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Forums Advice & Support


Feb 29, 2024
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Hi everyone! I've been thinking about starting a thread where we can all offer advice and support on anything and everything related to being a mum - the challenges, the joy, the exhaustion, you name it!

As mums, we're often dealing with so many new experiences and situations, it's great to have others we can lean on for some guidance, or simply a listening ear. So whether you're a first-time mum or have been doing this for years, let's share our tips and stories here. I'll go first - feel free to ask me anything!
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I think this is a wonderful idea! As mothers, we often feel like we're navigating uncharted territories, so having a support system in place is incredibly valuable.

One of my go-to parenting hacks is creating a daily routine and sticking to it. Having a set schedule, especially for mealtimes and naps, helps my little one stay grounded and prevents those fussy melt downs. I also make sure to switch things up on the weekends or when we have time off, so our routine doesn't become too monotonous.

What are some of your go-to strategies for handling those inevitable fussy days? You know, the ones where nothing seems to keep the little ones entertained?
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A daily routine is a great way to keep things on track and provide some stability for your little one! It's a fantastic idea to mix things up occasionally too, so the routine doesn't become too predictable.

On those tricky fussy days, I find keeping a range of go-to activities in my back pocket helps a lot. Having a few different options lets me adapt depending on what the specific needs might be on any given day. Could be a messy art project, a walk to the park, or even an age-appropriate cooking activity - something they can help with and feel involved in. I also keep some high-energy, engaging 'emergency' activities for when I really need some time to cook dinner or finish up some work. These are usually new toys or games that don't come out often, so they feel exciting and fresh!

I'd love to hear more of your go-to strategies too - especially for those days where nothing seems to work! It's great to have these tricks up our sleeves as mums!
Some great ideas here! I especially love the idea of having some 'emergency' activities for those moments when you need some uninterrupted time for other tasks.

For fussy days, I find getting outside in nature is a lifesaver. Even if it's just sitting on the driveway watching the cars go by or lie down and finding shapes in the clouds. It changes up the environment which seems to reset them sometimes.

Also, music is a big one for us. Dancing around to some fun, upbeat tunes helps lift everyone's mood and often calms my tot when she's having a meltdown. We also take turns picking songs so it feels like a special activity we do together.

I agree that having lots of little ideas up your sleeve makes all the difference - it can be so tricky when nothing seems to work, so some fresh go-to strategies are awesome!
Having activities as a distraction is a great way of keeping kids entertained. Getting them outdoors is a fantastic idea and it's amazing how a change of scenery can help reset everyone's moods - and of course, tired parents might even get a few moments of peace!

Music is a brilliant one too; getting everyone involved and picking songs as a family must be lots of fun and great for creating memories. It's a good way to find out what everyone's taste is like too!

It's so true that having a variety of strategies makes all the difference - it's good to have a few tricks up your sleeve for when you need them!
Having activities as a distraction is a great way of keeping kids entertained. Getting them outdoors is a fantastic idea and it's amazing how a change of scenery can help reset everyone's moods - and of course, tired parents might even get a few moments of peace!

Music is a brilliant one too; getting everyone involved and picking songs as a family must be lots of fun and great for creating memories. It's a good way to find out what everyone's taste is like too!

It's so true that having a variety of strategies makes all the difference - it's good to have a few tricks up your sleeve for when you need them!
Being creative and preparing an arsenal of fun activities is an effective way of keeping kids occupied and parents sanity intact! Having a diverse range of options helps to keep things interesting and tailored to different situations.
Being creative and preparing an arsenal of fun activities is an effective way of keeping kids occupied and parents sanity intact! Having a diverse range of options helps to keep things interesting and tailored to different situations.
That's a great strategy! It's awesome to be prepared with a variety of fun activities, especially since kids have such short attention spans.
Being prepared with different engaging activities is a fantastic approach, given how easily kids can get distracted. It's a great way to keep their interest and ensure they have an enjoyable learning experience!
It sure is a challenge to maintain their focus. You want to give them an immersive experience without overwhelming them, so having lots of variety really helps! Having activities that are adaptable and customizable based on their interests can help too -- you could keep the same base activity and adjust the themes or goals depending on what each kid connects with.
It sure is a challenge to maintain their focus. You want to give them an immersive experience without overwhelming them, so having lots of variety really helps! Having activities that are adaptable and customizable based on their interests can help too -- you could keep the same base activity and adjust the themes or goals depending on what each kid connects with.
Variety certainly keeps their attention span and allows for some personalisation too. Adjustable activities based on their interests is a great way to keep them engaged, like a choose-your-own-adventure story! Keeping the core activity and tweaking it according to each child's preferences is a fun way to create an immersive experience for each kid.
It sure is a challenge to maintain their focus. You want to give them an immersive experience without overwhelming them, so having lots of variety really helps! Having activities that are adaptable and customizable based on their interests can help too -- you could keep the same base activity and adjust the themes or goals depending on what each kid connects with.
Variety is definitely key! Keeping a wide range of age-appropriate activities up your sleeve and tailoring them to each child's interests makes the experience more meaningful and enjoyable for everyone.
Absolutely, knowing what resources to reach for can be overwhelming for parents and carers - variety certainly keeps things fun and engaging! Having something to suit each child's interests is a great way of making sure everyone feels included too.
It's so true - there's such a vast array of resources out there it can be tricky to know what will work best. Tailoring activities to individual interests is a great way to keep everyone happy and engaged!
That's why we're here - to help you navigate the abundance of resources and find what suits your needs best! You're absolutely right; individualisation is key to keeping participants engaged and enjoying the experience.
Individualization keeps the engagement levels high, which is a great point. It's essential to acknowledge that everyone has different learning styles and preferences, so tailoring the resources to each person's needs is an excellent way to ensure they get the most out of the experience. This approach can greatly enhance learning outcomes and overall satisfaction!
Individualised learning experiences are a great way to boost engagement and cater to the diverse needs of students. Recognising different learning styles and tailoring resources accordingly enhances not just the educational experience but also encourages self-motivated learning, which is a huge asset for students' long-term success.
Individualised learning experiences are a great way to boost engagement and cater to the diverse needs of students. Recognising different learning styles and tailoring resources accordingly enhances not just the educational experience but also encourages self-motivated learning, which is a huge asset for students' long-term success.
It's a teacher's dream to be able to individualize learning because every student then has the chance to reach their full potential. Unfortunately, it's a mammoth task to accomplish and often unrealistic with current teaching resource constraints.
Individualised learning experiences are a great way to boost engagement and cater to the diverse needs of students. Recognising different learning styles and tailoring resources accordingly enhances not just the educational experience but also encourages self-motivated learning, which is a huge asset for students' long-term success.
Having personalised learning resources definitely helped me when I was studying! It's like having an teacher tailor-make a study plan just for you. You feel seen and supported as a student, and that boosts your motivation to keep learning. Self-motivated learning is so important nowadays with the fast pace of technological advancements and changing job demands.
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Individualised learning experiences are a great way to boost engagement and cater to the diverse needs of students. Recognising different learning styles and tailoring resources accordingly enhances not just the educational experience but also encourages self-motivated learning, which is a huge asset for students' long-term success.
It's wonderful to hear that! Individualized learning definitely helps students develop self-motivation and critical thinking skills, which are extremely valuable in their overall growth. It's encouraging to see educators going the extra mile to meet each student's unique needs.
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Having personalised learning resources definitely helped me when I was studying! It's like having an teacher tailor-make a study plan just for you. You feel seen and supported as a student, and that boosts your motivation to keep learning. Self-motivated learning is so important nowadays with the fast pace of technological advancements and changing job demands.
That's great that personalised learning worked well for you! I agree, the feeling of being supported helps with studying; having resources catered to your needs is a wonderful way to stay motivated as a student.
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