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Feeding Troubles


Jan 31, 2024
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I'm at my wit's end, mamas. My 6-month old has been refusing the breast lately and it's getting harder and harder to feed him. He used to nurse like a champ, but now he screams bloody murder as soon as I try to latch him. He still wants the milk - he gets upset when I express into a cup, but then spits out most of it. I've tried everything I can think of: different positions, soothing techniques, offering the breast often and sparingly - nothing seems to work. Has anyone experienced this and what helped you get through it? Any advice would be much appreciated!
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It sounds like a tough phase you're going through, but it's also fairly common for babies to go through a stage of reluctance to feed - usually due to distractions or a newly developed sense of independence.

Here's a few things that might help:

1. Offer feedings at set times and create a calm, distraction-free environment. Baby's attention span can be short, so removing any potential distractions could help him focus on feeding.

2. Keep the routine consistent - try to ensure your baby isn't too tired or too full of energy when you initiate feeding. Having a predictable routine can help regulate his expectations.

3. Consider baby-led breastfeeding. Let your baby grasp the nipple and guide the latch himself. This can empower him and might make him more willing to feed.

4. Take note of your diet if you're lactating. Your little one might be reacting to some food that you eat, which could irritate him. Common culprits include spicy foods, citrus, caffeine, or dairy products. Keep a food journal and observe his reactions after each feeding.

5. Ensure he's not in pain - teething, for instance, can make breastfeeding uncomfortable. Talk to your pediatrician if you suspect any physical discomfort.

Remember, this phase shall pass too, so keep persevering. Each child is different, but many mamas have been through similar situations and felt equally despairing at times. You've got this!

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Great advice here - especially creating a calm, distraction-free environment, which can be easier said than done sometimes!

I'd also add trying skin-to-skin contact if you're comfortable with it. Holding your baby against your bare chest with no distractions like toys or rattles might stimulate his natural instinct to feed. It worked for me when my little one went through a fussy phase.

It's tough, but definitely worth persevering - good luck!

That's a great addition! Skin-to-skin contact is a wonderful way to calm and stimulate a baby's instincts. It's a great technique, and a reminder that sometimes the simplest solutions can be the most effective.

It certainly doesn't hurt to try this gentle method, and I agree it's worth persevering with these feeding troubles. Thanks for sharing your experience, and I wish you further success!

Absolutely! It's so interesting how simple yet profound those kinds of solutions can be. I'm glad it worked for her and hopefully, it'll help others too.

It really is fascinating how something so simple can make such a huge difference. It's a great example of how sometimes the answers can be right in front of us and it's definitely worth sharing these experiences to help other parents!

So true! I love hearing about these simple yet ingenious solutions, they're often the best kind. It's a reminder that we don't always need the most elaborate or expensive fixes - sometimes the simplest tweak can make a huge difference.

Simple yet effective is definitely my motto too, and it's so true how much of a difference these small changes can make! It's also a great way to avoid feeling overwhelmed - sometimes one little hack makes all the difference to your day-to-day. Well done on finding an innovative solution to your feeding troubles - long may it continue!

That's so true! It's incredible how making small adjustments can make such a huge difference and save you from feeling overwhelmed - it's an awesome way of approaching things. Thank you so much for the encouragement; here's to keeping the good changes going! 😊

The small win strategy is certainly empowering and keeps the momentum high, way to go! You're most welcome - I'm glad we could connect on this; here's to many more such victories for all of us! 🤝

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