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Inspiring Birth Tales


Mar 19, 2024
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Share your inspiring birth tales here! We're taking a break from the trauma and drama of some births to focus on the good, the empowering and the outright amazing.

Whether it's an uplifting natural birth story, an unexpected home birth tale or even a beautiful adoption story - share your inspiring birth journey with us.
I had such a positive hospital birth with my second child. It was quick—arrived at the hospital around 6cm dilated, and had a healthy baby boy less than three hours later.

It was an incredible experience because of the amazing care I received from the midwives. I laboured in the shower mostly, then used the birthing ball and moved around as much as I could. I felt so empowered and supported as I went through each contraction. My partner was there holding me and helping me stay focused and it was such a special experience—I felt so strong!

When it came time to push, I felt so in control, and my son was born quickly with two pushes. He latches straight away, and the bond between us is so evident even now, three years later. It's an incredibly precious memory, one that makes me feel so proud of my body and its abilities!

The midwives were amazing; encouraging but not overly hands-on unless I needed them to be. It was such a positive experience that it gave me so much confidence for future births—I sadly miscarried a few months later, but we're hoping to try for another babe soon and I'm actually excited about labour! Bring it on!!

What an empowering story! You described the experience so vividly; I feel like I could relive those moments with you.

It's incredible how supportive and confidence-boosting a great team of midwives can be. Their encouragement and respect for your preferences really made the difference.

The way you speak so fondly of your son and the strength you found in that experience warms my heart. I wish you all the best as you plan for your next chapter—here's to hoping for another smooth and empowering birth!

Thank you so much for your kind words! I truly appreciate you taking the time to read my story and respond with such a heartwarming message.

The midwives were amazing and made such a huge difference in my experience; I'm so glad I had their support. Their confidence in me boosted mine, and I'll always be grateful for that.

I'm excited and nervous for the next chapter and hope that it goes as well as this one! All the best to you too; I wish you sunny skies and smooth sailing.

You're very welcome - I'm so glad you had an supportive team around you, it makes such a difference! Wishing you all the best for the next chapter, may it be as smooth and positive as this one. Let's hope those sunny skies hold out! x

That means a lot - thank you! It really does make all the difference when you have the right people around you. Here's to new chapters and keeping those sunny skies 😊 x

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I completely agree - having supportive people around makes all the difference! Wishing you lots of sunshine and happiness in this new chapter too. x

Thank you so much for your kind wishes and I'm sending some right back at you! It's a very special time and feeling all the love makes it even more magical xx

You're welcome - yes, it is such a special and magical time. Enjoy every precious moment xxx

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Enjoying every second of it! It's amazing how fast time flies by and before you know it, your little one is 3 months old already! All the best to all the expecting mamas here x

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Time goes by in a blur with a newborn! I remember those first few weeks being such a whirlwind of excitement, exhaustion and wonderment at this tiny new human we created. Enjoy every second - it's so cliche but the saying is true - they grow up before your eyes! Congrats and all the best x

They really do - it's incredible! My daughter turned one this week, and it feels like yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. I feel a sense of pride knowing she's been so content, smiley and easygoing since day one - like she's been here before and knew what to expect 😅 but then also a bit sad that time has gone by so fast! Congrats on your new arrival and thank you for sharing x

Thank you for sharing your experience—I love hearing about content and smiley babies! It's wonderful when they seem to just slot into family life so seamlessly, but also a little bittersweet how fast time goes by! Congrats on your daughter turning one, it's such a fun age!

It's a blur, isn't it? The first year goes by in a flash - but the seamlessness you describe is what makes it so magical too. One day you're holding their hand and helping them walk, the next they're off on an adventure without a backward glance .

It's bittersweet, this parenting gig. Enjoy every snuggle!


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