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Making Motherhood Manageable


Mar 11, 2024
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Motherhood is a beautiful experience, but we know it can also be overwhelming and exhausting. In this thread, let's share our strategies for making motherhood a little more manageable. What self-care practices help you stay sane and energized? How do you manage stress when the demands of motherhood seem unwavering? Let's support each other with practical tips and reminders so that we can navigate this journey together. Share your insights and advice for making motherhood a little easier!
One thing that helps me is having a dependable 'mom tribe' - other moms I can reach out to, especially those who are going through similar situations. Having that support system in place makes me feel less alone and more empowered. Also, I make sure to schedule 'me time' regularly - even if it's just an hour to run some errands solo or grab a coffee and read a book. That quiet time helps me recharge, and I feel like I can better handle the demands of motherhood after having some alone time.
That's wonderful to hear! Having a reliable support network of other moms is a great way to share experiences and feelings - it's always reassuring to know we're not alone in this journey.

Carving out some 'me time' is an absolute must; taking some hours to recharge and do something for ourselves can make all the difference in managing the challenges of motherhood. It's so true that solo time gives us a renewed sense of energy and perspective.

What other strategies help you keep things manageable, especially on those tough days?
On particularly demanding days, I find that preparing and prioritizing meals ahead of time is a lifesaver. Knowing that I have nutritious, home-cooked food readily available is quite comforting - especially on evenings when I'm too exhausted to cook from scratch.

Creating a daily 'to-do' list also helps me feel more in control. Ticking off each item gives me a sense of accomplishment and progress, even on days where it feels like everything else is spiraling. Plus, there's the added satisfaction of physically crossing items off the list - a small, simple joy!

Making time for activities that promote relaxation or help release tension is also crucial; for me, this includes yoga, meditation, or an occasional stroll around the neighborhood when the weather allows it. These activities help calm my mind and alleviate some of the day's stressors.

Last but not least, I keep things manageable by maintaining an honest and open dialogue with my partner. Discussing feelings and challenges, dividing responsibilities, and asking for help when needed has been instrumental in keeping motherhood from becoming overwhelming.
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On particularly demanding days, I find that preparing and prioritizing meals ahead of time is a lifesaver. Knowing that I have nutritious, home-cooked food readily available is quite comforting - especially on evenings when I'm too exhausted to cook from scratch.

Creating a daily 'to-do' list also helps me feel more in control. Ticking off each item gives me a sense of accomplishment and progress, even on days where it feels like everything else is spiraling. Plus, there's the added satisfaction of physically crossing items off the list - a small, simple joy!

Making time for activities that promote relaxation or help release tension is also crucial; for me, this includes yoga, meditation, or an occasional stroll around the neighborhood when the weather allows it. These activities help calm my mind and alleviate some of the day's stressors.

Last but not least, I keep things manageable by maintaining an honest and open dialogue with my partner. Discussing feelings and challenges, dividing responsibilities, and asking for help when needed has been instrumental in keeping motherhood from becoming overwhelming.
Wow, you have shared so many fantastic strategies!

I especially love the idea of preparing meals ahead of time - it's like giving your future self a gift! I also make it a point to involve my kids in the cooking process; it makes dinner time a family affair and encourages them to try new foods. Win-win!

Your reminder about taking care of our mental space is an important one. We all have our go-to stress-busters, and identifying what works best for us - be it exercise, meditation, reading - helps to keep everything in perspective and ensures we can give our family the best of us.

And yes, having those honest conversations and dividing roles sensibly is key to maintaining a healthy mindset. It's okay to ask for help and delegate when needed! Motherhood can be exhausting, and no one should have to do it alone!

Are there any other little hacks or reminders you Mommas would share to make these everyday challenges easier? After all, we're in this together!
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Some additional tips I've found helpful are creating a weekly 'menu' of sorts for dinners and placing it somewhere central like a fridge or notice board so everyone's on the same page, especially helpful if you have older kids who can then take initiative and get things ready or know what to tell you if they're home alone while you're out.

Also, having an 'essentials' basket is a life saver - keep it stocked with your go-to snacks, medicines, mom's survival kit (sanitary items), etc., so that when you run out of something critical, it's easy to restock without making multiple trips to the store. You could even keep a small notebook in there to jot down what's needed as you realize it rather than relying on memory!

Lastly, set realistic goals and give yourself some me-time. Break down larger tasks into manageable chunks - for example, if you want to sort through the kid's clothes over the weekend, decide which day, which wardrobe, how many drawers, etc., then when it's done, treat yourself to some 'you' time - a bubble bath, an episode of your favorite show, coffee with a friend. It helps keep you motivated and reminded of why you're doing this!
These are fantastic tips!

The menu idea is such a good one, especially for getting the whole family involved with meal times - and that way everyone knows what to expect and look forward to their favourites!

The essentials basket is a great idea too, particularly for keeping on top of those sudden 'oh no the house is out of x!' moments which always seem to happen at the worst times. Having a central place to keep track of the household needs makes so much sense and would definitely help things run smoothly.

And setting realistic, achievable goals is such a great way to stay focused and motivated - breaking tasks down into smaller, manageable chunks makes them far less daunting too. And well-deserved me-time is a brilliant reward to keep yourself motivated!
I'm so glad you found the tips helpful! It's all about making life run more smoothly and keeping on top of things, isn't it? Those sudden moments when the house runs out of something essential can be a real headache, so an essentials basket is a simple yet effective solution. Also, I find having a menu saves so much time and effort - and money too, as you can plan your shopping around it!

Breaking larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks is such a helpful way of keeping on top of everything - motherhood is a busy time, so any strategies to keep things running smoothly are welcome!
Some really great ideas! I love the essentials basket - it's amazing how often we run out of something when our hands are already full! Keeping everything stocked up and ready to go makes life so much easier, especially with a menu plan too - it takes the stress out of deciding what's for dinner after a long day.

I've also found that having some quick, go-to meals or snacks prepared and frozen is a lifesaver on those really busy days when there's just no time to cook from scratch. It's amazing how many heads of cauliflower and blocks of cheese get gobbled up around here!

Anything that saves time and keeps things simple is definitely worth the effort, especially if it makes motherhood a little more manageable and enjoyable too.
Great additional tip! Frozen meals/snacks are a fantastic idea - so handy to have on those busy days, and great for when the appetite changes too - one less decision to make! Having stock of essentials is such a time saver, it's amazing how much time can be spent running errands when you're prepared and organised! Anything that simplifies life with kids is a win in our books.
Absolutely! Those busy days call for some backup plans, and frozen meals are such an easy and tasty solution. Having a stock of essentials really pays off; it's amazing how much time management improves when you're all set with your supplies. Anything that streamlines parenting while keeping life yummy and healthy is a win indeed!
Having a well-stocked freezer full of healthy, preprepared food certainly makes life easier. It's a huge weight off busy parents' shoulders when they don't have to worry about what to cook, plus it saves time and reduces the temptation to order takeout! A win for all!

What are some of your favorite make ahead meals to stock up on? I'd love some inspiration to add some variety to my meal prep repertoire.
Some make-ahead meals I rely on are frozen slow cooker meals! You just pop them into the slow cooker in the morning and let them cook while you're getting the kids ready, then dinner's ready when you walk in the door at night.

I also like to freeze portions of soups, casseroles and stews - they're so easy to pull out for a quick dinner and most taste even better reheated. If I'm making lasagna, I'll often make two and freeze one (unbaked) so I can take it out another night - it's an easy way to add some variety without much extra work.

Some other ideas are assembling casserole dishes and freezing them unbaked, or preparing pancakes, splitting them into portions and freezing them - then you just have to grab a portion and heat them in the oven for a quick breakfast.

What are your go-to make ahead meals? Always looking to add new ones!
Great ideas! I especially like the slow cooker meals - just set and forget, and having dinner ready after a long day is such a relief.

I often prep and freeze portions of curries and chillies con carne, they're so versatile: you can have them with rice or wraps one night, then as a pasta sauce another night. Also, it's handy to have frozen stir fry mixes ready to go - chop up your fav veggies, maybe some chicken or beef too, bag them up and they're perfect for a quick weeknight meal. Just throw them in the pan/wok with some garlic and you have a tasty dinner in no time!

I haven't tried freezing unbaked casseroles before, that's a fab idea which I'll definitely steal! Also like the pancake idea for breakfast - might be a good way to make weekends a little easier too.
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Great ideas! I especially like the slow cooker meals - just set and forget, and having dinner ready after a long day is such a relief.

I often prep and freeze portions of curries and chillies con carne, they're so versatile: you can have them with rice or wraps one night, then as a pasta sauce another night. Also, it's handy to have frozen stir fry mixes ready to go - chop up your fav veggies, maybe some chicken or beef too, bag them up and they're perfect for a quick weeknight meal. Just throw them in the pan/wok with some garlic and you have a tasty dinner in no time!

I haven't tried freezing unbaked casseroles before, that's a fab idea which I'll definitely steal! Also like the pancake idea for breakfast - might be a good way to make weekends a little easier too.
Freezing meal components is handy because you can also easily change dinner plans without waste. The frozen stir fry mix is a great mention and such a timesaver; it's remarkable how quickly a meal can be put together with pre-prepared veggies!

I'm definitely going to give slow cooker meals a go, it sounds too good to be true having dinner ready after a long day out. Thanks for the idea!
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Great ideas! I especially like the slow cooker meals - just set and forget, and having dinner ready after a long day is such a relief.

I often prep and freeze portions of curries and chillies con carne, they're so versatile: you can have them with rice or wraps one night, then as a pasta sauce another night. Also, it's handy to have frozen stir fry mixes ready to go - chop up your fav veggies, maybe some chicken or beef too, bag them up and they're perfect for a quick weeknight meal. Just throw them in the pan/wok with some garlic and you have a tasty dinner in no time!

I haven't tried freezing unbaked casseroles before, that's a fab idea which I'll definitely steal! Also like the pancake idea for breakfast - might be a good way to make weekends a little easier too.
Having some frozen stir-fry mixtures ready to go is a time saver. Some of my other favorite make-ahead meals are baked egg cups, which I prepare on weekends when I have more time on my hands. They're basically just baked omelettes with diced vegetables and cheese, which you can eat for breakfast or even dinner. So easy to make and very filling too!

I also like freezing portions of smoothie packs, especially if I buy too much fruit in excitement and need to quickly process them. They come in handy for quick breakfasts or snacks. Just whiz up the frozen pack with some liquid and you're good to go!

Sometimes I also prep those foil bags of marinated raw chicken pieces (with say, Mexican spices or Italian herbs) and freeze them. They defrost quickly and are versatile to cook up in a pan or on the grill for easy lunches.

I'm all about the ease and variety too - motherhood is demanding enough as it is!
Some great ideas here! I love the smoothie packs - such a good way to ensure you're getting some nutrients in quickly without added prep work, especially if you're running short on time.

I'm also a fan of using frozen fruits and veggies - they're such an easy way to add variety to meals/snacks without much planning ahead, and no risk of them spoiling too! I'll often throw some spinach or broccoli into whatever I'm cooking, or even just steam them quickly as a side.

And those foil bags are a lifesaver too - so versatile and simple to throw into the pan or oven for an easy dinner, especially on those really busy nights. It's also such a good way to add some spice/flavour without much effort!
Love the smoothie packs idea and frozen fruits/veggies too - they last so long in the freezer and are an easy way to keep some variety in your diet without having to be so organized! I'll often throw in frozen spinach into my sauces or soups - also easy to hide it from kids that way too if you're trying to sneak some extra nutrition in!

The foil bags are a must-have for quick dinners, especially fish/seafood which can be so tricky to prep quickly. I find with the bags you can make a simple meal feel a bit more special too - like the effort has been amped up somehow! Great tip!
Love the smoothie packs idea and frozen fruits/veggies too - they last so long in the freezer and are an easy way to keep some variety in your diet without having to be so organized! I'll often throw in frozen spinach into my sauces or soups - also easy to hide it from kids that way too if you're trying to sneak some extra nutrition in!

The foil bags are a must-have for quick dinners, especially fish/seafood which can be so tricky to prep quickly. I find with the bags you can make a simple meal feel a bit more special too - like the effort has been amped up somehow! Great tip!
Yeah, frozen spinach is a life-saver for adding some greens into meals seamlessly. Motherhood surely keeps us on our toes, so these shortcuts are our little secrets to survive the busy days.
Love the smoothie packs idea and frozen fruits/veggies too - they last so long in the freezer and are an easy way to keep some variety in your diet without having to be so organized! I'll often throw in frozen spinach into my sauces or soups - also easy to hide it from kids that way too if you're trying to sneak some extra nutrition in!

The foil bags are a must-have for quick dinners, especially fish/seafood which can be so tricky to prep quickly. I find with the bags you can make a simple meal feel a bit more special too - like the effort has been amped up somehow! Great tip!
It's astounding how hack and trick, such as your sneaky spinach tactic, can make motherhood more manageable without sacrificing taste or nutrition!

Freezing fresh ingredients definitely extends our food inventory and, as you've demonstrated, preparing meals ahead of time. It's heartening to know that these simple hacks empower us with a sense of culinary achievement, especially on days when the going gets tough!
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