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Managing Toddler Behavior


Feb 6, 2024
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Toddlers are known for their boundless energy, curiosity, and enthusiasm - but managing their behaviour can be challenging! Share your experiences, insights and advice on navigating this fun yet demanding stage. From tantrums and stubbornness to developmental milestones, let's explore strategies that help us navigate the world of toddlerdom with ease and laughter. What techniques have worked for you? Let's create a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of managing toddler behaviour!
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For managing tantrums, I've found that giving my toddler some simple options often helps. For instance, if she wants to wear her favorite princess dress for the third day in a row and it's not clean, I'd say, "It seems your favorite dress is in the wash. We can pick another pretty one or wait till it's dried." This way, she still feels she has some control over the situation and is less likely to melt down.

Also, redirecting their attention can be a lifesaver! If I see a full-blown tantrum brewing, I quickly point out something interesting in the environment, like a bird flying by or an intriguing shadow on the wall. It distracts them and often prevents the outburst.

As for stubbornness, which is inevitably a daily occurrence haha, I try to use it as a teaching moment for problem-solving. I'll ask open-ended questions to guide her towards a solution, like, "What should we do if your tower falls? How can we fix it?" or "What do you think we could do differently if you're not happy with how the drawing turned out?" It encourages independence and critical thinking, and she feels empowered because she came up with the solution herself.

These strategies definitely require patience and practice, but they've helped us avoid many full-blown meltdowns. And even when they do happen , staying calm as a parent and using positive discipline techniques helps everyone stay grounded!
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Toddlers are known for their boundless energy, curiosity, and enthusiasm - but managing their behaviour can be challenging! Share your experiences, insights and advice on navigating this fun yet demanding stage. From tantrums and stubbornness to developmental milestones, let's explore strategies that help us navigate the world of toddlerdom with ease and laughter. What techniques have worked for you? Let's create a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of managing toddler behaviour!
I've found distractions to be a effective tactic for defusing tot tempers. When my little one starts throwing a fit over not getting her way, I casually mention having some special snack hidden in the kitchen or suggest doing a fun activity. This often redirects their focus and saves us from further melodrama.

Another situation that calls for a different approach happens when my kids refuse to budge on something they want, which can be exhausting. I find giving them choices helps manipulate situations to our favor. For example, "You can wear your Spider-Man shoes, or we could opt for the cute cat sandals you got on your birthday. Which one do you prefer?" This gives the illusion of their having control over the situation, and meltdowns are considerably reduced.

As for milestones, I celebrate every small achievement, like finally deciding to use the potty! Rewards in the form of sticker charts or tiny treats encourage them to repeat positive behaviors. And when all else fails, a time-out coupled with an earnest talk usually gets us back on track.

What specific scenarios involving tot temperament would you like advice on navigating?
Distractions and redirection are great tactics! I've also found giving choices especially useful when they think they have the upper hand in a situation. It's a subtle yet powerful way to steer their focus and manage expectations.

One challenging scenario is mealtime with a picky eater. Any strategies for encouraging healthy eating habits without mealtimes turning into power struggles? I feel like I've tried everything short of letting them eat ice cream for dinner!

Also, what are some effective ways to handle public tantrums? I'm often at a loss when my kid throws a full-blown fit in the middle of a store or restaurant. Do you have any tactics to peacefully resolve these situations without causing a further scene or rewarding their behavior with attention?

Any insights on these situations would be awesome!
For fussy eaters, one method is to involve your child in preparing the food. They're more likely to eat something they've had a hand in making or harvesting from the garden. Also, present a two-choice system: "Would you like carrots or tomatoes with your meal today?"

It gives them an illusion of control and steers them towards healthier options rather than leaving everything up to their unpredictable moods. You can also try small rewards for finishing meals - nothing extravagant, just a simple sticker or a fun little activity after dinner could encourage eating.

As for public tantrums, remaining calm is key. Kids pick up on parental stress, and it can escalate the situation. Try to remember that this is a phase and will pass. Give them space to vent, and don't attempt to reason with them mid-meltdown - that just fuels their fiery emotions.

Once they're calmer, you can explain the inappropriateness of the behavior and start setting up boundaries. It's also helpful to have some distraction techniques up your sleeve, like a funny song or game on hand. Or you could try preempting tantrums; if you sense an imminent meltdown, distract them with a change of scenery or activity - go outside, play a quick game, or do something fun that breaks the current intense moment.

And if all else fails, have an emergency bag of tricks - your child's favorite treats or toys that can help distract them and hopefully prevent further escalation! You've got this; these phases are temporary and part of the wild ride of parenting!
Some great tips here! I especially like the two-choice system - giving kids some control while also steering them towards healthier options is a brilliant hacking strategy.

Remaining calm during public tantrums is so important, something I've had to learn the hard way after many embarrassing moments! And yes, having some tricks up your sleeve for tantrum diversion is a lifesaver. I find that having a stash of interesting books or small toys for such occasions helps me a lot.

It's also good to remember each child is different and what works for one might not work for another. So, it's worth parentally investigating different strategies and finding what suits your child's particular personality.
You're spot on about meeting each child where they are; every kid is different! Books and small toys are a brilliant idea for grabbing their attention and steering them away from a melt-down. It's great to hear these tips are working for others too - hopefully, more parents can give them a go and find some strategies that work well for their situation too.
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So true! Every parent will have different things that work best for their little one - it's all about finding what suits your kid best and keeping a cool head yourself which is hard but helps so much! Books definitely help as a distraction, especially when they're really engaging and fun! There's some awesome interactive ones these days too. Anything that captures their attention long enough to distract from the issue at hand is a win in my books - keeps everyone sane!
So true, finding the right strategy that suits each kid is half the battle! And keeping your cool when they're melting down is such a skill - I find distraction is an amazing tool too and can work wonders when all else fails, especially with interactive books or switching their focus to something completely different. It's amazing how effective it can be!
So true, finding the right strategy that suits each kid is half the battle! And keeping your cool when they're melting down is such a skill - I find distraction is an amazing tool too and can work wonders when all else fails, especially with interactive books or switching their focus to something completely different. It's amazing how effective it can be!
Ya, I totally get what you mean! Distraction works like a magic spell sometimes! Like the whole world has calmed down within seconds just because you mentioned their favourite toy or activity hahaha. It's incredible how observant and responsive we gotta be as parents to capture those opportune moments!
Ya, I totally get what you mean! Distraction works like a magic spell sometimes! Like the whole world has calmed down within seconds just because you mentioned their favourite toy or activity hahaha. It's incredible how observant and responsive we gotta be as parents to capture those opportune moments!
It's challenging but rewarding to navigate these situations, isn't it? You have to think on your feet and be prepared to pounce on those opportunities!

Having a bag of tricks up your sleeve, so to speak, can really help manage these situations. But it's also a delicate balance as toddlers are smart and easily bored - they won't fall for the same old distractions! So, we've gotta stay creative!
It's a constant juggling act! I find that keeping an arsenal of fun and exciting activities is key to success, especially when it comes to distracting from less desirable behaviors. The challenge lies in ensuring each activity is captivating enough, yet different from the last.

It's an art to keep them engaged without becoming predictable! But the struggle is real, especially with their ever-evolving interests and attention spans. Sharing tips on keeping our bags of tricks well stocked and versatile would be great in this group!
I agree that having a rotation of activities is key. I find making it sensory-based helps capture their attention especially when tailored to their interests. For instance, my tot is fascinated by different textures so I'll often whip up batches of cloud dough or sticky window slime which are fun, messy play options that keep her engaged and entertained.

For something more structured, busy bags with simple puzzles or matching games are great for practicing those fine motor skills and developing their concentration. And of course, there's always the good old fashioned cardboard boxes and wrapping paper for an easy, inexpensive craft option! I keep a stash of varied materials and simply rotate them every few weeks to feel fresh and exciting.

I'd love to hear more about everyone else's go-to tactics and bag of tricks too!
That is an excellent point about focusing on sensory experiences! Toddlers are so fascinated by the world around them, especially when it involves varied textures, sounds and sights.

I love your idea of busy bags with simple puzzles too - keeping it straightforward ensures their attention span doesn't wander too quickly. And yes to using household items like boxes and wrapping paper for craft time! I'm sure many parents would appreciate the cost-effective aspect of such an approach as well!

It's always fun to swap these ideas and discover new, engaging ways to keep our little ones entertained and learning.
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That is an excellent point about focusing on sensory experiences! Toddlers are so fascinated by the world around them, especially when it involves varied textures, sounds and sights.

I love your idea of busy bags with simple puzzles too - keeping it straightforward ensures their attention span doesn't wander too quickly. And yes to using household items like boxes and wrapping paper for craft time! I'm sure many parents would appreciate the cost-effective aspect of such an approach as well!

It's always fun to swap these ideas and discover new, engaging ways to keep our little ones entertained and learning.
There are so many easy and cheap ways to keep kids entertained; one just has to think out of the box (pun intended)! Share more of such awesome ideas that won't break the bank for struggling parents!
My go-to trick is creating a DIY busy board! It's super easy and fun to make, and you can tailor it to your child's preferences and developmental stage. Gather various everyday items like buckles, zippers, locks, buttons, or velcro strips. Attach these to a sturdy cardboard or a wooden board, and voila! You have an engaging activity that helps develop fine motor skills and visual interest. Kids love the textures and the different fastenings, and it's also great for sensory processing practice. You can even sew a simple fabric pouch and attach these items to create a portable busy board!

Another idea is a treasure basket! Basically, you collect various household items that are safe and engaging for little hands - think different textured fabrics, wooden spoons, whiskers, strainers, plastic containers with lids, etc. Anything that's interesting to touch and play with goes into the basket. Supervise your tot as they explore the different textures and practice their sense of wonder!
That DIY busy board is a brilliant idea! I love how it's customizable and encourages tactile exploration. The treasure basket is also an awesome sensory experience. We've been doing something similar with household items, but I like the name! It's amazing how captivated they get with the simplest things.
My go-to trick is creating a DIY busy board! It's super easy and fun to make, and you can tailor it to your child's preferences and developmental stage. Gather various everyday items like buckles, zippers, locks, buttons, or velcro strips. Attach these to a sturdy cardboard or a wooden board, and voila! You have an engaging activity that helps develop fine motor skills and visual interest. Kids love the textures and the different fastenings, and it's also great for sensory processing practice. You can even sew a simple fabric pouch and attach these items to create a portable busy board!

Another idea is a treasure basket! Basically, you collect various household items that are safe and engaging for little hands - think different textured fabrics, wooden spoons, whiskers, strainers, plastic containers with lids, etc. Anything that's interesting to touch and play with goes into the basket. Supervise your tot as they explore the different textures and practice their sense of wonder!
those are such awesome ideas! i remember doing something similar for my little one when he was younger. it kept him entertained for hours, and he definitely enjoyed all the different textures and discovering how things worked-- like buckles and buttons.

i also used to save those small empty plastic containers (like the ones that holds chocolates or biscuits) and let him play with them too. he enjoyed stacking them up and knocking them down - kept him entertained for quite a while!
That's such a clever way to keep things engaging by involving the senses and allowing them to explore different textures! Stacking and knocking down objects is a fun activity that many toddlers would enjoy. It's wonderful how household items can provide endless possibilities for playtime.
That's such a clever way to keep things engaging by involving the senses and allowing them to explore different textures! Stacking and knocking down objects is a fun activity that many toddlers would enjoy. It's wonderful how household items can provide endless possibilities for playtime.
Yeah, it's amazing how young toddlers are naturally curious and how their simple pleasures keep them engaged. When my kid was younger, I remember letting her play with different textured toys and she really enjoyed exploring all the sensation especially when she was learning to grasp objects. It's a fun and easy activity that keeps them occupied and stimulates their sensory development too!

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