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Inspiring Birth Tales


Mar 3, 2024
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After two successive losses, I was both terrified and hopeful throughout my third pregnancy.

My due date came and went with no sign of labour so at 41 weeks I opted to get things moving along.

It started with some mild contractions that had me timing them but not yet needing to head to the hospital. After a few hours, they ramped up in intensity - it felt like waves crashing over me. But I labour naturally slowwwly (this was my third baby).

We headed into the hospital around midnight as the contractions were closer together but still manageable. I wanted to labour at home for as long as possible because, well, comfort and familiarity!

Things progressed slowly over the next few hours until it became too much and I asked for an epidural - the relief was immense and I could finally relax which I think helped things along.

After 42 hours since contractions started, my baby boy was placed on my chest and it just felt so surreal and amazing that he was here! He latched soon after being born - it was incredible.

He's now almost 6 months old and every day I look at him in awe. My rainbow baby is such a trooper! Birth can be such an intense, yet amazing experience.
After two successive losses, I was both terrified and hopeful throughout my third pregnancy.

My due date came and went with no sign of labour so at 41 weeks I opted to get things moving along.

It started with some mild contractions that had me timing them but not yet needing to head to the hospital. After a few hours, they ramped up in intensity - it felt like waves crashing over me. But I labour naturally slowwwly (this was my third baby).

We headed into the hospital around midnight as the contractions were closer together but still manageable. I wanted to labour at home for as long as possible because, well, comfort and familiarity!

Things progressed slowly over the next few hours until it became too much and I asked for an epidural - the relief was immense and I could finally relax which I think helped things along.

After 42 hours since contractions started, my baby boy was placed on my chest and it just felt so surreal and amazing that he was here! He latched soon after being born - it was incredible.

He's now almost 6 months old and every day I look at him in awe. My rainbow baby is such a trooper! Birth can be such an intense, yet amazing experience.
I know what you mean about the relief that comes with an epidural! It's like hitting the pause button to regroup your strength, and that's so helpful when labour goes on for many hours. And what a trooper your little one is indeed - 42 hours, woah! That's some strong will and determination he has there, must've inherited it from his mum!

Rainbow babies are extra special, I hear, after difficult pregnancies or losses. You sound like you're doing an amazing job, momma!
You're so right about hitting the pause button - it was such a huge relief to have some time to gather myself and prepare for the next stage of labour. And yes, my little one is definitely strong-willed - just like his mum! He's doing well now, thank you for asking. It's been a challenging but incredibly rewarding journey.

The rainbow baby really adds a layer of complexity to the whole experience - you're so spot on about them being extra special. After everything we went through, I feel even more connected to him and appreciate every moment we have. Being a mum is tough, but little rewards like snuggling up to them make it all worthwhile!
It's wonderful to hear how you found time to gather yourself and prepare for what was coming next - those moments are so crucial, and it's a beautiful opportunity to connect and gain some inner strength before meeting your baby.

It's amazing the depth of connection and appreciation a rainbow baby can bring, and it sounds like he's doing well! You've got a strong little one there, just like his mum, which makes the challenges of early parenthood that bit more manageable. Enjoy those snuggles - they grow up so fast!
It's wonderful to hear how you found time to gather yourself and prepare for what was coming next - those moments are so crucial, and it's a beautiful opportunity to connect and gain some inner strength before meeting your baby.

It's amazing the depth of connection and appreciation a rainbow baby can bring, and it sounds like he's doing well! You've got a strong little one there, just like his mum, which makes the challenges of early parenthood that bit more manageable. Enjoy those snuggles - they grow up so fast!
I didn't have an easy pregnancy with my son. He was my rainbow baby too, and the bond you form during those challenging months is a very special and deep one. And yes, they do grow up way too quickly! Enjoying every moment of it while managing expectations - that's parenting for ya!
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I didn't have an easy pregnancy with my son. He was my rainbow baby too, and the bond you form during those challenging months is a very special and deep one. And yes, they do grow up way too quickly! Enjoying every moment of it while managing expectations - that's parenting for ya!
I feel ya! There's something so intense about the relationship with your rainbow baby. Mine was a real tricky one - morning sickness throughout the entire pregnancy, then an emergency c-section because he was in a rushed to get out, but got stuck. Yeah, parenting is full of surprises! You never know what to expect, so I just take each day as it comes.
You're so right - parenting throws all sorts of challenges and surprises at you! It's an intense rollercoaster with your rainbow baby, for sure. Hope you're doing well after that tough pregnancy and emergency surgery. Here's to taking each day as it comes!
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Thank you for your kind words! I'm definitely enjoying the highs of this rollercoaster, even though it's been challenging. Each day certainly brings something new - some good, some not so great, but it's all part of the journey! I'm doing well now and recovering smoothly after that scare. It's a reminder every day is a blessing and to appreciate each moment, the ups and downs are worth it.
You've got the right mindset - every day brings something new, we've just gotta enjoy the ride! I'm so glad to hear you're doing well now after your scare - sending you a smooth and swift recovery ahead and lots of snuggles with the little one.
Thank you so much! Those weeks really are a wild blur of emotions and exhaustion but I'm so loving every moment, especially all the cuddles 😊🥰 The experience was incredibly special and definitely one to remember!
So lovely to hear you had such a memorable and special experience - it's such a wonderful feeling to snuggle and cuddle your newborn, those moments are truly precious. The overwhelming exhaustion does eventually fade but the loving memories stay so strong! Congrats again!
So lovely to hear you had such a memorable and special experience - it's such a wonderful feeling to snuggle and cuddle your newborn, those moments are truly precious. The overwhelming exhaustion does eventually fade but the loving memories stay so strong! Congrats again!
It's an incredible feeling - all the exhaustion fades away when you have these little precious ones snuggled close to you. Thanks for sharing your story!
The exhaustion fades away, it's a wonderful feeling! You're very welcome - I'm so glad I shared my story; hearing others' birth tales is incredibly special too, thank you for posting yours! It's amazing how our bodies can do all of this and that every experience is so uniquely different.
Hearing stories is a reminder of that incredible variety, and it's so special to hear how powerful and amazing our bodies are - thank you for sharing! I'm still buzzing from the memory of those feelings; the elation and wonder at what our bodies can do is incredible. What a magical experience - and all the more special because it's so unique to each of us.
You're so right! Every birth story and experience is unique and powerful, a wonderful reminder of what our bodies are capable of. The wonder and elation truly are incredible. I think it's so special to hear these tales and appreciate the vast array of ways women bring new life into the world - it's truly magical.
I couldn't agree more! Everyone's birth story is amazing and it's a testament to the strength and resilience of the human body - as well as the bond formed between mother and child. There's so much power in sharing these stories and recognising the diversity of women's experiences. It's a fascinating journey and a wonderful celebration of life.

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