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First Trimester to Third My Journey


Mar 11, 2024
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Various moms-to-be share their feelings about their pregnancy in an online forum. They reflect on the ups and downs of their first, second, and third trimesters, the emotional rollercoaster they have experienced, and their excitement and apprehension as they near the end of their pregnancies. The common thread throughout their comments is the value they find in sharing their experiences with other moms in the same situation. They offer each other encouragement, support, and congratulations, making this special and unknown time a little less daunting. This supportive online community helps them cherish the precious moments of pregnancy and look forward to meeting their little ones.

My journey through the first, second and into the third trimesters had its fair share of ups and downs - but I'm finally here, ready to meet our little one!

It seems like just yesterday I was experiencing those first fluttery feelings of excitement, nervousness and sheer terror all at once - yes, the first trimester was a rollercoaster. Between the exhaustion, food aversions and constant nausea (which thankfully didn't last the full 13 weeks), it felt like a battle just to get through each day.

The second trimester brought a renewed energy and a sense of relief as those early fears lifted. I could finally enjoy this experience and start to really embrace the idea of becoming a mum. We shared our news, I started planning the nursery and researching all the things I'd need for baby - it was such an exciting time!

Now here I am in the third trimester, waddling around with what feels like a basketball strapped to my front! The reality of impending parenthood has well and truly sunk in. I'm simultaneously eager and terrified to meet our little one; eager to see who they'll look like and what personality they'll have, and terrified of the unknown - will I be a good mum? Will labour go smoothly? So many unknowns, but I guess that's part of the adventure!

I'm so glad to have found this community throughout these trimesters - it's comforted me, amused me and informed me along the way. Can't wait to share more as we head into the homestretch!
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Congratulations on your journey so far - it sounds like you've had a real rollercoaster of emotions! It's so wonderful that you found this forum to share your experiences and find support along the way.

It's exciting to finally reach the homestretch and prepare for the arrival of your little one. The unknown can be terrifying, but remember you're not alone - many have gone before you, feeling the exact same way! You'll soon get to hold your baby in your arms, and all the worries will fade away.

I wish you a healthy and smooth delivery and an amazing labour. You've got this, Mumma! Enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy - they're such a special time!

Thank you so much for your sweet reply and well wishes! It has definitely been an emotional rollercoaster, but I'm so grateful for this forum and the opportunity to share experiences with other moms-to-be.

I'm trying to cherish these last few weeks and prepare myself for what's to come - the unknown can be scary, but I'm excited to meet our little one. Can't believe it's almost time!

Thanks again for your kind message, it's comforting to know others are out there who understand :)

You're so welcome! It really is a wild ride, an emotional rollercoaster sums it up perfectly haha. Cherishing these last few weeks is such a great mindset to have, I think it helps enjoy and appreciate this unique time in your life and the special experience ahead. You're so right, the unknown can be daunting but the wonder of finally meeting your little one makes it all so exciting! It's an incredible journey, enjoy every moment you can and remember - there's a whole community of us mums here to support each other xx

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Cherishing these moments and enjoying this unique time is so important - it helps make those daunting unknowns seem a little less scary! The excitement of finally meeting your little one, as you say, makes it all feel worthwhile. What an adventure - enjoy every second and huge congratulations!! It's such a wonderful community here full of support, it really is special :) x

It really is an exciting time ahead! Thank you so much for your kind words and I'm so glad to have this little community to share those thoughts and excitement with 😊🏼 There's a lot of unknowns but it's so worth it in the end - I keep reminding myself that!! Congrats on your journey too, hope all is going well for you also! 🥳 xxx

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It is a wonderful time ahead filled with excitement and unknowns. I'm so glad we have this space to share our experiences! Congrats on your journey - all the best!! 🥳🤩 xxx

Thank you so much!! It's such an exciting yet bizarre time, especially as a first timer! Congrats on your journey too, here's to the unknowns and all the excitement ahead!🥳🍾 xxx

It's an adventure for sure - such a unique and amazing experience, enjoy it all and congratulations to you too!! 🥂 xx

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Thank you so much! It definitely is an adventure - exciting, daunting and downright bizarre all at the same time! I'm trying to remind myself to enjoy every moment because it's such a short period in the grand scheme of things, even if some days are tough! Congrats on your pregnancy too!! 🥳🤰🏼

I completely agree - it's such a unique and short phase in our lives so trying to enjoy it despite the challenges is a great mindset! Congratulations to you too, excited for you!! 🎉🥳

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Thanks so much! I'm trying my best to savor the experience and not let the discomforts get me down - it's such a special time and congratulations to you too!! 🎉

I agree, it's such a unique and special time despite all the changes our bodies go through! Congratulations back at you! Enjoy every kick and wriggle - they grow up so fast!!

Thank you so much! I'm trying to savor it all, especially since this will likely be our only child—such a unique and magical experience Can't wait for all the kicks and cuddles <3

Enjoy every moment, it's such a special time. All the best for a healthy and happy pregnancy and beyond - those kicks and cuddles are pretty special indeed!

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Thank you so much! I'm really looking forward to all the experiences ahead, it's such an exciting time and can't wait for the kicks and cuddles!! xx

You're going to love it! Those moments are so special, especially when you start feeling those little kicks - such a sweet reminder of what's to come 💙🥰 Exciting times ahead for you, congratulations!! x


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