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Managing Toddler Behavior


Mar 23, 2024
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The parents share strategies for managing common challenges with their toddlers. Firstly, tantrums are a big issue many of them face. Some parents opt for time ins where they sit with their child and validate their emotions while setting boundaries, which seems effective. Others ignore the behaviour but remain present, following up with praise once the child calms down.

Another issue is picky eating. strategies include offering smaller portions of a variety of foods, letting the toddlers help prepare meals, keeping mealtimes relaxed and fun, and giving them autonomy in some food choices. This fosters a positive relationship with food and encourages them to develop healthy eating habits.

The parents also discuss the benefits of providing toddlers with their own dedicated space and tools to boost their confidence and sense of adventure. One parent uses storage bins and baskets with labelled, visible toys that are easily accessible and frequently rotated to keep their toddlers engaged and excited. Visual aids like maps on walls help in explaining plans and fostering anticipation for outings.

These simple yet thoughtful strategies make a big difference in managing common behavioural challenges during the demanding toddler years. Giving toddlers autonomy, creating engaging environments, and offering emotional support helps parents navigate this stage with patience and positivity.

Share your strategies for dealing with common behavioral challenges that arise during the toddler years! This age can be so trying at times, but there are always ways we as parents can grow our toolkit. Let's share experiences and insights to help us navigate this period with patience and positivity.

What specific challenges or issues do you want to discuss first? Potty-training? Sleep struggles? Picky eating habits? Share your stories!
Great topic, I'd love to hear everyone's strategies too!

One issue I'd like to tackle first is tantrums - my toddler has been having some epic melt downs lately, and it can be so exhausting and tricky to navigate. I've been trying to implement a 'time in' strategy where I sit with her and validate her big emotions, but also set a boundary that certain behaviours won't be tolerated. It seems to help her calm down faster, but I'd love to hear if anyone else has dealt with this and what their strategies were!

Also keen to hear tips on picky eating - mealtimes can be a battle at the best of times!

Time ins seem like a great way to manage the tantrums and also teach your child emotional regulation skills! I found that ignoring the behavior, but still being present, has worked for my little one. I also make sure to follow up with lots of praise when they calm down to reinforce the desired behavior.

For picky eating, I started giving my toddler smaller portions and offering a variety of foods - this seems to keep them interested and less overwhelmed by the food choices. If they finish what's on their plate, I offer more, which encourages them to eat at a good pace without rushing through meals. Offering different textures and being patient with their preferences has also helped. Sometimes it's also fun to let them help prepare food - they might be more inclined to eat something they've had a hand in making!

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That's great advice! I love the idea of having them help prepare the food they're going to eat. I'll have to try that!

My current strategy is making meal times relaxed and fun - lots of jokes and silly faces. Also, giving my tot some autonomy by letting them pick what fruits or veggies they want works well at keeping their interest. I notice they are more inclined to eat the foods they themselves select.

Those are awesome strategies! Making meal times enjoyable is such a wonderful way to foster a positive relationship with food. It's fantastic that you're incorporating their choices too, it really does make a difference when they have some control!

Keep us posted on how the food preparation idea goes too - that's an excellent lesson for them to learn and so beneficial for their development!

Certainly! I'll keep you updated on how it goes! Food prep is such a great life skill, especially when it comes to getting kids to eat healthier too - they're much more inclined to eat something they've had a hand in making! And you're right about giving them control - it's amazing what a difference it makes!

It really does make a huge difference giving them some control, especially during meal times! I find that they're also more willing to try new foods when they've helped prepare them too. It's a win-win! Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you!

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giving them some autonomy and encouragement to engage in the process really sets a great tone at meal times. It's encouraging to hear that this has worked for you! prep time has become much more fun and less stressful too, hope others will have good experiences with this strategy as well

Yes giving them autonomy and a sense of ownership often makes a huge difference! We've found that using toddler tables and chairs also helps with this. It's amazing to watch them take pride in their newfound abilities. prep time fun is a great bonus too - makes it much more enjoyable for parents as well!

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Giving toddlers a physical space and tools that are sized for them really does wonders for their confidence and willingness to explore and learn! It's heartwarming to see them embrace the sense of autonomy. The prep time fun is a lovely bonus too, especially when it makes parenting a little bit easier and more enjoyable!

So true! Providing an accessible and safe environment encourages their sense of adventure and confidence. It's amazing how such simple changes can make a huge difference in their behavior. The prep time fun is definitely a wonderful added bonus too!

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Simple but impactful - that's the key! Preparation and forethought goes a long way, especially when it comes to fostering their sense of adventure and curiosity. What other hacks have worked well for you? I'm always looking for new ideas on making minor changes at home that make a big difference.

Creating designated spaces for exploration with limited, rotated toys really helped me foster my toddlers' sense of adventure! I gathered a collection of storage bins and baskets and label them, visible-high up so my toddlers can reach and grab what they want to play with. I change up the toy selection regularly to keep them intriguing. This way, the toys are never overwhelming and always seem 'new' when brought back out! The kids also have a map on their wall - a visual reference for when we're discussing places to run errands or go on adventures outside the house. Pointing at where we're going, discussing it together before we leave adds an element of excitement. It's fun to watch them plan and anticipate!

That's a really ingenious way to keep toddlers engaged without overwhelming them! Labelled, accessible storage with a regularly rotated selection is a brilliant hack. And the map on the wall for visual reference and discussion is such a cute way to involve them in planning, giving them a sense of anticipation.

The visual aspect really helps with their developing sense of spatial awareness and gives them an understanding of what's happening now and what's coming next, which is such an important part of their development!

It's so great to have found a system that works - I've also got the added bonus of being able to sneakily assign some cleaning and tidying tasks as 'jobs' without tantrums because it's expected and they actually want to do them!

That's awesome! I love the idea of incorporating a visual aspect - it sounds like a great way to give structure to the day and involve the little ones in household tasks. Win-win! Would you mind sharing how you went about introducing this system? I'm always keen for new ideas, especially if they make transitions smoother and keep the peace.

I focused on simple tasks first - things like eating, getting dressed and keeping their toys picked up. We went over each task and I explained that they needed to do it when they woke up each day. I used pictures of the tasks and we practiced a lot - especially at first.

For instance, we'd work through the morning routine, with me prompting them to 'get dressed' and then celebrating once their clothes were on. We'd go through the visual checklist together and tick off each task as completed. It was very repetitive but after a week or so, my toddlers got the idea and started to do it independently.

Now they enjoy the routine and it only takes a quick reminder about checking their chart! I think keeping it simple is key - and ensuring you're consistent in asking for the same things each day. Good luck! It's definitely worth the effort; I've seen such an improvement with my little ones!

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That's fantastic advice, especially the part about keeping it simple and visual! I love the idea of a checklist and how it gives toddlers autonomy over their routine--genius!

What other strategies have worked for you? Do you think these would also work well for older kids or is this best suited to the toddler stage?


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