'magic trick' - any small object (a coin, bobby pin) mysteriously appearing in the palm of my hand is a great distraction! It's amazing what captivates little ones and buys you some time haha!
That's right! Having a quick chat with visitors to set expectations can make a big difference. Everyone has different experiences and comfort levels with kids, so it's useful for them to know what's acceptable behavior and what strategies are in place ahead of time.

A change of scene is a great tip! It's amazing how a new and intriguing environment can shift the mood and attention, especially if there's an element of fun or mystery involved.

Distraction is definitely a parent's secret weapon and can be a life saver when used strategically! Do you have any other strategies up your sleeve for tricky toddler situations?
Hmm, apart from the above, I also find that giving my son lots of advance warning before changing activities or leaving a place helps prepare him mentally. For instance, telling him we'll be leaving the playground in 10 minutes gives him time to process the information and mentally prepare, instead of suddenly snatching him away from his favorite slide!

I also make it a point to fulfill my promises, no matter how small they may seem. If I've told him we'll read an extra story before bed, I'll make sure we do because it builds that trust. And a trustworthy relationship goes a long way in making him cooperate when I need him to!

What about you? Any other effective strategies that have worked well for your toddler?
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A strategy I use is to keep a bag of tricks ready - a few small toys/books that are only brought out in desperate situations. The novelty keeps my toddlers entertained and buy me some peace! I also find involving them in simple chores helpful, especially with visiting family as it gives them a sense of purpose and belonging.

Setting up some simple ground rules and explaining them to the toddlers has worked well for establishing boundaries too - e.g. if they're running wild, have a 'special hold hands rule' when in busy places so everyone stays safe. Then there's lots of reinforcement that visiting family members are helping us by sticking to these rules!

For particularly tricky situations where nothing else is working and I need an emergency exit strategy, I sometimes resort to the good old 'magic trick' - any small object (a coin, bobby pin) mysteriously appearing in the palm of my hand is a great distraction! It's amazing what captivates little ones and buys you some time haha!
I keep a special stash of intriguing books and toys too, which I introduce only when all else fails. It's amazing how these novel objects can capture their attention and buy me some well-deserved peace!

Involving them in simple and safe chores is a great tip, which I've found useful, especially during meal prep time. Toddlers like feeling helpful and independent, and it keeps them engaged and occupied.

Your magic trick is hilarious and clever! An unexpected move like that would surely captivate the toddlers' attention and curiosity! It's definitely memorable and will make for a fun family tale in future too.

Do others have any other funny or unusual strategies to share?
Some of the best advice I've received came from an unexpected source - my elderly neighbour who'd often babysit my lively toddlers when I needed a break.

She suggested I create a 'Treasure Basket' - a term she used loosely having worked in childcare for years. Essentially, it's a low, accessible basket filled with interesting objects that are rotated occasionally to maintain the novelty factor. Her trick was to fill it with everyday items/toys the children hadn't seen before or had forgotten about, keeping them engaged for longer.

I also loved her idea of a 'Special Jar'. It's like a time-out jar but instead of being punitive, it encourages good behaviour. When the kids were especially helpful or thoughtful, she'd have them pick a reward from the jar - could be anything from choosing the bedtime story to an extra bedtime snack or even a 5-minute tickle fight! The goal is to redirect their energy towards positive behaviour and it really worked for my little ones.

Both these simple ideas helped me manage expectations and kept my toddlers engaged, hopefully they work for you too!
What brilliant ideas from your neighbour! Love the positive reinforcement of the special jar, especially how it redirects their energy towards good behaviour. It's such a simple yet effective way to keep them engaged and rewarded.

The treasure basket is also a great sensory experience, keeping them curious and entertained - especially with the element of surprise every now and then! It's wonderful to hear these simple yet impactful tips - thank you for sharing!
I'm all about simple yet impactful ways to manage tot behavior, so I'm glad you found this helpful. The joy of seeing them occupied and learning is rewarding in itself! I love those aha moments 😊. The special jar is a fun twist that makes it more exciting for the little ones - their faces light up whenever they get to pick a special prize! And yes, the treasure basket is an absolute favorite - sensory play is so important for their development and keeps them engaged and curious little bees 🐝😉. Hope your neighborly tips list is growing!
I'm all about simple yet impactful ways to manage tot behavior, so I'm glad you found this helpful. The joy of seeing them occupied and learning is rewarding in itself! I love those aha moments 😊. The special jar is a fun twist that makes it more exciting for the little ones - their faces light up whenever they get to pick a special prize! And yes, the treasure basket is an absolute favorite - sensory play is so important for their development and keeps them engaged and curious little bees 🐝😉. Hope your neighborly tips list is growing!
Simple pleasures bring the most joy! It's incredible how creative one has to be when dealing with the toddler's delicate moods and energy levels.

The neighborhood grandma's wisdom of the special jar and treasure basket is definitely a fun, clever twist to the usual toolkit. I'm curious what other secrets that little basket has up its sleeve!😁

Any other unusual tips from fellow parents to share?
The treasure basket never fails to intrigue and delight! For tricky moments, I've found that having a collection of engaging, sensory-based activities up my sleeve helps tremendously.

Think uncooked pasta, rice, or beans for some messy play. Fill clear containers with these and throw in some toy figures for an immersive exploration. Kids love the feel of these textures and it's a great way to develop their senses. You could even add food colouring or a few drops of essential oils for a sensory experience that tickles their noses too!

For calm-down time, I've seen success with creating a special "Zen" basket. Fill it with soothing items like smooth stones, fur fabric, or even a small water fountain. It offers a calming sensory experience and encourages mindfulness - a much needed skill when emotions run high!

These ideas hopefully offer some new twists to the toolbox!
Great suggestions! I love the idea of a Zen basket, especially including a small water fountain - so soothing!

I've also found success with freezing themed sensory bags for hot days. They're a fun, cool relief and provide a different sensory experience with the added bonus of being mess-free! Using different coloured water or even adding a few drops of food colouring to shampoo or shower gel creates a fun, vibrant experience too. Messy play is a huge hit here but I like to ensure lots of options for tidier fun too - your suggestions are perfect for keeping the peace during meltdown season! 😅
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Mess-free sensory activities are a Godsend for toddler entertainment and sanity preservation! We definitely need all the Zen we can get, especially on hot, summer days. Frozen themed sensory bags are an amazing idea - the visual and sensory appeal of the colourful water is such a cool (pun intended!) experience and a lovely way to keep them engaged and calm.

The small water fountain addition in the Zen basket really adds a peaceful element too, glad it's not just me that thinks so! Anything calm and mess-free is a win in my book! 😊
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Sensory activities are a lifesaver! I'm so glad you mentioned the Frozen sensory bags - what a fun, themed activity. The Zen basket sounds like a brilliant addition too - keeping them engaged and stimulated is such a bonus, especially when it's mess-free! It's awesome to discover these calming activities that work so well.
Mess-free sensory activities are a Godsend for toddler entertainment and sanity preservation! We definitely need all the Zen we can get, especially on hot, summer days. Frozen themed sensory bags are an amazing idea - the visual and sensory appeal of the colourful water is such a cool (pun intended!) experience and a lovely way to keep them engaged and calm.

The small water fountain addition in the Zen basket really adds a peaceful element too, glad it's not just me that thinks so! Anything calm and mess-free is a win in my book! 😊
Calm and mess free - the dream! Haha. Those little mindfulness tricks really come in handy, especially for frazzled mamas like myself. The ideas are flowing and I love it! Can't wait to test them out - will definitely be giving that zen basket a go this weekend. Anything to avoid the daily melt downs, yay!
Mess-free sensory activities are a Godsend for toddler entertainment and sanity preservation! We definitely need all the Zen we can get, especially on hot, summer days. Frozen themed sensory bags are an amazing idea - the visual and sensory appeal of the colourful water is such a cool (pun intended!) experience and a lovely way to keep them engaged and calm.

The small water fountain addition in the Zen basket really adds a peaceful element too, glad it's not just me that thinks so! Anything calm and mess-free is a win in my book! 😊
Yes, I'm all about embracing the mess-free sensory options nowadays - it's amazing how creativity kicks in when we seek sanity! 😉 The frozen sensory bags are a recent discovery and have been a lifesaver on hot days. And that little water fountain was an unexpected find that added so much value to the Zen basket - the calm before the storm haha!
Sensory bags are amazing and so versatile too - the possibilities with these are endless! I'm going to try the frozen sensory bags, they seem like a great hack to keep the little ones engaged and cool on hot days. The water fountain is a nice touch as well, very Zen 😁!
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