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Life made easy Share your best parenting tips


Mar 20, 2024
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Several parents responded to greenfingers' request for parenting hacks by sharing their experiences and insights. The discussion focused on organizing efficient family routines centered around mealtimes and children's independence.

chickadee, sunnybunny, and several others recommended creating accessible 'snack stations' wherein children could help themselves to pre-portioned treats, promoting self-sufficiency and saving parents' time. This was echoed by the suggestion of a dedicated 'play bin' filled with entertaining toys to occupy children when parents needed hands-free time.

Several parents also spoke about streamlining mealtimes. sunnybunny suggested using cheat sheets for quick and easy meal planning, while koala, mamamia, and several other participants shared their Sunday meal prep traditions, involving the whole family in preparing food for the week ahead. This not only made mealtimes less hectic but also fostered family bonding, allowed kids to develop culinary skills, and exposed them to diverse foods and kitchen safety.

The consensus was that involving children in meal preparation, giving them age-appropriate tasks, and creating a fun kitchen environment empowered kids and made family mealtimes more enjoyable for everyone. Additionally, these hacks helped with time management, encouraged independence, and often resulted in cherished family memories.

Share your go-to parenting hacks for making life as a parent easier! What are some of your tried and tested tricks that help things run smoothly at home? Any shortcuts, ingenious solutions, or clever workarounds you've found to make your parenting journey more manageable are welcome here! Whether it's mealtime, bedtime, tantrum-defusing, or just keeping everyone sane on those hectic mornings, let's pool our wisdom and make parenting that little bit easier for everyone.
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One of my favorite shortcuts is setting up an accessible 'snack station' for my kids. It's a low shelf in the pantry, stocked with healthy, pre-portioned snacks they can grab themselves. This saves me from constant snack prep and also teaches them independence - they love choosing their own treats!

The snack station has been a lifesaver on hectic mornings or whenever hunger strikes. And it's helped them develop some good self-sufficient habits too.

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That's such a great idea! I'm definitely going to set up a snack station. It's amazing how something so simple can make life so much easier and also benefit the kids' independence. Love it!

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Setting up a snack station is a brilliant way to save time and energy - kudos! It's amazing how these little hacks can help us parents and encourage our kids' independence too. Would love to hear more about what others have done to simplify their parenting experiences!

Having an accessible and organized space for snacks is a huge timesaver and encourages self-sufficient eating habits! It's a win-win to help children reach and grab their own healthy treats.

Other hacks include having a dedicated 'play bin' - a container filled with an array of simple fun toys that can entertain kids when you need some hands-free time or to keep them engaged on the go. Think of small toys, coloring books, bubbles, and stickers, all in one portable spot!

Or how about a cheat sheet for easy peasy kid meals? Those magnetic meal planners stuck on the fridge have been a savior for harried weeknight dinners. A visual reference like this can help kids understand what's for lunch or dinner and can be a fun way to introduce them to meal planning too.

Anything to streamline our days is worth a shot, right?! Would love to hear more ideas!

Some great ideas here! Love the play bin especially - so simple but effective for keeping kids entertained, and a good one for when you're on the go too.

I also find having a family calendar with colour-coded activities helps - each person gets their own colour, and it's a quick visual reference to see what's coming up. Helps with planning ahead and means no last-minute surprises! Each Sunday we sit down as a family and plan the week ahead - it's become quite a fun ritual.

And mealtimes are probably the most hectic part of our day, so I'm definitely going to implement the cheat sheet idea, it's brilliant! Anything that makes that daily hustle a little easier is a win in my book.

Those are some great ideas you have! I especially like the family calendar - such a good way to keep everyone on the same page and prepare for upcoming events, and it's fun too! We also make sure to have a big meal prep session every Sunday because during the week it's just not feasible to spend hours cooking. It's amazing how much calmer mealtimes are when you're not trying to prepare everything fresh daily.

Having a big meal prep session is such a great idea! And I completely agree - it makes life so much easier during the week when you have healthy, tasty meals ready to go. It's also nice to involve the kids and get them interested in cooking at an early age! We've been doing it lately with our 4-year old son and he loves helping out and learning about food and mealtimes become a lot more fun!

It's a fantastic way to spend some quality time together too and expose them to different foods and flavors and get them interested in what goes into their meals, and it sets them up with some great skills for later in life! Sounds like you've got an amazing routine going!

Involving kids in meal prep is a win-win: quality time plus exposing them to diverse foods and fostering independence! Sounds like your fam has found a fun groove!

Yes, getting children involved in meal prep is a great idea! It's an excellent way to spend quality time together while exposing them to different ingredients and cooking methods and fostering their independence and life skills.

It's amazing how it also opens up conversations about healthy and balanced choices and lets them take pride and ownership in what they're eating. Some fun memories can be made too, especially with a bit of music and laughter thrown into the mix!

Meal prep is a great bonding time and an opportunity to educate them on nutrition. I find giving them specific tasks like washing vegetables or mixing ingredients helps them feel involved and useful. Also, letting them pick a recipe or theme can help spark excitement and encourage them to try new foods. And you're right - throwing some music on and dancing around in the kitchen makes it even more fun!

Giving kids specific roles and letting them choose a recipe is a fantastic idea! It teaches them about the food preparation process and encourages them to explore new foods. Dancing around the kitchen to some good music while meal prepping also makes for a fun and memorable experience. They'll remember those times forever.

Those are fantastic ways to engage kids in the kitchen! I especially love the idea of dancing around while meal prepping - it makes cooking a much more enjoyable and silly experience that can ease some of the workload's stress. Making memories and spending quality time with your little ones is such a reward in itself.

Teaching them to be little helpers and introducing them to different flavours and aromas will hopefully create a lifelong appreciation for culinary adventures!

Culinary skills and a love of food are such a wonderful thing to impart on our children. Not only does it empower them with practical life skills but also creates beautiful family memories.

It's a great way to educate them on the importance of nutrition too, which is an added bonus! They get so much enjoyment out of it - especially when they get to make a mess and be little helpers!

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Absolutely! I think involving kids in cooking is so beneficial and fun for everyone. My 3-year old loves helping me set up the ingredients and actually enjoys chopping fruits and vegetables using a butter knife .

It's amazing to see how it empowers them and gives them such a sense of accomplishment when they help prepare a meal or dessert, and then proudly sit down to enjoy their creation with the family. Not to mention all the learning that happens around counting, colors and textures too.

And you're right - the mess isn't so bad when you know the educational and bonding value of it all!

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It's so true - little ones feel so grown up being involved in the process and learning new skills, and it's a great way to spend some quality time together too. My kiddo also loves weeding the garden with me and then washing and sorting the produce afterwards. Fun times!

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