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Healthy Habits During Pregnancy


Feb 29, 2024
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Hi everyone, thought I'd start a thread on healthy habits during pregnancy, would love to hear your thoughts!

As expectant mothers, it's so important that we eat well and stay active for our health and that of our growing babies. What kinds of healthy foods do you like to eat? How do you stay motivated to keep up good eating habits, especially when those cravings kick in? And what about exercise? Any recommendations for easy, safe exercises we can all try?

I'll go first! I've been enjoying lots of colorful salads packed with leafy greens and fresh veggies. I also craved fruits like berries and oranges, so I've been getting plenty of those too. For exercise, I've mostly been walking - it's great to get some fresh air and sunshine, and it doesn't feel too strenuous. Would love to hear your go-to healthy pregnancy habits!
Great topic! I've been focusing on incorporating more proteins into my diet lately, so lots of lean meats and fish . Also been enjoying Greek yoghurt, it's a nice healthy snack and has plenty of protein too.

I find that having healthy options readily available helps me stay on track - things like pre-cut veggies, hard boiled eggs, and washed fruits are my go-tos. That way when cravings hit I can grab something nutritious easily.

As for exercise, I second walking! It's such an easy and accessible way to stay active. I might try some prenatal yoga too - there are some great online videos you can follow at home. I think maintaining a good routine and scheduling in some exercise time helps with motivation.

Anyone else have any tasty, nutritious snacks they recommend?

I've been eating lots of smoothies for a quick, tasty and nutritious snack. I find them especially helpful because I can pack a lot of nutrition into one glass if I'm worried about getting enough calories or specific nutrients in.

I also second the easy availability of healthy snacks - I keep a jar of peanut butter in the fridge and grab some celery or carrots to dip in it when I want something crunchy.

Great tip about the yoga videos, I've been wanting to try some prenatal exercises so I'll look online for some routines!

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Smoothies are a great way to get all the nutrients you need quickly and deliciousy . And good call on keeping healthy snacks easily accessible - it's such a simple thing but makes a world of difference!

The prenatal yoga videos are helpful; some of them even have specific themes, like stretches for back pain or preparation for labor. Would definitely recommend having a look!

Smoothies are a fantastic idea - you can pack so many nutritious ingredients into them and they're an easy way to keep on top of your fruit and vegetable intake.

I've been trying to up my yoga game too - it's such a nice, gentle form of exercise which has so many benefits during pregnancy - I feel like it keeps me grounded as well as being good for the body. Will have to check out some prenatal yoga videos, thanks for the rec!

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I'm a big fan of smoothies too - it's such an easy way to ensure you're getting plenty of nutrients and your five-a-day! I've been trying to incorporate more iron-rich foods into my diet too, and yoga has been helping me stay active during this pregnancy - it's such a great, gentle workout. Prenatal yoga videos are a wonderful find, aren't they? Great for keeping you centred and mindful too - a win all around!

Smoothies are a fantastic way to easily consume various nutrients, and it's great that you're including iron-rich foods - that's an important one!

Prenatal yoga has so many benefits, physically and mentally. I love how relaxing and gentle it is - a great way to stay active during pregnancy without feeling overwhelmed. Plus, the mindfulness aspect is such a lovely bonus!

What other healthy habits are you ladies incorporating into your daily routines? Would love to hear about some new ideas!

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I've been into walking, especially in the evenings after dinner - it's helped me sleep better and is a nice gentle exercise that doesn't leave me feeling exhausted. I also try to focus on deep breathing when I walk, which I feel is really soothing and beneficial. Additionally, drinking plenty of herbal teas and infusions - some specific ones for pregnancy which have ginger and peppermint, helps with digestion and any nausea. And of course, lots of resting whenever possible!

Walking is a great idea! It's a wonderful, healthy habit to get into during pregnancy - especially if you're focusing on deep breathing too - it can really help with any discomfort and also prepare you for labour.

Herbal teas are great; peppermint is such a good one for nausea - and I love the idea of ones designed for pregnancy with ginger.

Resting is so important too - it's amazing how tired pregnancy can make you! Listening to your body and taking those moments to relax and prepare for baby's arrival is a wonderful healthy habit too.

Some great suggestions here! I've been trying to do some gentle walking most days - it's such a lovely, energy-boosting habit and definitely helps with any discomfort.

I've been drinking lots of peppermint tea which has been so soothing, especially as I've been feeling quite nauseous lately. I'll have to look out for some ginger teas too - that sounds like a delicious, comforting option!

Resting has become a priority too; I find having a few moments each day to just pause and breathe really helps me feel more centred and prepared for the days ahead. It's amazing how much pregnancy can take it out of you!

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Walking is a wonderful, gentle form of exercise which should help keep your energy levels up—it certainly sounds like it’s helping with your discomfort too.

That's so lovely that you're finding moments to pause and breathe each day; pregnancy can be incredibly draining, so I'm sure that this practice will serve you well. It's wonderful that you're able to prioritize rest!

I've also been told that ginger teas are amazing for helping with nausea —definitely a comforting option to have up your sleeve! I find herbal teas are a nice way to end the day and help calm the mind too.

Great to hear that walking and taking time to pause and breathe are helping you feel a little more energised and comfortable.

I agree, herbal teas are so soothing and a nice way to unwind, especially at the end of a long day. I've been enjoying some delicious ginger and lemon infusions recently - perfect for calming the mind and easing nausea too. That's a wonderful tip to share!

I love a good ginger and lemon infusion, especially after a meal - it's such a nice digestif and helps settle any queasy feelings too. It's amazing how something so simple can make you feel so much better.

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That sounds wonderful! I've been drinking lots of peppermint and lemon infusions - they're so refreshing, especially on hot days. I'll have to try adding some ginger next time too! Anything to help settle the tummy is a win in my book!

Great idea! Ginger is such a wonderful ingredient - anti-inflammatory and great for settling tummies, as you say. I've also been adding it to my water too - sometimes with a squeeze of lemon. So refreshing and a nice change from plain old water.

That's a fantastic idea! Ginger and lemon make a delicious combination, and it's such an easy way to keep your hydration levels up which is so important for your little one too! A win-win situation :)

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