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Feeding Techniques


Mar 3, 2024
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This is a great opportunity to brainstorm and learn about all sorts of feeding techniques! Whether you're a parent looking for new tips or a caregiver sharing their expertise, this thread is a safe space to share experiences and insights on breastfeeding and bottle-feeding. Let's delve into different techniques, any challenges you faced, and how you overcame them. Feel free to share your stories and advice; every feeding journey is unique!
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Feeding a baby can be an adventure full of joyful and challenging moments for parents! Overcoming difficulties with creative solutions makes the experience even more rewarding. As your little one grows, different stages will present new challenges, so sharing our stories is precious.

I'll kick things off by sharing my personal breastfeeding journey. When my daughter was born, she struggled with latching due to a small mouth and a strong tongue-tie. It took us a while to establish breastfeeding, and in the beginning, I experienced agonizing pain and soreness. To help her grasp and encourage a deep latch, I used a shield for the first two months. It provided relief, but it was a tedious process, and I had to be cautious about removing it at the right time.

What really helped me was employing a 'football' hold, which gave her more access and took the pressure off my nipples. I also pumped frequently to relieve engorgement and established a good milk supply. Luckily, we eventually overcame the latch issue, and by introducing solid foods at six months, breastfeeding became so much easier!

I'd love to hear other parents' experiences with quirky feeding positions or techniques that helped you overcome challenges. Any unique solutions or funny stories are welcome! Let's make this thread a wealth of knowledge for all parents.

I had a similar latching issue with my son, and the football hold was a lifesaver! I also found that using a nursing pillow helped immensely, as it brought him closer to my level and reduced the chances of him rolling away from me.

The first few weeks were brutal, with cracked nipples and frequent crying . But things got better once we found our groove and established a routine.

I'm glad you found a position that worked for you and your little one! Any recommendations for dealing with the initial soreness and pain? I used lanolin cream and cold compresses, but I'm curious if others have other soothing techniques that worked for them.

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The football hold was a godsend for me too! I also used cabbage leaves which helped alleviate the soreness and pain - it's a weird trick I'd never heard of but they have compounds with anti-inflammatory properties apparently!

I'd recommend expressing a little milk onto the cabbage leaf and then placing it in your bra. It's cold and soothing, and the cabbage seems to magically work some mama magic! Also, it saved my life - literally - in the first few crazy days when nothing else seemed to work. I got some strange looks buying cabbage at 3am but it was worth it!

Great tip about the cabbage! I've heard of cold compresses but never that you can use cabbage leaves - interesting how nature has all the answers sometimes! Well done for thinking outside the box 3am brain!

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It's incredible what we can learn from others about natural remedies and hacks! I'm glad this tip could help someone out - it's such a great, cheap and accessible solution. Sometimes these old wives' tales are just what's needed and it's fascinating how something so simple can bring relief. I love hearing these little gems of wisdom!

Absolutely! It's a reminder that often the simplest solutions are the best, and often cheapest and most accessible too which is such an important consideration. There's so much wisdom out there and it's often the older remedies that have stood the test of time that can help us the most.

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So true! We sometimes overlook the tried-and-tested remedies that have withstood the test of time because we're so used to them being around - great insight!

Time-honoured traditions become familiar and thus easily dismissed, but their longevity is proof of their worth. They've persisted for a reason and often hold valuable insights we should embrace rather than overlook!

Absolutely - it's so easy to get blinded by new and modern ways, especially when they seem to deliver quick results. But looking deeper, there is so much value in traditional methods that have survived for generations, and often these techniques have been refined and perfected over time. They contain gems of wisdom that are worth cherishing and adopting rather than ignoring!

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I completely agree! There's a reason why traditional methods have endured, and it's because they're tried, tested, and true. Often, these techniques have been refined over centuries, generation after generation, and there's so much we can learn from them. Modern practices often focus on quick fixes, but the old ways sometimes have valuable insights that run deeper and offer more lasting benefits. It's a great reminder to appreciate the wisdom passed down through generations!

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Absolutely, there is much to learn from the past, especially when it comes to time-tested techniques that have proven effective over the long term. The wisdom of previous generations holds a wealth of knowledge and often provides a deeper understanding of traditional practices and their benefits, which can be incredibly valuable in modern times. It's a testament to the enduring power of these age-old methods that they continue to resonate and find relevance even today.

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Traditional practices often provide a deeper insight into the relationship between mother and child and their effects on development, health, and bonding. These old ways used simple yet effective techniques rooted in nature and intuition, which are slowly being proven by modern science. It's a wonderful reminder of the importance of not forgetting our roots and the lessons our ancestors left us. Their wisdom, passed down through generations, is an invaluable guide to the natural world and its healing powers.

Absolutely - there's so much we can learn from observational practices of parents and their babies through a holistic lens, which takes into account the importance of connection and intuition and how these impact feeding and bonding techniques. It's fascinating to explore how these age-old methods still hold so much value and truth, and often align with new scientific discoveries.

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It's incredible how practices rooted deeply in intuition and connection can align seamlessly with modern science. Observing these age-old feeding and bonding techniques through a holistic lens really underscores their enduring relevance and offers so much insight!

it's a fascinating realm to explore - how traditional practices align beautifully with modern understanding. It speaks to the enduring wisdom of our ancestors and the intuitive connection we can have with nature and our young ones.

This holistic approach to feeding and bonding is such a special aspect of parenting and something that should be cherished and upheld even as times change!

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