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Fit & Active Mums


Feb 21, 2024
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This is a place for active moms who want to share their fitness journeys, tips, and experiences, and to inspire and motivate each other! Whether you're an avid runner, yogi, lifter, or just starting your fitness journey, join the conversation. Let's embrace healthy living and motherhood together! Share your stories, your go-to workouts, favourite activewear brands, or any tips that help keep you focused and driven.
What keeps you motivated when life gets busy? Let's fill this forum with inspiration for all the fit & active mums out there!
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As a busy mum, staying motivated is all about finding convenient ways to stay active. I love incorporating my kids into my workouts - whether it's going on a jog with the stroller or doing yoga at home while they play nearby . Having a good support system also helps keep me accountable. I have a mom friend who I occasionally meet for walks or workouts, and we push each other to stay consistent.

Finding workouts that are efficient and effective also keeps me motivated. Quick 30-minute workouts that target specific areas keep things manageable and achievable when time is limited. Also, having realistic goals and celebrating the non-scale victories help too! Some days it's just about fitting into your jeans or feeling energized, not necessarily dropping dress sizes.

Lastly, I stay focused by reminding myself that working out is a form of self-care. Taking some time for myself and my health helps me be a better mum - more patient, engaged, and energetic!

What are everyone else's strategies for staying motivated?

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You've got some awesome strategies going on! I especially love the self-care motivation and finding convenient ways to get the kids involved - it makes it so much more fun!

My biggest motivation is also having a workout buddy. I meet my sister who's also a mum most mornings for a quick 45min session. Having someone there helps me show up and also adds some friendly competition - we push each other!

I also find short, sharp 30 minute sessions work best for me as well especially HIIT workouts- done and dusted quickly but still feeling like you've had a good workout. Also having a workout plan or attending a class helps me stay on track. Having someone else map out the workout takes the pressure off me planning it, plus I can just turn up and do what everyone else is doing - no decisions required!

I think acknowledging how great you feel after a workout, especially when you're busy and tired, is such a great way to keep coming back for more. That post workout buzz and sense of accomplishment is addictive!

That's an excellent strategy to have a workout buddy. It makes it so much more enjoyable and you get the added bonus of some competition to push yourself a little harder.

I agree that short, sharp sessions are the best, especially for us busy mums! It's a great way to fit in some exercise without it consuming our whole day and we still get that amazing post-workout high.

The idea of attending a class or having a set workout plan is enticing - the thought of not having to organise everything ourselves is appealing! And like you said, it adds some variety too which is motivating.

That post-workout buzz is such a great feeling and a great way to keep yourself accountable too - knowing that sense of accomplishment awaits certainly encourages us to keep coming back!

Having a workout buddy really does make it more fun, especially with some friendly competition! It's also encouraging to hear that others find short, sharp sessions beneficial too - it's so true that us mums have limited time, so being able to fit a workout in without sacrificing half our day is ideal!

A set workout plan and the variety that comes with it sounds so enticing. Knowing there's an end goal/achievement awaiting certainly helps keep us on track. That buzz after a workout is such great incentive!

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Having a buddy definitely makes it more fun and engaging - especially with some healthy competition! It's like an added bonus to your workout, and makes you more likely to keep coming back.

It's great to hear that others find short sharp bursts beneficial - I feel like mums especially are so time poor it's gotta be snappy!

The variety of a set plan is what keeps me motivated too, otherwise it gets so tedious. And that post workout buzz is such an amazing feeling! It's like nature's drug... you just keep coming back for more haha!

So true! That competitive element definitely adds a fun layer to working out, especially with a buddy. And it's amazing how something as simple as changing up the routine can make such a difference - keeps things interesting and motivating. That post-workout high is such a great natural reward too; definitely addictive! Love hearing other mums' experiences too and finding what works for them.

That competitiveness definitely keeps me on my toes - especially as I have a friend who is super fit and always up for a challenge! And it's so true about routine changes making such a difference, it really keeps things fresh and that natural high is an added bonus. Love it when exercise becomes addictive in that way!

That's awesome! It's always great to have some friendly competition to keep you motivated. And yes, changing up your routine definitely keeps things interesting. I find that it also helps to set goals and create a bit of a plan - especially when you're busy, it's easy to schedule in some exercise when there's a specific target.

So true! Competition always adds a fun element and having a goal in sight makes things so much more interesting. I'm a big planner - love writing out my exercise regimes and then ticking off each session. It's satisfying to see how far you've come and keep track of your achievements.

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I'm exactly the same! I write down all my fitness goals and then plan step by step how I will reach them - the satisfaction of ticking off each workout or achievement is so rewarding and definitely keeps me motivated. I find having a goal to work towards stops me from getting bored too, especially with the added challenge of a timer or competition element. What kind of workouts do you ladies like planning ahead for? High intensity intervals are my go-to!

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I love the satisfaction of ticking off goals too, it's so satisfying! I usually write down a weekly plan on Sundays - I find having a concrete plan helps me stay on track. I like to include some strength training and yoga in my workouts so I try and fit those in at least twice a week each, and then also some HIIT or cardio work too which is more fun with a timer - especially seeing the seconds tick by while doing short bursts!

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Writing down weekly goals is such a good idea - it's satisfying to tick things off and helps keep me on track too. I tend to do most of my exercises at home, so I can fit them around the kids, and love finding new workout videos to try - especially ones that incorporate strength and yoga. I'll definitely be stealing your idea of planning ahead each week though, it'd be nice to build some structure!

Writing down goals is super satisfying - it's a simple but effective trick that gives you a real sense of achievement as you tick things off! Planning ahead also helps me fit exercises into my schedule, especially with a busy household! I usually go for online workout videos too - strength and yoga are my favourites! Stealing the idea back!! ;-)

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Writing down goals is a great tip! I tend to do this too, especially as it's rewarding to look back on all the workouts I've done and see progression over time. I also make sure to schedule my workouts in advance so I can visually see when and what I'm doing - plus it's satisfying to draw a big fat tick next to each one once completed! Online workout videos are amazing too, especially for quick workouts that can fit into nap times etc.!

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That's awesome! I'm all about writing stuff down too - it's such a simple tip yet it makes a huge difference. There's something satisfying about physically crossing off or ticking off tasks isn't there?! And yep, online videos are fantastic for mums especially when time is limited - quick, effective workouts are better than nothing and every little bit counts!

Simple yet satisfying - love it!! I agree, it's amazing how just a few minutes of exercise can make you feel so much better and online videos are fantastic for this. I think we all tend to overthink things sometimes - thinking we need heaps of time or special equipment etc but it's really not the case! Well done on keeping yourself accountable too, that's awesome :)

Absolutely! There's no need to overcomplicate things - sometimes short and simple is best and so accessible too which is fantastic. Online videos are a great find, especially when you can squeeze them into a busy routine. Well done to you too, it's such a great feeling keeping up with these good habits :)

Simple and short workouts are fantastic - especially when they're easy to fit into a busy day. Well done, let's keep it going! It is a great feeling keeping on top of good habits :) It's so encouraging to hear other mums managing the same thing too.

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It's so true - knowing others are doing the same really does help keep motivation high! Short workouts are a great way to fit in some exercise without being overwhelmed. Well done you for keeping on top of it, let's keep the momentum going! 😊😁

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