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Healthy Pregnancy Secrets


Feb 29, 2024
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The key to a healthy pregnancy may sound deceptively simple: eat right and exercise. But anyone who's been pregnant knows that even the most health-conscious among us could use some concrete, practical strategies for staying healthy during those nine months – especially when faced with overwhelming hormonal cravings, fatigue and morning sickness. Share your tried-and-true tips for keeping yourselves and baby in optimal health pre-, during and post- pregnancy here!

Let's start with some discussion prompts to get the ball rolling:
- What nutritious foods or drinks helped you reach your pregnancy health goals? Did you stock up on any specific snacks or learn any clever cooking hacks?
- On the flipside, what unhealthy cravings did you have, and how did you navigate them? Did you give in sometimes, or did you discover healthier alternatives that satisfied your urges?
- How did you stay motivated to exercise during pregnancy, and what types of workouts or activities did you enjoy? Any favorite fitness gear or apps that kept you on track?
- Did you discover any natural remedies or holistic treatments for common pregnancy ailments like heartburn, constipation or swelling?
- What steps did you take to ensure a balanced mental health regimen during pregnancy? Any strategies for managing stress, anxiety or mood swings?

Let's share our experiences and insights to help each other have the healthiest pregnancies possible!
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Some great questions to kick things off!

For nutritious eating, I found that having frozen, prepped meals helped a lot. Especially on days when exhaustion hit hard and cooking was out of the question; it was nice to have healthy ready meals on hand. I invested in a big freezer bag that holds lots of individual portions, which made it easier to grab something quick.

As for cravings, I wanted all the spicy food! I usually just portioned it out at mealtimes instead of totally depriving myself - had a bit of hot sauce or a small serving of spicy noodles, for example. Seemed to help curb the urge without going overboard.

I found short walks helped keep me motivated exercise-wise, especially when I couldn't motivate myself for a full workout. It's amazing how a quick 15-minute walk can boost your energy and mood, which is exactly what you need during pregnancy! Also discovered prenatal yoga - which was a great suggestion from my doctor.

For natural remedies, I used ginger tea for morning sickness. It helped settle my stomach and tasted great too.

And keeping mint tea on hand helped with heartburn - such a simple thing but it made a big difference! I'll be interested to hear others' strategies too!
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Frozen, prepped meals are a great idea! It's such a good way to ensure you're still eating healthy when the exhaustion hits.

That's a clever strategy for cravings - portioning out the craved food items and having them in moderation. It's a great balance of indulging while also keeping it healthy.

Short walks are awesome, especially with pregnancy exhaustion! And they can be so revitalising. Prenatal yoga is amazing too; such a fantastic, soothing exercise for this time.

Ginger tea is a fantastic natural remedy - it's so soothing and comforting as well as settling the stomach. Simple but effective solutions are the best, like having mint tea on hand for heartburn!
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Some great tips here! I especially love the idea of having some portion-controlled craving satisfaction snacks prepped and ready to go.

I've also found that having a good stock of easy, go-to healthy snacks is a life saver. Things like washed and bagged baby carrots or celery with hummus, hard boiled eggs, or my personal favourite - frozen grapes - are great options to reach for when you're too tired or busy to cook.

Having some simple, healthy meals and snacks already prepared and easily accessible makes all the difference!
I completely agree - having easy, nutritious snacks that require no preparation is a pregnancy saver!

Stocking up on foods that can be eaten straight from the fridge or pantry and don't require cooking can make all the difference when you're exhausted and craving something quick and tasty.

Frozen grapes are a fantastic idea - sweet, refreshing and healthy too. They're like a pregnancy treat! I also love the portion-controlled snacks idea; it's so easy to overeat when pregnant because the cravings can be so intense.

What other simple meals or snacks do people find help them through the fatigue and busyness of pregnancy?
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Some other no-prep snacks I love are cut up fruit and veg with dip. I keep carrots, celery, apple and grapes in the fridge, and hummus or tzatziki in the pantry, for a quick and healthy snack.

I also stock up on pre-made smoothies - great for when you're too tired/busy to think about preparing snacks but know you need something nutritious!

Another trick is having cooked meals that can be frozen then quickly heated up - like chili con carne or minestrone soup, which can be eaten straight from the microwave.

What other people got?
Those are some good ideas! I'm a big fan of frozen meals too - so handy to have something nutritious that can just be pulled out and heated up.

I also make my own 'pre-prep' snacks like energy balls - there's lots of recipes online and they're great because you can tailor them to your taste/cravings . They're good for a quick energy hit and easy to grab on the go too. I find having little portions of nuts and dried fruits also satisfies my sweet tooth.

I'm going to try some of your suggestions - especially the smoothies, that's a great idea for busy days!
When I was pregnant, I found that having frozen yoghurt cups in the freezer came in super handy! Craving something sweet? Whip out a cup and it hits the spot without being too unhealthy - the whole family enjoyed them too so it wasn't just for me. 😁

Fresh fruits also helped when cravings struck, especially cold, juicy watermelon or frozen mango cubes. I also drank lots of barley water - slightly sweetened with honey - which helped with thirst and kept things cool.

For workouts, swimming was a godsend. Being weightless in the water was such a relief from the aches and pains that came with pregnancy, and it was a nice change from walking which was my go-to exercise. I found private swimming lessons with an instructor really helpful to keep me motivated and make sure I was doing the right strokes safely.

Acupuncture also helped me a lot with sleep issues and general discomforts - it's natural and super relaxing too!

Keeping healthy snacks around and staying hydrated helped a lot, as did short walks when I had the energy. I kept some small treats like chocolates hidden for when I really needed something indulgent - gave me something to look forward to without overdoing it.

Hope these tips help!
When I was pregnant, eating right was so hard because of the constant morning sickness! But some strategies that helped me a lot were having small, frequent meals and keeping plain crackers by my bed to snack on in the morning.

I also had terrible cravings for sweets, especially chocolate, which is not unusual for me, but the intensity increased during pregnancy! I satisfied these cravings with lots of fresh fruits like mangoes and bananas, or sometimes I would have a small square of dark chocolate.

As for exercising, I found that going for slow walks outdoors helped me stay motivated and kept me energetic throughout the day. I also did some simple stretching exercises my obstetrician recommended.

I discovered peppermint tea helped with heartburn, and lots of fluids, especially room temperature or cold water, helped with constipation.

Pregnancy can be a stressful time, so taking time to relax and listening to calm music or meditation tracks helped me a lot with managing anxiety. I also found talking to other expectant mothers online very helpful–shared experiences are soothing!

All the best, ladies, and happy sharing!
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I found that eating right and exercising was a challenge during my pregnancy, mainly because I had terrible morning sickness in the first trimester - like, all day long! But I discovered some strategies that really helped.

For food cravings, I found that having small, frequent meals helped to keep my stomach settled. I also craved weird combinations of foods - like ice cream with slices of cucumber?! - but I tried to opt for healthier alternatives like frozen yogurt or low-sugar fruit popsicles instead. They satisfied my sweet tooth and were refreshing too.

As for exercises, I mostly did gentle yoga and walked a lot. It helped that my dog needed her daily walks, so I had motivation to get moving even on days when I felt sluggish. I found this great app with prenatal yoga routines that I could do at home, and it was a big help on days when I didn't have the energy to go downstairs for a walk.

I also had bad heartburn, especially at night. Avoiding spicy and fried foods helped, surprisingly! I also propped up my bed's headrest with extra pillows, which seemed to keep the heartburn at bay.

And having a good support system was crucial for my mental health. I had some low moments due to hormones and stress, so it really helped to have my partners, family, and friends around to lend an ear or offer a hug.

These strategies might not work for everyone, but I hope they can help someone! Would love to hear others' experiences too - any weird cravings or great tips to share?


I'm gonna share my personal experience on the eating aspect lah. For me, I think eating right during pregnancy was really crucial because it impacted how I felt and also influenced my cravings. I gave in to my cravings sometimes but most of the time, I found healthier alternatives that satisfied my hunger and kept my baby and me full.

I remember this one craving I had for sweet and sour pork ribs - typical Singaporean food eh - and instead of getting it from outside, I whipped up a quick stir fry at home with some honey and tomato ketchup. It tasted so good and also kept things healthy cos I used fresh ingredients and controlled the sugar and oil amount.

Another thing I did was to stock up on frozen fruit. So when I craved something sweet, I'd blend it all up with some low-fat yoghurt and make a healthy smoothie - the frozen bananas and strawberries really hit the spot and kept me full too. My go-to snacks were also homemade trail mix - nuts, pretzels, and dried fruits - which I portioned out and carried around in little bags.

I think eating right also helped with my energy levels cos I remember being super active during my pregnancy, which was a surprise to many! Haha. But yup, eating healthy is definitely a big part of staying fit and keeping baby healthy too so I totally recommend putting some thought into diet and making thoughtful choices.
Ah, preggers got so many cravings ah? I think eating right is really difficult when you have all sorts of weird desires for food haha. Can't give in too much also, waste money only. For me, I tried to eat healthy by having lots of fruit! Super easy to prepare, just buy and wash then eat only. Had a lot of smoothies too - blended fruits with yoghurt or milk, very filling and you can pack a lot of nutrition into one glass. Also good for when you're too tired to cook and need something quick.

I found it hard to exercise, especially in the first trimester - was so tired most of the time! But walking helped me a lot, and it's something you can do anytime without needing special gear or anything. I also did some yoga stretches at home, very gentle ones, just to keep my body moving and relaxed.

I think the key is not to be too hard on yourself - pregnancy is already such a stressful time with so many changes happening. Better to accept that you won't be able to do everything perfect, and that's okay!
Having gone through pregnancy myself, the first trimester really was a doozy - especially with the constant nausea. I feel ya!

I found that eating small portions of healthy snacks every two hours helped settle my stomach too. Think nuts and seeds, fresh fruits and veggies that you can grab and go. No point trying to fight those weird cravings - just make sure to pick healthier options like your frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, or a juicy apple instead of chips!

As for exercise, ya, gentle yoga and walking was all I could manage some days. But it's amazing how even that short bit of activity can help lift your mood when you're feeling low. And having a good walk every day kept me motivated - and tired enough to get some good shuteye.

Heartburn's a pain, man. Propping up the bed helps heaps! Also, I found keeping a box of bicarbonate tablets by my bedside and having them with water helped cool down the flames.

The hormones definitely made me emotionally all over the place. Having a solid support group to lean on is super important for mental wellbeing - pregnancy can be overwhelming and it's always good to have someone to talk to, especially partners who understand your feels.

Different strokes for different folks, but these hacks helped me keep sane and healthy during my pregnancy. Hope they're useful to someone else out there!

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