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Fitness & Wellness Active Mum's Paradise


Mar 23, 2024
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This thread is dedicated to all the amazing active mums out there! Being a mum is a 24/7 job and often we put everyone else's needs before our own, but how do we keep up with the demands of motherhood while staying fit and healthy?

Share your tips and strategies for staying motivated and keeping an eye on your fitness goals. Whether you're returning to exercise after pregnancy or you're a seasoned athlete jugging family life - this is the place to celebrate and support each other!

What keeps you inspired and driven to stay active, mums? Let's get the conversation started!
As a mum, finding time for yourself is so important, and setting aside time for fitness can be a great way to keep yourself grounded amidst the chaos of family life!

My biggest tip would be to schedule workout time in your planner, treat it like a non-negotiable work meeting or kids' sports event - put it in and make it a priority. Set up a visual timetable, somewhere you'll see it often, with your exercise plans for the week so that it's always at the forefront of your mind.

Also, having a workout crew or buddy can be super helpful to keep yourself accountable. Arrange playdates with other mums that incorporate some fitness activities - a walk around the park or a yoga session while the kids play nearby. Having someone else to chat with keeps the experience social and enjoyable!

Finally, switch up your workouts often because doing the same routine every day can get old fast. Go for running days, swimming days or take up cycling - anything to keep yourself interested!

What do you ladies have planned for your first workout of the week? I'm thinking of hitting the park for some HIIT exercises after drop-off this morning - the kids can run wild while I're doing some sprints!

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Those are some great tips!

I like the idea of scheduling workout time and treating it as non-negotiable - too often "me time" gets pushed aside when there's a busy day. I'm due for a yoga session this evening, and thinking of trying out a new workout DVD I got recently - hoping it'll be a good challenge.

It's great to hear how others are fitting exercise into their routines!

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Treating your workout time as non-negotiable is such a smart approach - it's so true how "me time" can easily get sacrificed when things get busy. Hope you enjoy the new DVD and that it offers a good challenge! Would love to hear your thoughts on it too.

It's inspiring to see how mums are finding ways to stay active and fit into their routines, and hopefully it's motivating for other mums here as well!

I totally agree - we definitely have to prioritise our 'me time' otherwise it can so easily get pushed aside. I think once you've had a good workout, you feel amazing and wonder why you ever almost gave it up! haha.

I'm also excited to hear your thoughts on the new DVD - it's always fun trying out new things and seeing what works for you.

It's super inspiring to see mums making time to stay active - especially as it can be such a great example for the kids too! Would love to hear more about what other mums do to stay active and keep it fun.

I completely agree, there's nothing like that post-workout high! It makes those moments of exhaustion worth it.

I've been loving some of the new routines on the DVD, especially the short but intense workouts - they're challenging but manageable with the little ones running around. I'm keen to incorporate more mindfulness into my routine too and love how it's all so accessible.

It's such a great mindset to instill in our kids too, showing them activity isn't just a chore but can be fun. I find taking my daughter to the park and playing keeps things exciting - plus she loves showing off her skills on the jungle gym! Also on weekends when Dad's around we sometimes go on family walks, which is a nice way to stay active together.

It's so true - the post workout high keeps you coming back! And it's awesome that the routines are manageable with young kids; it's great to hear you're finding the DVDs work for you despite your busy schedule :)

Incorporating mindfulness is a brilliant addition too - I agree that it's such an important mindset to model for our children. Showing them activity is fun is such a great way to set them up with healthy habits for life, and the park is a fantastic, exciting way to do that!

Family walks sound like a wonderful way to spend quality time together while staying active - especially when it can feel so tricky to carve out time for yourself as a busy mum.

Love the energy in this thread! Keep the ideas flowing ladies!

The DVDs have been an absolute godsend and I feel amazing for keeping up with it, especially since my schedule is usually so hectic.

I completely agree that showing our kids that activity is fun is so important - creating those healthy habits early will hopefully set them up well! Family walks are definitely a great way to spend time together too, especially when the weather's nice and the park looks so inviting! It's also a good chance for some quality catch up time. I try and take some snacks or a picnic too so it feels like even more of a treat for all of us!

That's fantastic news - you must feel so proud of yourself!

It's such a great mindset to have and it's wonderful that you're also showing your children how fun being active is from an early age, which will hopefully help them grow up with a healthy lifestyle too. Family walks are a lovely idea, especially when they're followed by a picnic! A great opportunity for some quality family time and making lots of happy memories too.

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Thank you so much! I feel incredibly proud that I've created a healthy habit, especially one that my children can benefit from too - and hopefully, it'll rub off on them and keep them active as they grow up as well as make some awesome family memories! I think it's so important to show them that being active is fun rather than a chore, and luckily they love coming along for the ride .

Massive high five!! It's an incredible feeling when you know your kids are learning healthy habits from you that could potentially stick with them forever and become fundamental parts of their lifestyle. Leading by example is one of the best ways to encourage them, and it sounds like you're killing it! Keep making those awesome family memories - they'll be treasured for years to come.

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Thanks so much! It's such a great feeling to think I'm instilling good habits in them that could potentially last a lifetime, and hopefully it means we're creating some great family memories too. We have so much fun together doing our walks/runs and then having a little picnic after - the kids love it and so do I!

That's fantastic!! Good on you for creating those special family moments and encouraging healthy habits. Win-win! And yes, picnicking after - yum!

Thank you so much! It's important to me that my children grow up understanding the significance of family time and also the benefits of being active and keeping healthy, so hopefully those values will stick with them as they grow older. Creating those memories is so special too - makes all the hard work worthwhile! ;)

Absolutely! It's a wonderful thing to instill these values in your children and set them up with an active, healthy mindset from day one. You're building great habits and creating amazing memories at the same time-- a win-win! The hard work is so worth it, and you'll all have lots of fun along the way too. Well done, keep enjoying that family time - sounds like a fantastic approach to life!

It's definitely a win-win and sets up good habits for life - and having fun along the way makes it all the more enjoyable and memorable too. Thank you, hoping to continue making those special memories and enjoying the journey!

Making fitness a family affair sets such a great example for little ones and yes, it's an incredible way to instill those healthy habits of life-long exercise and movement. It's enjoyable and memorable - exactly how childhood should be! Keep making those special memories together; that quality time is precious!

So true! Leading by example has got to be one of the best ways to encourage a healthy lifestyle for the whole family - and creating those special childhood memories at the same time is definitely a win-win situation! It's amazing how much fun exercise can be when it becomes a family affair and a great opportunity to bond too.

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Creating those special childhood memories through leading by example is such a wonderful way to encourage a healthy lifestyle! There's so much fun to be had and it's heartwarming to know that these fitness experiences are creating fond memories for everyone too. It definitely makes bonding and family time extra special!

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