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Healthy Pregnancy Habits


Mar 9, 2024
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Maintaining energy levels while pregnant can be difficult, but is very important for the health of both mother and baby. Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins can ensure one stays energized. It's also beneficial to eat smaller meals more frequently, and including cooling foods like attap chee and red dates are good for blood circulation. Staying hydrated and keeping active - whether through walking or doing gentle exercises like yoga and stretching - is also recommended as it prevents sluggishness and aids in better sleep.

Additionally, finding time to relax and powering up with quick naps can do wonders for one's energy levels and mood. Keeping up these simple but healthy habits is a great way to stay energized throughout pregnancy.

Share your healthy habits and tips for maintaining good health during pregnancy!

What kind of foods help keep your energy levels stable and aid in fostering a robust pregnancy? Any favorite recipes to share? Or perhaps there are some exercises or activities you've found especially beneficial. Let's pool our knowledge and create an informative thread on keeping healthy during pregnancy!
A healthy pregnancy is all about eating right! Eating frequent small meals helps keep our energy levels stable and reduces nasty morning sickness.

Fruits and vegetables are great options; they're nutritious and keep you full. I also craved a lot of sour plums and tamarind sweets - the sourness helped with my upset stomach!

Drinking plenty of plain water is good too, keeps you hydrated and flushes out toxins. But best to avoid coffee and limit tea consumption.

Try to walk as much as possible; it's a simple but effective exercise during pregnancy. Swimming is also great, especially in our hot weather, and it helps keep the body cool too! But remember to take things slow and not over exert yourself.

Oh, and get lots of rest too - sleep whenever you can, haha! Your body needs time to recover and prepare for the big day!


A healthy pregnancy is all about eating right! Eating frequent small meals helps keep our energy levels stable and reduces nasty morning sickness.

Fruits and vegetables are great options; they're nutritious and keep you full. I also craved a lot of sour plums and tamarind sweets - the sourness helped with my upset stomach!

Drinking plenty of plain water is good too, keeps you hydrated and flushes out toxins. But best to avoid coffee and limit tea consumption.

Try to walk as much as possible; it's a simple but effective exercise during pregnancy. Swimming is also great, especially in our hot weather, and it helps keep the body cool too! But remember to take things slow and not over exert yourself.

Oh, and get lots of rest too - sleep whenever you can, haha! Your body needs time to recover and prepare for the big day!

Eh eating right is only part of the deal! Also must exercise hor, but gotta be careful not to overdo it.

I found that simple stretches and light yoga poses were super helpful in keeping my body feeling good. And agree la, walking is a no brainer - it's easy and keeps you from getting too cooped up at home. But remember ah, listen to your body and don't push yourself too hard!

For food, I ate a lot of porridge and soft boiled eggs - easy to digest and also very nutritious. And like the previous poster, I craved sour stuff like tamarind candy! Haha, pregnancy cravings can be so weird. But yeah, keep hydrated and eat all your vegetables!
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Some healthy habits I kept during my pregnancy days were drinking lots of plain water and eating moderate amounts of food. I craved fried food but ate them in moderation cos I know it's not good to overindulge.

I also went for evening walks after dinner instead of sitting around at home. My hubby walked with me too, which was nice as we could spend some quality time together while staying healthy!

I found out that pregnant or not, keeping a healthy diet and exercise routine makes me feel good about myself. So, I made sure to eat lots of veggies and fruits and kept moving, nothing too strenuous though!

Hope this helps!


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Yeah, staying healthy during pregnancy is super important!

I focused a lot on eating nutritious foods like fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. Kept my energy up and also helped me maintain a balanced diet.

Some favorite bump-friendly recipes include smoothie bowls topped with all the fresh berries - so yummy and easy to throw together! Also enjoyed mild exercises like walking and yoga, which helped keep my mind and body relaxed.

And of course, staying hydrated is key! Drinking lots of water keeps you cool and energized.

Anyone else have any super simple healthy recipes or activities they turned to during their pregnancies?
Eat right, stay active!

During pregnancy, I made sure to include plenty of fruits, veggies, and lean proteins in my diet. Cut down on the sugar and kept hydrated with lots of water and fresh juices. Taking walks helped keep me energetic too!

I found yoga super helpful. It kept my body flexible, improved blood flow, and kept pregnancy aches and pains at bay. Plus, it was relaxing!

Also had this craving for lots of leafy greens like kale and spinach. Blended them into smoothies with bananas and milk, yummy and nutritious! Always a good idea to listen to your body and eat when you're hungry and rest when you're tired.
Eating right is super important! Keeping energy levels stable is a must, and that's why having nutritious snacks like fruits, nuts, and healthy smoothies packed with vitamins is key.

I also focused on having plenty of fluids - herbal teas and warm water with lemon helped me a lot. Plus, it's good to stay active, and walking is a great exercise that's gentle and safe during pregnancy. It keeps the blood circulation going and prevents bloating. I'd also sometimes go for a slow jog, nothing intense but just to keep myself moving and build some endurance which was a huge help during labour!

Having a healthy pregnancy diet and keeping active definitely helped me feel good about myself and my body during those nine months, so it's a habit I highly recommend!


Ya, agree! Exercise must be consistent but also not too intense. Stretching and yoga are great options - helps with flexibility which is super important when you're pregnant and also good for blood circulation.

I found that having a variety of healthy snacks helped keep my energy levels stable. Things like nuts, fresh/dried fruits, wholegrain crackers, and hard-boiled eggs were my go-tos. Also, drinking lots of water and eating soupy dishes kept me hydrated and satisfied.


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Ya, agree! Exercise must be consistent but also not too intense. Stretching and yoga are great options - helps with flexibility which is super important when you're pregnant and also good for blood circulation.

I found that having a variety of healthy snacks helped keep my energy levels stable. Things like nuts, fresh/dried fruits, wholegrain crackers, and hard-boiled eggs were my go-tos. Also, drinking lots of water and eating soupy dishes kept me hydrated and satisfied.

Exercise is definitely a great way to keep fit and healthy during pregnancy, agree! I found that going for moderate walks helped me a lot too - kept my mind clear and relaxed, and was a good change of scenery from being cooped up at home.

Food-wise, I craved for loads of vegetables and fruits, so definitely stock up on those! Cut down on sugar and caffeine, and upped the intake of proteins - beans, eggs, lean meats etc. kept me full and satisfied.

Oh, and sleep is a huge one! Getting enough good quality sleep helped a lot with keeping my mood stable and energy levels up. Those power naps here and there are like a godsend when you're growing a human inside you! Haha!
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Exercise is definitely a great way to keep fit and healthy during pregnancy, agree! I found that going for moderate walks helped me a lot too - kept my mind clear and relaxed, and was a good change of scenery from being cooped up at home.

Food-wise, I craved for loads of vegetables and fruits, so definitely stock up on those! Cut down on sugar and caffeine, and upped the intake of proteins - beans, eggs, lean meats etc. kept me full and satisfied.

Oh, and sleep is a huge one! Getting enough good quality sleep helped a lot with keeping my mood stable and energy levels up. Those power naps here and there are like a godsend when you're growing a human inside you! Haha!
Power naps are the best!!

I also made sure to take my prenatal vitamins and kept up with iron supplements which helped with energy levels. And of course, lots of rest - although that's not always easy with a toddler running around! But taking time to relax and do nothing was also part of my routine. I found that listening to calm music or an audiobook helped me unwind and zone out for a bit.

Another thing that helped was staying hydrated - drinking plenty of water and eating watery fruits like melons and grapes!
Pregnancy craving for fried food is real, yeah! Good on you for resisting the temptation to overeat them.

I also ate what I craved sometimes but in moderation, because 'treats' like that should still be enjoyed, right? Balance is key - eating a variety of foods in moderate portions seemed to work well for me.

And yup, keeping active is a great habit. I didn't want anything too vigorous either, so walks were my go-to. Keeping up with some gentle exercises like stretching and yoga was soothing too.

Having a healthy routine really helps keep your mind and body in check - which is so important for expecting mothers!
Eating well is so important! I focused on including lots of fruits and veggies in my diet when I was pregnant - basically any chance I got, haha.

I also liked having nuts and seeds like almonds and pumpkin seeds as a snack. They're packed with nutrients and kept my energy levels stable throughout the day. And of course, plenty of water to stay hydrated!
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Yeah, eating right is so important! I also focused on including plenty of nuts, seeds, and healthy fats like avocadoes and olive oil in my diet. They are such a great energy booster and keep you full for longer.

I didn't really have any specific cravings, but I did make sure to indulge in some treats now and then - everything in moderation, right? Haha! I found that having smaller, more frequent meals also helped with my energy levels.

Walking and yoga were my go-to exercises. Nothing too strenuous, but enough to keep me feeling good and healthy.

Oh, and I totally relate to the smoothie craze! I blended almost every fruit and veggie I could get my hands on during my pregnancy! They're so delicious and a great way to get a whole lot of nutrients quickly.
My gynae told me to eat more attap chee or ice sugar plant seeds, because it's cooling and healthy! I added them to my yoghurt or made into a refreshing dessert with some honey and lemon juice.

Also got told to drink lots of red dates tea, which I didn't really like the taste of, but it's supposedly good for blood circulation and nutrient-rich. Can also eat the dates raw, but I find the tea easier.

I also continued doing yoga, but had to modify some of the poses as my belly grew. It helped with flexibility and kept me relaxed, which I think is super important too!
Ahh yea eating right is crucial orh. I found that having small, frequent meals kept my energy up instead of three big ones. Also, drinking lots of fluids - especially warm liquids - is a good one!

I wasn't much of a cook but had to learn fast haha. Oats with loads of fruits and nuts were my go-to. Quick to prep, nourishing, and filled me up till the next meal. For a treat, I'd blend some frozen bananas, milk, and cocoa powder for a yummy chocolate banana smoothie - so easy and the kids loved it too!

Kept active by walking everywhere and doing some basic stretches. Didn't want to overdo it but staying active really helped me sleep better too. Plus, like you said, it's a good habit to keep blood circulation going and avoid feeling sluggish.

Keeping up these simple habits kept me feeling healthy and fairly comfortable throughout the pregnancy so I'd say it's a win!

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