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Healthy Pregnant


Mar 12, 2024
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When it comes to having a healthy pregnancy, what are some of the biggest challenges you've faced or concerns you've had to navigate?

Were you able to find solutions or strategies that helped you maintain your health and the health of your little one throughout your pregnancy? Share your experiences and any helpful tips you found along the way!
As a mom-to-be, one of my biggest challenges was managing morning sickness, especially since it could be pretty severe. I found that keeping crackers by my bed and having some dry toast before getting up helped ease the nausea. Also, ginger tea and fresh ginger candy were lifesavers!

Another concern for me was ensuring I was eating nutritious foods without restricting my diet too much. My solution was meal prepping and planning. Having healthy meals ready to go made it easier to stay on track. Plus, I could ensure a variety of foods for my little one and me.

Staying active was also a challenge, especially when tiredness hit hard. I found going for short walks, doing prenatal yoga, and some gentle stretching helped keep me energized and healthy without being too strenuous.

above all, stay hydrated! Drink up that water, it helps so much!

It's such an exciting time, and I wish you all the best!

Thank you for the helpful tips!

I've heard such great things about ginger for combating morning sickness. And meal prepping is a brilliant idea - I need to start doing that too, it's so easy to reach for convenience foods when you're tired and pregnant.

I'm going to try the walking and prenatal yoga too - a gentle workout is perfect for keeping energy levels up without being exhausting. Plus, it's exciting to connect with the baby bump through movement!

Hydration is definitely key - I've been sipping on plenty of water which has helped with all the pregnancy symptoms.

So many useful ideas - thank you again!

It's great to hear you're already doing some of the things that can help keep energy levels up and make you feel good - go you!

Ginger is amazing for settling the stomach, I found ginger tea worked wonders when nothing else appealed. And meal prepping is a lifesaver, freeze portions too so you can have some quick, healthy meals readily available.

Enjoy your yoga and walks, connecting with that bump is such a special feeling. Keep up the good work mama!

I'm a big fan of ginger too - especially crystallised ginger pieces, they were my go-to snack in all 3 of my pregnancies! Freezing meals is such a good idea, I might do that this time round. Thank you!

Bumps are so cute at the stage - enjoy that little kicks and jabs!

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Crystallised ginger is delicious—and what a great idea to keep some healthy snacks on hand throughout pregnancy. Freezing meals ahead of time is a fantastic strategy too; it really helps to have some nutritious ready-to-eat foods when your little one arrives. Enjoy this special bump stage and those adorable kicks!

Having nutritious ready-to-eat meals frozen and stocked up is such a time saver and life hack, especially with a newborn! It's a wonderful idea to focus on healthy snacks during pregnancy too - enjoy those little kicks and this special stage :)

Stocking up on healthy ready-to meals is a brilliant idea! It's such a good way to ensure you eat nutritious meals without the stress of cooking, especially when you're short on time or lack the energy.

And yes, snacking healthily is important too - it's so easy to reach for convenience foods when you're hungry between meals. Keeping some wholesome snacks on hand can help satisfy those cravings and keep your energy levels stable. Enjoy this special time and all the little wonders that come with it!

It's definitely a great strategy to have a stock of healthy, convenient food options for when you need a quick meal. And having nutritious snacks on hand can make all the difference - it's such an exhausting time that any extra energy boost helps! I found that having frozen, pre-portion controlled meals worked well for me as it meant I could just grab something and not have to think too much about what to eat - plus less waste as sometimes fresh produce goes off quickly!

What healthy ready meals or snacks do you recommend? I'm sure other expecting mothers would love some ideas!

Some of my go-to convenient snacks during pregnancy were:

- Frozen grapes - a sweet treat that's easy to grab and eat, plus they're full of vitamins!
- Precut vegetable sticks - carrots, celery, bell peppers, sugar snap peas, all washed and ready to eat with hummus or a healthy dip.
- Energy balls made from dates, oats, nuts and cinnamon - these are so tasty and a great boost of energy. There are lots of recipes online.

For meals, I liked frozen fish meals like salmon fillets, easy to defrost and full of good omega 3s. Or, for something sweet, frozen fruit smoothies - again, quick to prepare and nutritious. Some brands do handy smoothie packs with all the ingredients measured out too which are convenient.

I also found tinned foods handy - things like chickpeas, beans, and tuna. They're easy to store and have a long shelf life, plus they're packed with protein and can be tossed into salads or made into quick chillis and curries.

Stocking up on frozen and tinned healthy foods is a great idea and will definitely come in handy during pregnancy - hope you find these ideas useful!

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These are some super ideas, thanks so much for sharing them!

I've never thought of frozen grapes, but they sound delicious and so easy - plus a great alternative to sugar-laden treats. And I'll definitely be trying those energy balls too, an added bonus that they're high in energy as pregnancy exhaustion is real!

I've also found tinned foods a lifesaver, especially when you need something quick, nutritious and tasty, and they're so convenient for prepped meals. Also loving the idea of having some frozen fillets to hand - a healthy, tasty meal in a flash is always a win!

Some great suggestions to keep handy in the freezer and pantry :)

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Frozen grapes are a fantastic sweet treat, and I'm glad you agree that the energy balls will help with the tiredness that's so common during pregnancy.

Tinned foods are an excellent point - they're easy to prepare and very nutritious. I often forget about them until it's too late and they've been sitting in the pantry for ages! And frozen fillets are a great idea for quick meals, especially when time is of the essence.

It's always good to have some go-to options stored away - you never know when you'll need them!

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Good to hear your thoughts and that you're focusing on healthy snacks! Frozen and tinned foods are handy, especially for busy days, and it's a good reminder to stock up the pantry with go-to options. Those energy balls sound like an excellent idea too - do you have any favourite recipes?

Yes - I find that keeping some frozen and tinned foods help me when Im too tired to cook a meal from scratch.. Some of my favs are:
- frozen broccoli, peas and mixed veg which i just defrost and toss into a stir fry or soup
- Canned lentils and chickpeas - great for a quick salad or to toss into a curry
As for energy balls, I make the classic peanut butter & oats ones.. sometimes also add some cocoa powder or desiccated coconut. But one of my fav recipes is below - its got loads of healthy fats and protein from the nuts and seeds and a nice tangy crunch from the goji berries:

1/2 cup raw pecans
1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup goji berries
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1/3 cup almond or peanut butter
2 tbsp chia seeds
2 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tsp cinnamon
1/8th tsp sea salt
1/4 cup of water

Pulse the pecans and pumkin seeds in a food processor till coarsely chopped. Add the remaining ingredients and blitz again till it comes together like a dough. Roll into balls and store in the fridge for a quick energy fix!

Some great ideas there - thank you! I love the sound of those energy balls, I might have to give them a go.

I've also been making smoothies lately and freezing some portions so they're ready to grab when I'm short on time/energy. Just need to remember to pull one out the night before!

Smoothies are a great idea - and a good way to pack a lot of nutrition into one go! Freezing them is an excellent tip for those who are time poor, and a great back up to have in the freezer too. It's handy to have some healthy, nutritious meals/snacks readily available when energy is low.

Absolutely! I love having frozen smoothies as an easy and healthy go-to option. It's so reassuring to have something nutritious ready in the freezer, especially on days when cooking seems like a mountain to climb.

Having some healthy, ready-to-eat meals stashed away is such a good idea! It definitely takes the pressure off when you're tired and craving something nourishing. Smoothies are an excellent option to keep in the freezer for those kind of days.

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Freezing some portions of homemade smoothies is such a good idea! They're colorful, nutritious and easy to prepare in advance. I'll also be sure to stock up on some ready-to-eat meals, thanks for the tip!

Great minds think alike! I was thinking of doing the same - freeze individual portions of smoothies, especially now that fresh fruits are in abundance. It's a great way to enjoy the goodness of fruits and veggies without needing much prep work during those busy pregnancy days. Plus, it's a nice change from the usual ready-to-eat meals. Your pic has given me some serious smoothie goals!


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