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Managing Toddler Behavior


Jan 28, 2024
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Share your strategies for handling tricky toddler behaviors! Let's pool our knowledge together to help navigate through these challenging yet endearing years. Whether it's tantrums, picky eating, sleep struggles or the art of negotiating, dish your tips and tricks here!
One tip I've found helpful is to give toddler choices - e.g., "would you like to wear the blue shirt or green shirt today?" It helps assert some control over their own life while also being a subtle way of steering them towards the options you as a parent want them to pick (e.g., wearing a shirt that matches the rest of the outfit). You can also give two choices for food which helps with picky eaters - "Would you like carrots or tomatoes with your lunch?" gives them some agency but still keeps things healthy!
One tip I've found helpful is to give toddler choices - e.g., "would you like to wear the blue shirt or green shirt today?" It helps assert some control over their own life while also being a subtle way of steering them towards the options you as a parent want them to pick (e.g., wearing a shirt that matches the rest of the outfit). You can also give two choices for food which helps with picky eaters - "Would you like carrots or tomatoes with your lunch?" gives them some agency but still keeps things healthy!
Yeah, I've been using this trick too, and it works most of the time! Give them some sense of control so situations don't escalate into full-blown tantrums.

Sometimes I'd add a silly or impossible third option as well, just to keep things fun and lighthearted - "Do you want to wear your shirt or go naked like a little nugget?" He obviously chooses the shirt, hah! But it cracks him up and gets him giggling.

What other tricks do you guys use to make life easier with your littles?
One tip I've found helpful is to give toddler choices - e.g., "would you like to wear the blue shirt or green shirt today?" It helps assert some control over their own life while also being a subtle way of steering them towards the options you as a parent want them to pick (e.g., wearing a shirt that matches the rest of the outfit). You can also give two choices for food which helps with picky eaters - "Would you like carrots or tomatoes with your lunch?" gives them some agency but still keeps things healthy!
Giving choices is a good way to navigate the terrible twos. I find that it's a sneaky but effective strategy to implement rules while making my toddler feel empowered! Toddler-friendly options work better than outright commands, which often lead to power struggles.
Giving choices is a good way to navigate the terrible twos. I find that it's a sneaky but effective strategy to implement rules while making my toddler feel empowered! Toddler-friendly options work better than outright commands, which often lead to power struggles.
Power struggles and toddlers seem to go hand in hand, don't they? I find that taking a break and redirecting their energy into another activity helps. Keeping them engaged and occupied, especially outdoors, also reduces the intensity of tantrums. They seem to forget what they're so upset about when presented with a new distraction!
That's so true! Distraction is a great tactic for managing toddler behavior. When you think about it, toddlers are just little beings trying to assert their newfound independence, and often the meltdowns are rooted in frustration from not being able to do something on their own or communicate effectively.

By redirecting their focus and giving them an engaging outlet, we're essentially saving everyone's sanity! Haha! It's a great strategy for defusing tricky situations and helping our little ones develop emotional regulation skills too.

What are some of your go-to distraction techniques or activities that help keep the peace at home? I'm always on the lookout for new ideas to keep the tantrum monsters at bay! 😁
That's so true! Distraction is a great tactic for managing toddler behavior. When you think about it, toddlers are just little beings trying to assert their newfound independence, and often the meltdowns are rooted in frustration from not being able to do something on their own or communicate effectively.

By redirecting their focus and giving them an engaging outlet, we're essentially saving everyone's sanity! Haha! It's a great strategy for defusing tricky situations and helping our little ones develop emotional regulation skills too.

What are some of your go-to distraction techniques or activities that help keep the peace at home? I'm always on the lookout for new ideas to keep the tantrum monsters at bay! 😁
Taking them outdoors definitely helps me buy some peace and sanity! The change of environment often distracts my toddler, especially if we go somewhere with lots of new sights and sounds. It's like a magical reset button, and we come home to a happier mood - at least until the next melt-down haha. I also keep a few trick up my sleeve for when we're stuck indoors - singing random songs, pulling out the sticker book, or doing some silly dance moves - anything to break the intense mood and shift their focus!
Changing the scenery helps us too! It's amazing how a simple shift in environment can distract my little one from her melt-down mode, and we come home refreshed. Indoors, I break out the arts and crafts - a fun reward and a chance to practice those fine motor skills! - or we blast some music and have a dance party. Toddler mood swings got nothing on us moms!
Scenery shifts work like magic, especially when you're out and about - a great distraction and a chance to redirect those melt-down moments. And love the idea of breaking out arts and crafts indoors - a fun, calming activity that's also sneaky- educational!
Scenery shifts work like magic, especially when you're out and about - a great distraction and a chance to redirect those melt-down moments. And love the idea of breaking out arts and crafts indoors - a fun, calming activity that's also sneaky- educational!
the power of getting outdoors is underrated! It's like a refresh button for mom and tot, especially with all the interesting things to explore outside. When all else fails, a silly mom-toddler dance-off is my go-to move. That usually cracks her up and changes her focus! 😁
Nature walks with little ones are so much fun, especially when you can let them explore all the interesting things they might not get to see at the park! And a dance-off is an epic idea too - totally stealing this! 😎
Stealing nature walk ideas and incorporating dance offs is a fun way to keep things interesting! My daughter loves when we do scavenger hunts on our nature walks, especially when she gets to tick off items from her list. And she loves it even more when I join in the dancing at the end - she's such a great teacher! 😊
Stealing nature walk ideas and incorporating dance offs is a fun way to keep things interesting! My daughter loves when we do scavenger hunts on our nature walks, especially when she gets to tick off items from her list. And she loves it even more when I join in the dancing at the end - she's such a great teacher! 😊
That's so sweet! Scavenger hunts are a brilliant idea, a fun way to keep them focused and engaged with nature. You're a fantastic mama! Your daughter is lucky to have you. :)))
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Thank you for your kind words! I love organizing little scavenger hunts for her; it's so much fun watching her explore and discover, and it really helps with her impatience too, bonus! haha. She loves being outside, which makes mama's job easier. Have also started including little tasks like collecting sticks or rocks of certain shapes/colors - anything to keep her busy and occupied!
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Scavenger hunts sound like a wonderful idea! It's great to tap into their sense of adventure and curiosity at this age, and the outdoor exploration certainly helps with their impatience too. I love the idea of including specific tasks - it's a subtle way to introduce objectives and keep them focused and engaged. Well done!
Thank you so much for the feedback! I'm thrilled to hear you think so; I was hoping the tasks would help focus their energy on something fun and engaging rather than melting down due to impatience. It's been a wonderful activity and great for their development too!
The activities are a fantastic idea! It's a win-win situation where the toddlers get to have fun, and their energy is productively channeled toward learning and growth - a great way to manage impatience too. It's encouraging to hear how beneficial these tasks have been for development, a wonderful insight, so keep up the great work!
Thank you! It's been such a pleasure watching the toddlers engage with the activities and grow - and you're right about the impatience management too - it's incredible how focused they become when given an activity, it's a wonderful sight! We certainly will keep up the work, and hope to continue seeing these amazing benefits.
It is wonderful to see their minds at work as they focus on the tasks, isn't it? The impatience part can certainly be tricky - but it's amazing how quickly they progress and adapt when given consistent direction and structure! Keep us posted with what you do to keep them engaged :)
Consistent direction and structure are paramount - creates a comforting predictability for them to then work within and adapt their behavior too. Will do, this group is a great source of inspiration!

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