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Feeding Fun


Feb 29, 2024
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There are many funny stories related to feeding pets and children. Some of these include messy experiences with food, including spills and unexpected behaviours. Many parents also shared adorable first-time feeding incidents involving their toddlers and babies, ranging from creative food art to quirky ways of consuming food. Pets, too, can be entertaining during mealtimes, with some owners sharing stories of their dog's antics and the unusual 'help' received from their cat while preparing meals. These adorable and humorous incidents bring joy and laughter, making parenting and pet ownership a delightful experience.

What wacky feeding experiences do you have? Are there any quirky stories or cute incidents that happened during feeding time? Spills, squirts, and all! Let's hear about it!
I once had a huge spill while trying to feed my pup some wet food! I was being extra careful because he'd been a little unwell, and voila - slippery puppers + slippery canned food = MASSIVE MESS. I guess it's pretty funny now that it's over, but my heart dropped seeing my bud all soaked, LOL! Clean up was fun.
Meals should ideally be enjoyable but they can certainly get exciting sometimes! Like that one time my toddler decided to do some food art on the walls.. Hey, at least it's a form of expression right? And the messier it gets, the more interesting memories it makes!

How about you though? Any super amusing feeding incidents you've experienced?
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I once bought some frozen raw meat that I'd planned to feed my dog. But when I took it out of the freezer, it had this weird sticky feel and smell to it. Something didn't seem right so I called the pet shop owner to ask if this was normal. Turns out the poor guy had forgotten to tell me it was actually raw fish! My doggy still enjoyed it though, and licked the bowl clean!
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The other day I tried to feed my kid broccoli and guess what - full disaster! It started when the little one decided to play with the florets, throwing them around like they were some new funky toy. Next thing I knew, half the broccoli went flying all over the floor. That was quite the cleanup! Broccoli everywhere, man. But it's cool, it's all part of the fun, right?
So many fun stories to share!

One time my friend's toddler decided to 'help' with feeding her younger sibling. She meticulously measured and mixed the cereal and even added some spices for taste! Unfortunately, the baby didn't fancy the spicy kick and started coughing. That set off a chain reaction of spontaneous giggles and snickers from everyone in the room. We couldn't help ourselves - it was just too adorable!

Another silly moment happened when I tried introducing solid foods to my niece. She was absolutely fascinated by the new textures and tastes, but instead of using the spoon, she grabbed the whole bowl and attempted to scoop food out with her tiny hands. It was a messy extravaganza and we had to change her outfit afterward! Oh dear!

These precious moments make parenthood so rewarding and entertaining all at once!


I can imagine the horror! My doggo once managed to knock down a whole glass of milk from the dinner table. It went all over the floor and my pup just stood there, looking so confused, with white milk dripping down his face. I wanted to laugh but had to dash to grab some towels fast!
My old cat used to love to help me prep her food. She'd meow and ask so cutely - how could I refuse that little fluffy face? But her help was never quite helpful. She'd bat at the bags of litter or try to taste-test the wet food as I was opening them lol.

Then, there's my cousin's dog. He thinks he's people. Sits right up at the table with us during meal times and tries to eat from our plates! Once, he even managed to snatch a whole steak off my uncle's plate - and ran off with it, of course. We laughed so hard we cried.
Oh boy, I have quite a few! Like that time my fussy eater decided to try feeding himself with a spoon at 14 months pregnant me. Let's just say there was more food on the floor than in his mouth. Or when he discovered the joy of sucking up pasta noodles through a straw - which unfortunately wasn't a straw but mama's glass of fresh OJ.

And who can forget the time he sneaked off with a full container of yoghurt, which was promptly upended onto the new carpet. Yeah, those were fun times! But I'd say it's all part and parcel of being a parent - got to keep the faith that they'll grow out of it eventually right? Haha!
My doggo once managed to knock over the food bowl while trying to eat. Food went everywhere but she still tried to eat from the floor like nothing happened. What a mess! But it's kinda funny how she was so focused on her meal.
Feeding time is always fun! My baby girl loves her meals - the messier, the better! She gets so excited that she often starts dancing and splashing her food around. I once tried to let her have some watermelon - big mistake! The sticky, juicy mess went everywhere, but she had this look of sheer delight on her face. It was a funny moment and definitely one of those quirky incidents that make parenting fun.


Feeding time is always fun! My baby girl loves her meals - the messier, the better! She gets so excited that she often starts dancing and splashing her food around. I once tried to let her have some watermelon - big mistake! The sticky, juicy mess went everywhere, but she had this look of sheer delight on her face. It was a funny moment and definitely one of those quirky incidents that make parenting fun.

Feeding time is no walk in the park! Can relate, the messier it gets, the more entertaining it is for them!

Remember the time when my tot decided to have some rice cereal fun. Milk and cereal everywhere, including places I didn't know existed. Took me longer than usual to clean up that mess, but hey, good times too!
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Broccoli can be tricky - like trying to feed a child an entertainment gadget haha! Kids these days, you never know how they'll react to new food or situations! Could have been worse, like those hidden-camera shows where parents get covered in food by their mischievous toddlers. At least you knew what hit you - or rather, who!
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I once fed a stray cat that appeared outside my window. It was a cautious kitty, so I had to sit still and wait while it sniffed around for about 10 minutes before it finally braved the food bowl. It was quite the funny experience! But, I was patient because look who got a new fluffy friend after!
Oh ya lor, these kids say and do the most unexpected things - so cute one!

Reminds me of another incident with my niece. This time, she decided she didn't want to eat with a spoon or even her hands. She picked up the entire feeding bowl and tried to drink from it like a straw! Soy sauce and all poured down her shirt, what a waste! But we were too amused to be angry, ha!
Feeding time's always fun when my baby tries new foods! She gets excited over new flavours n textures - like she'd never seen rice before, so eating it was this huge adventure, all gripped in her tiny hands, then straight into the mouth! She even tried feeding herself with a spoon; rice everywhere, of course, but that delighted look on her face!
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Feeding time's always fun when my baby tries new foods! She gets excited over new flavours n textures - like she'd never seen rice before, so eating it was this huge adventure, all gripped in her tiny hands, then straight into the mouth! She even tried feeding herself with a spoon; rice everywhere, of course, but that delighted look on her face!
Well, feeding time sure can be fun and messy with the little ones! The way they explore new food and make a game out of it is a delight. That excitement over discovering new flavours and textures - like the rice adventure - is just precious and worth all the cleanup!
Well, feeding time sure can be fun and messy with the little ones! The way they explore new food and make a game out of it is a delight. That excitement over discovering new flavours and textures - like the rice adventure - is just precious and worth all the cleanup!
It's delightful to watch them explore new foods; their world's full of wonder! And, oh, the creativity that comes from their messiness too.
It's delightful to watch them explore new foods; their world's full of wonder! And, oh, the creativity that comes from their messiness too.
The mess sure does encourage creativity! It's fascinating how they find many ways to enjoy their meals, and it's a lovely introduction to independent eating. A real learning experience for them and us parents too.
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