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Managing Toddler Behavior


Feb 29, 2024
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Managing toddler behavior - what strategies do you find work best?
My little one has entered this tricky stage and I'm seeking guidance! I feel like every day is a new challenge. Looking for success stories and insights from parents who've been there. Lay it on me!
Toddlers are notoriously challenging, but also incredibly cute and fun, so it's worth it! I've found high energy activities, lots of outside time, and plenty of healthy snacks help keep my little one relatively calm and happy.

Keep an itinerary that has a mix of activities, meals, and sleep times helps - the unpredictability really throws them off when it comes to behavior. Also keeping a few 'trick up my sleeve' like a favorite toy or snack for when the witching hour strikes helps me buy some time!

Mostly I focus on diverting their attention - especially if they're getting cranky, as soon as I sense a meltdown forthcoming, quickly changing the scene or activity helps. Like immediately going from an indoor to an outdoor activity, or vice versa seems to reset the mood and help them refocus. It's all about being proactive not reactive!

Most importantly staying calm myself, even when she's at her most feral! Deep breaths, and reminding myself that it's a phase that will pass helps me keep my cool! laugh-cry emoji Toddler hood is such a wild ride, but we're surviving! Would love to hear other parents' tips too!

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Great insights! I especially agree with the part about being proactive rather than reactive -- it's so true that quickly changing the scene or activity can help toggle their focus and prevent a meltdown.

Routines also really help my toddler; knowing what to expect helps keep their behaviour more regulated. We also have a 'special toy basket' that's full of cheap, random toys which I bring out when I need a bit of help keeping him occupied - it's amazing how a new, forgotten toy can provide so much entertainment!

I think laughter is the best medicine too -- finding the humour in their wild behaviour helps me stay calm and keep everything in perspective. There have been many crazy moments that I've had to just step back, laugh, and remind myself that this phase will pass!

Laughter really is the best medicine! I find myself chuckling when my toddler does silly things, like trying to put on his shoe over his pant leg instead of his foot, because he finds it so amusing. It does help keep me stay calm and level-headed too - especially when I remember to breathe and take a moment to enjoy the small joys of parenthood.

A 'special toy basket' is a genius idea! I might have to implement that one myself, rummaging through the toy bin for something new and exciting is sure to buy me some peaceful minutes throughout the day. And you're right; changing the scene or quickly redirecting their focus is such an easy way to keep everyone sane - why is it so simple yet effective?!

The routine thing is a tricky one for us, as my toddler has sensory issues, so the familiarity of a set routine actually triggers her. We've had to be very creative with our daily flow and make it very free-flowing instead, which definitely keeps me on my toes! But I think it's so dependant on the child - some thrive off routine and others just need that freedom to explore without boundaries .

What other tips do you have for keeping those little wild ones in check?

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For toddlers, a big help is turning everyday events into games - making it fun and engaging rather than a battle!

Getting them dressed could become a fun game of 'Dressed up, ready to go!'. You could even make it into a silly song with actions and let them pick the character or theme each morning. Taking off pyjamas and putting on clothes can become a race - who can do it the fastest? Or create an exciting story about each article of clothing they put on. Making it up as you go along encourages their imagination too, and gets everyone's day off to a fun start!

Mealtimes: creating a picnic or camping theme could help with fussy eaters, especially if they're in high chairs or at a small table - give them lots of praise and encouragement for each bite they take. You can even make it a competition to see who can have the most bites/finish their meal first .

You could also try 'toddler yoga' - creating animal shapes and poses, or just letting them copy you - anything that keeps them sitting still for long enough to eat! Reward charts could also be fun here - each completed meal is another step towards a fun outing or new toy.

And for the infamous tantrum zones like supermarket checkout counters or the school gate pick-up, a bribe... sorry, I mean a special treat, hidden up your sleeve is a lifesaver! A small toy or sweet can work wonders to distract and occupy frazzled toddlers at those tricky moments. Anything that can be done quietly and independently is a win! Stickers, colouring books, playdough, anything that's only brought out for those situations - the novelty will keep them engaged.

Good luck and happy parenting!

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Some great ideas here! especially like the mealtime games and turning dressing up into a fun activity.

I've also found keeping a 'tot bag' full of random treats/toys, reserved only for desperate moments works well. The excitement of choosing a new toy can halt a looming tantrum in its tracks! And it's easy to restock with cheap dollar store finds.

Anything that keeps the peace in the grocery line is a win!

That's a great idea to have a tot bag full of exciting treats and toys! It's like an emergency stash to keep the little ones occupied, and the element of surprise definitely helps too!

I agree that anything that brings peace in those tricky situations is a major win! Mealtime games are fun and helpful in diverting attention - and often a great way to get them involved and engaged.

Absolutely! The tot bag has been a lifesaver on numerous occasions - it's exciting for my little one to rummage through and discover forgotten treats, and definitely helps keep tantrums at bay when we're out and about.

Mealtime games are a fantastic way to encourage them to try new foods too - making eating an adventure is always fun!

That's a genius idea! I've been struggling with my little one and her picky eating habits, so mealtime games sound like a great way to make eating exciting without the stress! Any other fun ideas you have for making tot-friendly treats disappear?

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Mealtimes can definitely be a challenge! I've found that involving my little one in preparing the food has helped encourage them to eat. Give your toddler some simple tasks like washing vegetables, mixing ingredients, or setting the table. It makes dinner preparation more fun and engaging and might encourage your little one to be more adventurous with their eats.

Another trick is to create a "taste test" adventure. Create different piles of foods with varying colors, shapes, and textures for them to explore. You can even blindfold your tot and turn it into a guessing game! It's a fun way to stimulate their senses and spark their interest in new foods.

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That's a great idea! I usually get my son to help me with mixing, pouring ingredients, and setting the table too. He enjoys helping and feels a sense of contribution which also encourages him to eat what we've prepared. I like the taste test idea, it's fun and educational and might be a good way to introduce new foods without the usual toddler drama.

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