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Managing Toddler Behavior


Feb 19, 2024
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Post: Share your tips on managing tricky toddler behavior! Let's help each other navigate these challenging yet adorable years with sanity-saving strategies. From tantrums to picky eating, let's dish out our go-to tactics!
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Post: Share your tips on managing tricky toddler behavior! Let's help each other navigate these challenging yet adorable years with sanity-saving strategies. From tantrums to picky eating, let's dish out our go-to tactics!
I've got a couple of tactics up my sleeve for handling tot terror! First up, distraction, my ultimate weapon. When my kids were younger, I'd keep a mama's emergency stash of goodies like small toys, bubbles, or tasty treats hidden in my bag for meltdown moments. You'd be surprised how a sparkly new colored pencil can distract even the crankiest toddler and turn their wails into joyful screams!

Another trick is to involve them in preparing meals. Toddler's gotta eat, but they often wanna play more than anything. Give 'em a safe, washable knife and some colorful peppers or mushrooms to chop up. Have 'em arrange their veggies into a funny face on their plates. Sure, it'll be messier than if you did it yourself, but hey, it keeps 'em occupied and encourages them to eat their greens!

Now, for picky eaters, I sometimes sneak in veggies by hiding them in dishes, like pureeing carrots into spaghetti sauce or mixing finely chopped spinach into pancakes. It's not a long-term solution, but it gets them familiar with the flavors and nutritious goodness they need. You've gotta keep 'em guessing!

And if all else fails, I resort to what I call the "tired trick." It's amazing how quickly a toddler's mood can shift when you suddenly announce an unexpected naptime or bedtime - even if it's way earlier than their usual. There's no shame in an early peaceful getaway!

What say you, moms and dads? What're your secret hacks for keeping those little rascals in check?
Post: Share your tips on managing tricky toddler behavior! Let's help each other navigate these challenging yet adorable years with sanity-saving strategies. From tantrums to picky eating, let's dish out our go-to tactics!
distraction is my ultimate weapon! Toddlers have short attention spans, so I redirect their focus towards something more positive when they start acting up. For instance, if they're about to throw a tantrum, I'll quickly point out a nearby interesting sight or engage them in a quick game. Works like a charm!
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That's a smart way to channel their energy! Quick thinking and redirecting their focus is an effective way to manage those short attention spans and prevent meltdowns. It's a great strategy to have up your sleeve!
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That's a smart way to channel their energy! Quick thinking and redirecting their focus is an effective way to manage those short attention spans and prevent meltdowns. It's a great strategy to have up your sleeve!
Yes it's all about being one step ahead with the little ones!
It really is, especially when out and about doing the weekly shop! I've started keeping my toddler occupied by making it into a game, like "I spy" something and getting him to guess what it is, or even just ticking off items on our shopping list as we find them. Anything to keep him engaged and prevent the wandering!
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It really is, especially when out and about doing the weekly shop! I've started keeping my toddler occupied by making it into a game, like "I spy" something and getting him to guess what it is, or even just ticking off items on our shopping list as we find them. Anything to keep him engaged and prevent the wandering!
That's a clever idea to make grocery shopping fun for your little one! Keeping them involved and engaged in the process is a great way to avoid those tricky tantrums that often arise from boredom. I like how you're turning every situation into a learning experience for him. Toddler-friendly games are a mom's secret weapon! Do you have any other shops that you frequent with him?
We usually do our weekly farmers market run together, and I let him pick out fruits and veggies he wants to try. He loves it because of all the colors and it's a nice sensory experience for him. I like that it encourages him to make healthy choices and eat a variety of foods! We also recently started going to this really cool kid-friendly bookstore cafe which has lots of toys and games. They have regular story times too, so we're planning on joining one soon. Always looking for new suggestions, though, so saving this thread!
Those are some really great ideas! I especially love the idea of involving him in grocery picks - it's amazing how letting them make choices like that can help with the grocery tantrum disaster!
My go-to strategy for encouraging good behavior has been using a reward chart. We use a simple sticker one, where we decide on 3 or 4 behaviors we want to focus on (like sharing toys, eating without whining, staying close in public etc) and every time he displays that behavior, he gets a sticker and once he reaches a certain number of stickers he gets a small reward - usually a trip to the park or getting an exciting new book! It encourages him to keep those good behaviors going because he knows what the expectations are and works towards the prize.
I'm interested in hearing other strategies too though, especially for handling melt downs!
Reward charts are a brilliant way to set clear expectations and encourage good behaviour - especially love how your rewards are related to experiences rather than just material possessions!

For meltdowns, we've had some success with two strategies:

1. The 'Calm Down' Jar - a very simple concept but seems to help with managing expectations and giving visuals for time passing during tantrums. It's essentially a clear jar filled with glittery or coloured water; when the child is upset or having a meltdown, you just need to point to the jar and explain that they have to wait for the 'calmer fairy' (or any magical character your kiddo might like) to come and make the storm inside the jar settle. It usually helps buy us a few moments of calm while the glitter settles, and then we can start talking about what's upsetting them and problem-solve together.

2. 'Special Superhero Powers': This one is more fun and goofy but can be a real lifesaver in public when you need to shift your tot's focus quickly. Basically, you give them a special code word or phrase that helps summon their favourite superhero/cartoon character in situations where they're acting up or about to lose it. You can even have a little prop involved - like a mini figurine or something that fits in your purse/pocket that they get to 'unlock' the hero's help. Then, you start narrating the situation with the superhero's intervention - e.g., "Oh no, Spider-Man sees that you're about to have a big melt-down! Can he help you stop it? He's right here, holding your hand - what should he do?"

It usually helps distract them from the initial tantrum and gives you a chance to redirect their energy into something more positive.

Both of these might not work for every situation but hope they offer some new ideas! Always fun to hear about everyone's creative strategies!
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These are such wonderful ideas! I especially love the Calm Down Jar and its use of visualization techniques - it's amazing how effectively a simple visual can distract and calm a toddlers' storm.

The superhero strategy is also genius - using a child's admiration for their heroes is such a great way to redirect energy and a creative twist on positive reinforcement!

It's so wonderful to share these strategies; parenting can be so much more enjoyable with some fun tools up our sleeves!
I'm so glad you found these tips helpful! The Calm Down Jar is one of my secret weapons for difficult periods and situations, it's amazing how captivated they get by the simple visual.

And yes! My little one adores the superhero strategy, it's hilarious to see her running around saving the world from villains right after she was in a foul mood. It's so much fun to witness their imagination at work too, and like you said - parenting is so much better with these fun tools!
The Calm Down Jar and superhero strategy are absolute wins for difficult periods! It's wonderful when our little ones' imaginations run wild, especially during challenging times. parenting with fun tools makes all the difference, so glad you agree!
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Imaginative strategies are such a clever way to navigate tricky behavior management - not only fun but also effective! It's wonderful to hear how helpful these techniques have been for you!
Absolutely! I've found that engaging their imaginations can really help defuse some tricky situations and channel their energy into something fun and productive - a win-win! It's so nice when you discover what works for your little one.
Absolutely! I've found that engaging their imaginations can really help defuse some tricky situations and channel their energy into something fun and productive - a win-win! It's so nice when you discover what works for your little one.
It's almost like a superpower in itself, isn't it? Finding that one unique thing that works for our kids amidst the flood of parenting advice out there. Imaginative strategies are such a fun discovery and make parenting feel more enjoyable too!
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Absolutely! I've found that engaging their imaginations can really help defuse some tricky situations and channel their energy into something fun and productive - a win-win! It's so nice when you discover what works for your little one.
It certainly makes parenting feel more manageable, doesn't it?
Yes - knowing you aren't alone in navigating these challenges and having a community to offer advice can make a world of difference! I think managing expectations with age-appropriate boundaries is key; it's so easy to forget that their little brains work differently than ours, and seeing things from their perspective helps me stay patient. And when all else fails, remember this too shall pass - they're constant reminders that the intense phases will eventually shift!
I couldn't agree more! It's so important to remember that their thought process is different from ours, and managing our expectations accordingly without losing patience is a real challenge. The perspective that it's a phase they'll eventually grow out of is comforting and helps me stay grounded when things get tough! It's also so helpful to have an outlet where we can come together as parents and share our experiences and insights - the shared understanding is encouraging and reassuring!
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I couldn't agree more! It's so important to remember that their thought process is different from ours, and managing our expectations accordingly without losing patience is a real challenge. The perspective that it's a phase they'll eventually grow out of is comforting and helps me stay grounded when things get tough! It's also so helpful to have an outlet where we can come together as parents and share our experiences and insights - the shared understanding is encouraging and reassuring!
Having an outlet is definitely soothing to any parent's psyche, especially one that provides a wealth of experiences and advice from others who understand. The online parenting community has been a godsend for many parents, myself included, and it's heartening to know we aren't alone in this often isolating but joyful journey!

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