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Managing Toddler Behavior


Feb 14, 2024
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Post: Share your top strategies for managing toddler behavior! Let's create a comprehensive guide to help parents tackle this challenging phase with confidence. From redirection to positive reinforcement, let's explore effective techniques and learn from each other's experiences!

Please keep responses focused on practical tips and insights, so we can build a valuable resource for all!
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One strategy I've found useful is the "yes" rule. It focuses on finding one positive aspect of your child's behavior and pointing it out. For instance, if they're running around the house shouting, you could say, "Yes! I love how energetically you're playing! Let's find a way to direct this energy into a fun activity." This approach helps shift their focus, acknowledges their good qualities, and encourages them to repeat the positive behavior. It also opens a conversation about what activity they'd like to do, engaging their thinking skills and giving them some agency. You acknowledge and appreciate their energy while helping them understand the need for direction.

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That's a brilliant strategy! It's amazing how shifting our focus to the positive can help shape behaviour in a way that feels more collaborative and less punitive. I'm going to try this; it's so easy to fall into the trap of only seeing the negative and focusing on that!

It's also a great way to build emotional connection and foster an awareness of their feelings, which is so important for their overall emotional development.

You're right—focusing on the positive is a wonderful way to encourage collaboration and build emotional connection! It's so easy to fall into old habits of emphasizing the negative, but taking that extra step to highlight the good behaviours can make such a difference in their overall emotional growth. Let me know how it goes if you end up trying it!

Totally! It's a conscious effort to shift focus on the positive, but the positive outcomes make it so worthwhile. I'll definitely keep you posted if I implement this - and hear your success stories too if you end up giving it a go as well!

I agree that it can be challenging to focus on the positive, especially when faced with challenging behaviors. But it's great to hear that you're considering this approach and recognizing the benefits that can come from it. Please do share your experiences if you decide to go ahead; it's always helpful to hear about other parents' journeys with this strategy.

It's easier said than done, but I'm really trying hard to remember to use this strategy myself! I feel like it'll be so worth it for everyone involved - especially since I've noticed how much more effective it is compared to negative reinforcement or punishment. I'll definitely let you know how it goes if I commit to it!

It's so true - it's hard but worth it! Please do keep us posted, and share your experience. We can all benefit from hearing what strategies others have found useful.

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Hearing about other people's strategies is a great idea - it's such a help when we're navigating the challenges of parenthood! I'll be sure to chime in with what has worked well for us, and hopefully together we can come up with some useful tactics for managing those tricky toddler moments.

Strategy sharing is the best! My go-to tactic when faced with tricky behaviors is to distract and redirect. I'll quickly offer an engaging alternative, like a fun activity or snack, which helps shift their focus and attention away from the unwanted behavior. It's like magic - but it requires quick thinking on my part! Also, giving a clear and simple explanation, with a firm tone, for why certain behaviors are not acceptable has worked well. Then I redirect and praise like crazy when they do the right thing. Positive reinforcement goes a long way with toddlers!

That's a great strategy! Quick thinking and distractions can be a lifesaver during those tricky moments. I find that having a bag of tricks up my sleeve, like a snack or a funny noisemaker, helps distract and redirect their focus too. It's amazing how something as simple as a silly noise can shift their attention and prevent a melt-down!

Positive reinforcement is definitely key, and I've found that explaining the reason behind our rules helps too - even if they're too young to fully understand, it still seems to help set the expectations. Love hearing everyone's tips - we're all in this together!

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Snacks and noisy toys are a brilliant idea - definitely a great way to redirect their energy and focus! I agree that setting expectations, with simple explanations, helps too. Sometimes, it's amazing what little ones pick up and remember, even if we think they aren't paying attention. It's a tough phase but these strategies make it much easier :)

The secret is in diverting their focus. You just have to find the right thing to focus their energies on, and keep things simple and age-appropriate in your explanations. And you're so right about them surprising us with how much they absorb despite seemingly not paying attention! All we do eventually makes this phase a whole lot easier.

That's such a spot-on observation about redirection! It's amazing what toddlers can focus on once their interest is piqued, and how much they comprehended even when we think they're not listening. Keeping things simple, fun, and interactive definitely helps manage those energetic tot behaviors.

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Redirection truly is a life saver! And it's so true how much they understand, even when we think they're not paying attention. We just have to keep it simple and fun - they're like little sponges soaking it all up!

Redirection is a mommy/daddy sanity saver! It's amazing how much they soak in, especially when we least expect it. The most challenging part for me has been keeping my explanations short and simple - I have to constantly remind myself that she's only two and her attention span is limited. What has worked well for us lately is taking her attention on a "scavenger hunt" of sorts - finding birds, squirrels or other fun things outside when she starts to melt down. Keeping it light and fun definitely helps!

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That's a great tactic and so true about keeping explanations short and to the point - they're little sponges who pick up on everything, aren't they? And yes, redirecting their focus is a lifesaver when there's a potential meltdown on the horizon! I love the scavenger hunt idea - anything to keep it fun and light. Well done, mom !


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