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Fitness & Wellness Parenting Workout Strategies


Jan 31, 2024
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**Title: Fitness & Wellness: Parenting Workout Strategies**

With the challenges of parenting, it can be hard to find time and energy for workouts. Let's share strategies on how we can integrate fitness into our parenting lifestyle.

Do you have any creative ways to keep active with kids in tow? What exercises or sports have you introduced your little ones to? How do we manage workout time amidst the demands of parenthood? Share your experiences, tips, and recommendations here!
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Wah, this is a really happening and meaningful topic you've started here!

I think it's a great idea to get our little ones into sports early. It's a good way to tire them out too . I remember bringing my kids hiking when they were young - it was a great bonding experience and taught them about perseverance too, because some hikes were really challenging for their little legs.

I also got them into swimming lessons from a young age - that's a great full-body workout and an essential life skill in my book! We made it more fun by going to the pool together as a family afterward. They're old enough now to join Dad for some games of basketball, which is awesome.

With younger kids, I found that incorporating exercise into playtime was easy - anything to get them running around really! And they loved it too. Park excursions with other parent friends and their children were fun; the kids would occupy each other, and we'd have a mini workout session while keeping an eye on them.

As for finding time amidst all of parenthood's demands, I had to be creative and flexible. Sometimes, short workouts here and there worked better than trying to carve out a full hour. A quick 15-minute HIIT session, for example - the kids could join in, or I'd do it while they played nearby. Or I'd go for a brisk walk with the stroller, which wasn't just good exercise but also helped my little one nap sometimes!

The key is really finding what works for you and your little ones and not being too hard on yourself. Having workout gear ready and visible also helped me stay motivated - seeing it reminded me to just get up and do something active quickly, even if it was just putting some music on and dancing with the kids!
I bring my kids hiking or camping when I can squeeze in some nature time. It's a great way to tire them out, especially with all the running around in the great outdoors! They also enjoy the change from their usual indoor activities and the exploration element is a nice break from the routine. We discover lots of interesting animals and plants on these trips too - it's like an impromptu nature lesson! And it's win-win because we're all getting some exercise without even feeling like we're working out per se.
It's not always easy to coordinate though, so I totally get why some parents may prefer exercising at home or hitting the gym when they can find the time!
I think the key is to be adaptable and seize opportunities when you can, 'cause let's face it - parenting can be pretty damn exhausting, so finding dedicated workout time can be challenging!

One thing I do is incorporate activity into our daily routines. For example, instead of hauling the stroller out for a workout, I'd stroll around the neighborhood park and do a few quick bursts of jogging, then walk again - the kids enjoy the change of pace too! And with young kids, it's fun to make exercise into a game - like playing 'Race the Toddlers' or throw-and-catch with older kids. Makes everyone move and gets hearts pumping!

I also found that involving them in planning meals helps, because grocery shopping becomes an adventure and gets us all moving - plus, the little ones feel more invested in eating healthy foods when they've been part of selecting them. And on days when energy is low but the kids are hyper, a good old dance-off or indoor scavenger hunt can be a fun way to wear everyone out!

Honestly, it's all about finding what works for you and your little ones, keeping things varied, and most importantly, having fun!
Some days I bring my kids along to the park and we do some short sprints interspered with some chin ups and pull ups on the play ground equipment. Count the number of chin ups you can do in one go and try beat that record when next we return! Or make it into a game - who can do the most?

I also get my son to do pushups every time I cook - he's still learning so I have to help him with the right form, but he enjoys doing it alongside me. And of course, playing catch or throwing a frisbee is a great way to get some exercise without anyone realizing it, and lots of giggles too!

I find that having some activewear also encourages you to move more - kind of like an outfit over mindset thing haha. So I involve my kids in shopping for some fun workout gear and we plan active weekends together too!

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