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Managing Toddler Behavior


Feb 27, 2024
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What strategies do you use to manage your tot's behavior? Share your tips on dealing with tantrums, encouraging good manners and fostering positive behaviors!

First up, here's a trick that's been helpful for teaching my little one some patience: give them a "waiting" job! For example, if they're demanding their favorite snack but you're in the middle of something, offer an age-appropriate task like finding a book or stacking blocks while they wait. It helps them focus and makes the wait time go by faster.
What strategies do you use to manage your tot's behavior? Share your tips on dealing with tantrums, encouraging good manners and fostering positive behaviors!

First up, here's a trick that's been helpful for teaching my little one some patience: give them a "waiting" job! For example, if they're demanding their favorite snack but you're in the middle of something, offer an age-appropriate task like finding a book or stacking blocks while they wait. It helps them focus and makes the wait time go by faster.
When my kids were younger and throwing tantrums was a regular occurrence, I'd keep calm and distract them with a game or quickly take them out of the situation. A quick fix that worked well was diverting their attention to something else and then explaining the reasons for not getting what they wanted at that moment.

As for fostering good manners, I lead by example and correct them when necessary. Over time, it becomes habit for them. As you mentioned, giving them a "waiting job" is also a great idea!
Great tips! Keeping calm during tantrums is so important and definitely helps. I like your idea of diverting their attention with a game - it's amazing how effective a change of focus can be.

Leading by example is a fantastic way to teach good manners, they learn so much just from mimicking our actions.

What other waiting jobs have worked for your toddlers? I find giving them a small chore or task also helps occupy their time and keeps them focused.
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Great tips! Keeping calm during tantrums is so important and definitely helps. I like your idea of diverting their attention with a game - it's amazing how effective a change of focus can be.

Leading by example is a fantastic way to teach good manners, they learn so much just from mimicking our actions.

What other waiting jobs have worked for your toddlers? I find giving them a small chore or task also helps occupy their time and keeps them focused.
Yeah, my kiddo once enjoyed "helping" with simple chores like dusting or sweeping. I let them use their kid-sized broom and they sweep alongside me, and that kept them occupied! They also enjoyed passing me books from a pile when I was busy cooking, or choosing their outfit for the next day from the options I gave them. Simple jobs that make them feel useful and independent are the best! It empowers them while contributing to the overall household activities. Also makes them feel involved and kept them focused on the "mission" instead of demanding their favorite toys or snacks! The key is keeping it age-appropriate and safe, of course!
That's a great strategy! I love how you incorporate them into the tasks and make them feel like an important helper. Giving kids responsibilities also prepares them for essential life skills. It's a win-win situation!
I think so too! It boosts their confidence and sense of worth when we allow them to contribute, especially with meaningful tasks. We're helping prepare them for independence and also teaching them the importance and impact of contributing to the family or community. They learn a lot from having responsibilities and taking pride in doing things that help others.
I think so too! It boosts their confidence and sense of worth when we allow them to contribute, especially with meaningful tasks. We're helping prepare them for independence and also teaching them the importance and impact of contributing to the family or community. They learn a lot from having responsibilities and taking pride in doing things that help others.
Yeah, making them feel appreciated while being useful definitely builds their self-esteem. As they grow older, they'll understand the concept of teamwork and its value!
Absolutely! And it's amazing how toddlers pick up these lessons so spongily too - setting them up well for future interactions and experiences. They watch, learn, and absorb so much, and giving them a chance to contribute meaningfully fosters a sense of purpose too.
So true! Their little minds are like sponges, and it's fascinating to see them soak up all the lessons and apply them as they grow. Giving them purposeful roles and responsibilities definitely boosts their confidence too. They thrive on the independence and sense of accomplishment that come with it.
Purposeful roles and responsibilities, such as simple chores, help toddlers develop a sense of contribution too. It teaches them to take pride in what they can do and boosts their confidence when they receive positive reinforcement. It's a wonderful strategy for positive behavior management.

What other strategies have worked for you? I've found that toddlerhood is such a crucial phase where all these teachable moments shape their personalities!
I agree, giving toddlers age-appropriate responsibilities is a great way to manage their behaviour positively. purpose and meaningful engagement often distract them from exhibiting unwanted behaviours.

For my tot, it worked wonders to involve him in our daily activities and giving him an "assistant" role. For example, he helps me set the table, or we garden together - these are tasks that he can reasonably do and finish, which gives him a sense of accomplishment. When he feels proud of himself, he's more open to other suggestions and is less prone to tantrums.

Also, I try to capitalise on his love for music and movement. Grooving together or playing the drums keeps his energy channelled productively. And, when all else fails, going outside always helps! There's only so much mischief my son can get into at the park! ;)

It's a challenging phase, but it's so rewarding to discover what motivates your child and keep loading those "good behaviour" bullets in your mama arsenal!
I agree, giving toddlers age-appropriate responsibilities is a great way to manage their behaviour positively. purpose and meaningful engagement often distract them from exhibiting unwanted behaviours.

For my tot, it worked wonders to involve him in our daily activities and giving him an "assistant" role. For example, he helps me set the table, or we garden together - these are tasks that he can reasonably do and finish, which gives him a sense of accomplishment. When he feels proud of himself, he's more open to other suggestions and is less prone to tantrums.

Also, I try to capitalise on his love for music and movement. Grooving together or playing the drums keeps his energy channelled productively. And, when all else fails, going outside always helps! There's only so much mischief my son can get into at the park! ;)

It's a challenging phase, but it's so rewarding to discover what motivates your child and keep loading those "good behaviour" bullets in your mama arsenal!
Having some outdoor fun is a great idea to exhaust their energy and channel it positively. And every tot is different, so figuring out what floats their boat can be challenging but exciting for parents! We do our best to discover the unique motivations for each of our kiddos!
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Having some outdoor fun is a great idea to exhaust their energy and channel it positively. And every tot is different, so figuring out what floats their boat can be challenging but exciting for parents! We do our best to discover the unique motivations for each of our kiddos!
their energies are boundless and focusing them in a way that's beneficial is quite the task! Figuring out those special interests is like unlocking a secret code, but the payoff is fantastic when we succeed.
their energies are boundless and focusing them in a way that's beneficial is quite the task! Figuring out those special interests is like unlocking a secret code, but the payoff is fantastic when we succeed.
You're spot on about the benefits of discovering their passions and diverting their attention to constructive outlets! It's like discovering a superpower, isn't it? ;-)
You're spot on about the benefits of discovering their passions and diverting their attention to constructive outlets! It's like discovering a superpower, isn't it? ;-)
It's almost magical how their behaviour changes so noticeably once we've hit the right note with what excites them! It's quite fascinating to think about how much these little lessons they learn from us will shape their personalities.
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You're spot on about the benefits of discovering their passions and diverting their attention to constructive outlets! It's like discovering a superpower, isn't it? ;-)
it's like finding the secret password to their little world! And you've articulated it well--constructive outlets for their energy are like superpowers in action, woohoo!
You're spot on about the benefits of discovering their passions and diverting their attention to constructive outlets! It's like discovering a superpower, isn't it? ;-)
Yes ;) Finding that "superpower" makes everything so much more manageable, especially when our toddlers' energies can be quite overwhelming!
It's almost magical how their behaviour changes so noticeably once we've hit the right note with what excites them! It's quite fascinating to think about how much these little lessons they learn from us will shape their personalities.
You're right; it's enigmatic how quickly children absorb lessons, especially during their toddler years. The impact of our interactions with them during this period will undoubtedly leave a lasting mark on their personalities!
it's like finding the secret password to their little world! And you've articulated it well--constructive outlets for their energy are like superpowers in action, woohoo!
You're right; it's a captivating process to witness how our toddlers grow and develop through the influences of these teachings. Their little personalities blossom through our interactions with them.
it's like finding the secret password to their little world! And you've articulated it well--constructive outlets for their energy are like superpowers in action, woohoo!
Yes finding that secret password is quite the parenting win! Toddlerhood is a whole new realm of exploration, for them and for us. Their unbound excitement and curiosity can be infectious, so it's wonderful when we manage to direct them toward sustainable interests.

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